FAQS and General Info

What are the rules and guidelines for posting on the earthboppin boards?
A brief history of the earthboppin boards
How can I help cover the costs of running Earthboppin.net?
What is registration all about?

suggested reading: book and author lists from the boards

first of all, welcome to everyone! if I haven't extended a personal welcome to you I apologize, but y'all showed up so fast I haven't been able to keep up! lol...invite anyone you want to who you feel would either contribute or just enjoy reading...use your own discretion...I have invited everyone I had an email address for and I see that others are extending invites to those they have contact info for...that is great and it is a real feel good place here because of the presence of this extended family...I don't want anyone to post the url on Jim's new boards because I don't think that would be ethical and it would also pass the url to trolls who may still be monitoring that site...personally I wish Jim had kept this old talkshop format and just had his new webman moderate or had some of us moderate but what is done is done and here we are...

these boards have taken off much faster than I reckoned and I will need to get a domain name and transfer the boards over to it soon... I'm thinking syzzylgy.org as the domain name but am open to suggestions for a domain name for the boards...there will be costs associated with doing this and when I get a handle on them I will post a budget and a way to donate $$$ to support these boards...it should be pretty cheap because we don't have lots of hits coming from passers through that heard about the site on coast to coast or some other widely available source of the url...I can get a domain hosted for about $5/month on a good fast server (same folks as this one) but that may go up if the bandwidth does...that and the cost of domain name registration (around $10/year) are the only expenses...when the switch is made the current urls will automagically bring you to the new urls for a period of time until everyone has the new ones... I have taken the visible ips off the posts but they are being logged...posters who engage in posting flammatory content or intent will be dealt with in one of 3 ways...
1) warned to desist of such posting
2) be given a timeout (banned for a week or so from posting)
3) banned by ip address or other means

it is not difference of opinion that creates conflict it is how the difference of opinion is stated...hopefully we can state our positions without getting into the gutter with personal attacks, at least not too often...lol

if we end up under seige as we were under the old boards I may go to registration...this would make it so everyone's name would be unique and you would have to be registered to post...it would cost nothing but ensure that each username was protected...each registration would go though me via email but once a nickname has been registered it is protected...hopefully it won't come to that...I think moderating will be enough and if I find it too much to deal with I may recruit some other moderators...

I think the boards cover the range of topics we like to discuss pretty well...I am open to suggestions though as to new boards or redefining existing ones...I may set up a sensitives board again if there is a clamor for such...there are 2 votes for one already...please post input on this board (tech support)

I want these boards to be democratic, meaning when there is an issue to resolve or a change to be made I want the input of y'all to decide on a course of action ...of course the buck stops here but I want to have your input always...

I have no doubt that these boards will crash at times...it's the nature of the beast...I should be pretty on top of such an event because I should be here daily unless I am on vacation or something...when they do I will fix them as quickly as time and my programming skills allow...these boards are my hobby, not a job, and as painful as it may be when they are down it may take some time to resurrect them...I will be periodically removing some old posts to try to keep the boards streamlined for fast loading and to preserve disk space but will strive to keep any posts with archivable content...if you need to contact me send me an email with the link on the main menu page
that is a basic html page and should always be available unless the whole server has crashed...I hope to have that page show the last post time for each board soon like the old boards did but just haven't had the time...there is also a link on the main menu page to a page with tips about how to add html to your posts, like images, colors, urls, etc...I will probably add a FAQ link there when I get around to it...

guess that is it for now...be nice and enjoy each other and our time together...
bopp out

A Brief History Of The Earthboppin Boards
written by LA Man (LA Man like Los Angeles Man, not the french/spanish la man)

Not sure if you know the history of these historic, unprecedented boards, but suffice it to say they have been around in one form or another since (I think) 1996 or 98, some of the OG's would know. That was when it was the Syzygy boards, but before that and running corollary to it was the Hotsheets. RIP. You can still find some of it on the waybackmachine! The very very firstest boards were a single board!

