Reading Lists

an excellent library of writings to be used for spiritual growth, reflection and entertainment

from Susan:
Everything by Jane Roberts, especially "Seth Speaks," "The Nature of Personal Reality," and "Dialogues of the Soul and the Mortal Self in Time"
Everything by Carlos Castaneda, especially "The Teachings of don Juan, A Yaqui Way of Knowledge," "Tales of Power," "A Separate Reality" and "Journey to Ixtlan" (still catching up with his later works!)
The Readings of Edgar Cayce, as brought forward in several books such as "There is a River" by Thomas Sugrue, as well as being accessible online with paying membership with the Cayce organization (A.R.E.)
Everything by Ram Dass, especially, "Be Here Now," "The Only Dance There Is," "Grist for the Mill" (with S. Levine), "Journey Of Awakening" and "Compassion in Action"
"The Road Less Traveled" by M. Scott Peck
"The Mists of Avalon" by Marion Zimmer Bradley
"Autobiography of a Yogi" by Yogananda
Everything by Stephen Levine, especially "A Gradual Awakening" and "Conscious Living/Conscious Dying"
"Mister God, This is Anna" by Fynn
"Hymn of the Universe" and "Human Energy" by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
"Toward a Psychology of Being" and "Religions, Values and Peak Experiences" by Abraham Maslow
"The Doors of Perception" by Aldous Huxley
Everything by Carl Jung, especially "Symbols of Transformation," "The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious," "Memories, Dreams, Reflections"
"The Divided Self" and "The Politics of Experience" by R. D. Laing
"The Celestine Prophecy" and "The Tenth Insight" by James Redfield
Everything by John Bradshaw
Everything by Leo Buscaglia
Everything by Mariane Williamson
Everything by Starhawk, especially "The Fifth Sacred Thing"
Everything by Terence McKenna, especially "The Evolutionary Mind" and "Chaos, Creativity and Cosmic Consciousness"
"Seven Arrows" and "Song of Heyokah" by Hyemeyosts (sp?) Storm
Everything by Paulo Cuelho
"The Four Agreements" and "Mastery of Love" by Don Miguel Ruiz
"Anam Cara" by John O'Donohue
"The Nine Faces of Christ" and "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" by Levi
A Course in Miracles
Various works by Hafiz
Various works by Rumi
Various works by Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Emily Dickinson
"The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran
Various teachings from Lazaris
Various teachings from a being named Pretty Flower, channeled by L. Miriandra Rota
"My Way, the Way of the White Cloud" by Osho
"Trances People Live; Healing Approaches in Quantum Psychology" by Stephen Wolinsky, Ph.D.
"El An Ra, The Healing of Orion" by Solara
Patricia Kennealy Morrison's sci-fi/fantasy trilogy, The Copper Crown, The Silver Branch and the Throne of Scone. Way cool bridging of an ancient/Celtic, future/sci-fi world, excellently written
Hugh Prather! "Notes to Myself"
"Codependent No More" by Melody Beattie

And regarding astrology, favorite writers/teachers are:
Caroline Casey
Howard Sasportas
Liz Greene
Donna Cunningham
(some) Zip Dobyns
Jeffrey Greene
Stephen Arroyo
Dane Rudhyar
Barbara Hand Clow's book "Chiron"
(some) Noel Tyl

from XXX:
Don't forget Lord Dunsany, H P Lovecraft (especially "Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath")and David Lindsay. Colin Wilson said Lindsay's "Voyage to Arcturus" was the greatest novel of the 20th Century. It is chockful of truths.
W B Yeats wrote poems of incredible spiritual power but the best books of all are still the old classics: "The Bhagavad Gita" and the "Tao te Ching".

from Chuckles:
Beautiful Painted Arrow by Joseph E. Rael
The Prophet's Candle by Daniel
The Third Eye, The Hermit and others books by Lobsang Rampa
Books by Tom Brown JR. especially Grandfather and Vision Quest
Poems by Hafiz
No Eyes by Mary Summer Rain and The Pheonix Rising
The Boy Who Saw True
Dweller on Two Planets
Way Of The Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman
The God Within and Talks With Christ by Elwood Babbitt and Charles Hapgood
Jelly Be Dreams flavors by Charles(me)
The greatest love story ever written(a smybol is used for the title and at present not available to the public and is written by P. Sheth
Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss
And most of all, the Bible
But the greatest book ever written which I hope some of you get a glimps of is called, The Book Of Life My final posting will be from this book and it will be posted on the dream board on September 24,2007