Syzygy (in that incarnation) was an freely open board, no registration required, which of course invited all the crazy people to post at will. (I wasn't one of them I swear!) The site was run by Will Fletcher, a really really great guy. They were basically Jim Berkland's boards, of Syzygy Prediction fame. He now has his own boards, which are subscription via his newsletter (free with newsletter) or you can pay to post. This was done to "alleviate" the trolls which had infested the previous site beyond repair.

When those boards bid sayonara, all of us spread hither and yon across the internet spectrum. Our fabulous host Mr. Bopp, who had been a poster on the old boards, gratuitously formed these boards, which use the same software as the old boards, then we proffered names for the boards and he set it up on his dime. This site is paid for solely via donations, and as far as I know, Bopp has n ever had to do any kind of "funding" drive, since those of us who dink his bandwidth in a liberal fashion, liberally pay along the way.

That's why/how we have no ads on here. Post n' go.

Through the several (?) years that Mr. Bopp has run these boards they have expanded to include a host of topics, and slowly we added (back) to the ranks many of the "old posters" from the other boards, as they by hook or crook, word of mouth or internet search, found the old group.

The rest, if not here, are JOB's official boards. (James O. Berkland) Some post here and there, some only post there, some go there then find us here.

We are by far the most eclectic, varied, and diverse group you will probably run across on the internet, that isn't banded around a common theme or motif or cause. We have scientists to lay people, every shade in between, working stiffs to retired folk, some smart people, some very smart people, and some very VERY smart people. You make the call.

There really is no pecking order here, Bopp is the boss, they're his boards, but you will find him tolerant (though nauseated at times) of a variety of views.

Some of us are long-winded, and some get er done in two sentences or less. Some only lurk and occasionally post, and some post incessantly.

Anyways, that's an RD version of the boards and their history. Heck of a lot better than the insanity that is Yahoo or MSN or wherever else they have boards...

and a commentary by John in SC:
welcome to the Boppin Zoo. Here you will find kindred spirits, wanderers, searchers, pompous asses, and every sort of character you can imagine. And in this Bazaare of the Bizaare, you can find much fun. Best wishes.

status report on domain name

the voting is over...
AND I WON!!!...lol
seriously, I have decided to name the boards earthboppin.net
I felt earthwatchers was a bit narrow in scope and had no desire to proclaim the boards as mine, such as boppsboards, because they are our boards...I just maintain them..anyway, I think that name is a good compromise and pretty easy to remember...

it appears hosting costs have gone up a bit since I last bought a domain..I will break out the costs once I get the new boards up and get a handle at what we are looking at...thanks to everyone for participating... bopp out

Rules and Guidelines
The basic rules for posting are quite simple. Don't make it personal except on the "Let It All Hang Out" board (liaho). No flaming, trolling, stalking or personal attacks, except on liaho. No porn or advertising anywhere. Abusers will get a warning...further abuse will lead to a timeout...further abuse will lead to permanent banishment.

Using someone else's name to post will result in an automatic permanent banishment.

If you feel you are being abused or harrassed by another poster in violation of these rules then post to me on the tech board or send me an email. All final decisions on these matters will be made by the sole moderator, mr bopp.

Registration 7/8/07
I have added the option of posters having name/handle registration. This is to help prevent troublemakers from posting using someone else's name/handle. This is totally optional. If you choose to register your name/handle you will be prompted to enter a password. This password will be required for you to submit a post after you register. Please remember your password! They cannot be changed. If you do forget your password or wish to change it you wil have to write me a note on the tech board or send me an email so I can delete your existing registration. Than you will have to reregister.

Registered names/handles are NOT case sensitive, so mr bopp covers Mr Bopp etc...Spaces, or leading and trailing whitespace should also be filtered out, so mr bopp covers mrbopp etc...

If you check the "Remember my personal information:" box it will set a cookie in your browser and then your browser should automatically fill in the name and password fields for you when you write a post...

Note to jerks who register someone else's name: automatic permanent ban

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