from mr bopp:
"Morning of the Magicians" Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier
"Tales Of Remarkable Men" Gurdjieff
"Autobiography Of A Yogi" Yogananda
"The Aquarian Gospel Of Jesus the Christ" Levi
"The Little Flowers Of St. Francis" Raphael Brown
"The Vision", "The Journey", "The Quest", Grandfather" Tom Brown
"Seven Arrows", Song Of Heyoehkah" Hyemeyohsts Storm
"Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee" Dee Brown
"Lame Deer Seeker Of Visions" Lame Deer and Richard Erdoes
"Black Elk Speaks" John G. Neihardt
"The Holographic Universe" Michael Talbot
The Nag Hammadi Library
"Spiritwalker Messages from the Future" by Hank Wesselman
"Medicinemaker" by Hank Wesselman
"Back To Eden" Jethro Kloss
"The Dancing Wu Li Masters" Gary Zukov
"Lord Of The Rings" and all by Tolkien
Ken Kesey
"Dharma Bums", "On The Road" and otherJack Kerouac
"The Glass Bead Game", Steppenwolf","Demian", Siddhartha", "Narcissus and Goldmund" all Herman Hesse

from April/NC:
"Last Cry" Native American Prophecies Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf
"The New Earth" by: Eckhart Tolle

from Jody/Concord:
" The Custodians" By Dolores Cannon
"Jesus and the Essenes" also by Dolores Cannon
"The Essenes; Children of the Light" By Stuart Wilson and Joanna Prentis
Uriel's Machine By Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas
Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls By Michael Newton, Ph.D.
The Clan of the Cave Bear series By Jean Auel
The Children of MU series By Col. James Churchward
anything by Graham Hancock
anything by Florence Scovel Shinn
anything by Deepak Chopra
anything by David Childress
Crystal Healing Book vol 1 & 2 By Dael Walker
Rock Medicine By Sela Weidemann Randazzo
The Crystal Bible By Judy Hall (anything by her)
Beyond the Light By P.M.H. Atwater (anything by her)
The Phoenix Returns By Kristina Gale-Kumar
Shaman, Healer, Sage By Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.
Awesome book on Peruvian Shamanism. All his books are gems but this is my favorite.

from Tehachapi Dawn:
"The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron

from chatillion:
Unforgiven - Charles Walters
The Keys of this Blood - Malachi Martin
Coningsby - B Disraeli
Far and Wide - Douglas Reed
Whose Land? Whose Promise? - Gary M Burge
Bulfinch's Mythology
With Love and Irony - Lin Yutang
Babette's Feast - Isak Dinesen
People of the Lie - F Scott Peck
Gods, Genes and Consciousness - Paul W Ward
Supernature, Beyond Supernature - Llyall Watson
The Secret Life of Inanimate Objects - L Watson
Trilogy: Out of the Silent Planet/Perelandra/That Hideous Strength - C S Lewis
Til We Have Faces - C S Lewis
A Tear and a Smile - K Gibran
The Essential Rumi - Barks
Unconventional Flying Objects, a Scientific Analysis - Paul R Hill
Lee's Priceless Recipes - Classic Reprints
Adell Davis' books on nutrition
The Star Thrower - Loren Eisley
The Dynasty of Abu - Ivan Sanderson
Passport to Magonia - Jacques Vallee
Forbidden Science - Jacques Vallee
Epicenter - Rosenberg
Memories, Dreams and Reflections - C Jung
Perceptions of Palestine - K Christison
Married to Another Man - Karmi
Montsegur and the Mystery of the Cathars - J Markale
Ornament of the World - M R Menocal
The Old Straight Track - Alfred Watkins
J.C. Pearce's The Crack in the Cosmic Egg which has a sequel, Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg
The Hidden Life of Inamimate Objects, Lyall Watson, who also wrote Gifts of Unknown Things
Bridging Science and Spirit, Norman Friedman Uriel's Machine, Knight & LOmas

Did God Have a Wife?, Wm G. Dever
The Left Hand of God, Adolf Holl
Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock
From the Ashes of Angels, Andrew Collins
Also recommend Sitchen's series and The Complete Books of Charles Fort
Invisible Residents - Ivan Sanderson
Palestine Inside Out: An Everyday Occupation - Saree Makdisi
Small-Scale Grain Raising - Gene Logsdon
The Origins of Biblical Monotheism - Mark K Smith
The Isiaih Effect - Greg Braden
any of Arthur Guirdham's 6+ books on the Cathars
The Treasure of Montsegur - Sophy Burnham
The Nag Hammadi Library - Robinson
the works of Josephus
Eichmann in Jerusalem - Hannah Arendt
Between the Lines - ed Honig-Parnass & Haddad
When Technology Fails - Matthew Stein
Gardening when it counts - Steve Solomon
Blood and Religion - Jonathan Cook
We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land - Jimmy Carter
The Fire - Jorg Friedrich
Cabbala of Power - Israel Shamir (surprised this managed to get published!)
Flowers of Galilee - Israel Shamir
Betrayal of Science and Reason - P & A Ehrlich
Unconventional Flying Objects - Paul R Hill
The Organic Way to Plant Protection - Rodale books
The I Ching - trans. Richard Wilhelm
Nourishing Traditions - Sally Fallon
The Seven Daughters of Eve - Bryan Sykes
Root Cellaring - Mike & Nancy Bubel
Food First - Frances M Lappe

from terter:
All Edgar Cayce
ALL Carlos Castenada
ALL Seth Materials- Jane Roberts
All celestine Prophecies
EVERYTHING by Peirs Anthony(Incarnations of Immortality were my favorites)
The Voyagers I and II-Ashayana Deane(still reading)
Plieadians-(exact title??)by Barbara Marciniack
The pleiadian Mission Randolph Winters
"the book of secrets"- Depok Chopra
"Children of the Matrix"- David Icke
Brad Stieger --all of his books
Robert Monroe-all of his books

from kasha:
Flying Saucers Have Landed, by George Adamski
Autobiography of a Yogi, by Yogananda
Children of the Atom, by Wilmar H. Shiras
Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert Heinlein
The Diary of Anne Frank
The Feminine Mystique, by Betty Friedan
Black Like Me (can't remember the author)

The Population Bomb, Paul Ehrlich
The Second Sex, by Simone de Bouvoir
How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World, by Harry Browne
Open Marriage, by the O'Neills (I think)

The Nature of Personal Reality, by Jane Roberts (Seth)
Handbook to Higher Consciousness, by Ken Keyes
Be Here Now, by Ram Dass
This Is It, by Alan Watts
The Murder of Christ, by Wilhelm Reich
Scripts People Live, by Eric Berne
The Politics of Ecstasy, and Diary of a Hope Fiend, by Timothy Leary
The Language of the Body, by Dr. Alexander Lowen
The Invisible College, by Jacques Vallee

Crack in the Cosmic Egg, by Joseph Chilton Pearce
The Action Approach (can't remember the author)
Food First, by Frances Moore Lappe
This Season's People and Mind At Play, by Stephen Gaskin
Uncommon Therapy, by ...? (biography of Milton Erickson)
The Cosmic Trigger, by Robert Anton Wilson

Theory of the Leisure Class, by Thorstein Veblen
The American Book of the Dead, by E.J. Gold

When God Was a Woman, by Merlin Stone
Women's Evolution, by Evelyn Reed
The Evolution of Woman, by Elaine Morgan
Wheels of Life, by Anodea Judith
Time Pressure, by Spider Robinson

True Hallucinations, by Terence McKenna
Sex and Destiny: The Politics of Human Fertility, by Germaine Greer
Nobody, Nowhere, by Donna Williams
The Prophet's Way, by Thom Hartmann

from Kate in AZ:
"Tibetan Book of Living and Dying"

from Mariane:
"The Seat of the Soul" by Gary Zukov
The Law of Life book I and II by A.D.K. Luk
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
all books by Deepak Chopra and of course all the Edgar Cayce books

from Melissa/Mercy:
"Snow Crash" by Neal Stephenson
Anything by Dr. Suess, especially the following: "The Lorax" "The Sneeches and other stories" "Yurtle the Turtle and the other stories"

from Dona:
science fiction by Isaac Asimov when I was a little kid and Future Shock at 11.
Old Yeller and The Red Fern Grows as a little kid also shaped my views I believe.
Latter,The Teachings of Don Juan and Plato.

from James in Portland:
The Power of Intention Wayne Dyer
The Power of Now Tolle
Any books by Tom Robbins
The Crack in the Cosmic Egg Pearce
Science of Mind Ernest Holmes
And, of course, Peanuts

from Roger Hunter:
"The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins
M. Z. Bradley
Patricia Cornwell
Cathryn Alpert
Gene Wolfe
Ray Bradbury

from Morganator:
"A Course in Miracles"

from ASK in MT:
Starseed Transmissions; Vision; Return of the Bird
Tribes; Into the Third Millennium - four books by Ken Carey) Vision is shortest of the four and is much a like a summary of the series)
Beyond the Human Species - Georges Van Vrekhem
A New America, An Awakened Future on Our Horizon - by Kochkin and Van Camp

from John in SC:
1. Propaganda, Jacques Ellul
2. The Technological Society, Jacques Ellul
3. Snapping, Flo Conaway and Jim Sigelmann
4. Memories, Dreams and Reflections, Carl Jung
5. The Conjuring of Philip
6. Supernature, Lyall Watson
7. The Holographic Universe, Michael Talbot
8. Ghosts of the Air, Martin Caidin
9. The Silmarillion, JRR Tolkien
10. The Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien
11. Conceptions of God in Ancient Egypt, Erik Hornung
12. Nurslings of Immortality, Raynor Johnson*
13. The Zermatt Dialogues, Douglas Fawcett
14. The Oberland Dialogues, Douglas Fawcett
15. The Tarot, Mouni Sadhu (Dmitri Sudowski)
16. In Days of Great Peace, Mouni Sadhu
17. The Rediscovery of Man, Cordwainer Smith
18. Reality, Peter Kingsley*
19. In the Dark Places of Wisdom, Peter Kingsley*
20. mind blowing book on Gnosticism by John Lash called "Not In His Image" 21. Thrice Upon a Time by James Hogan

from Sandy/alb:
"practicing god's presence" the words were written by a lawrence from the 1600's in france, updated edition by robert elmer

from kemokae:
Ok, everyone mostly has the ones I've read already listed but here's a few more...Indian Medicine Power by Brad Steiger, The way of the Shaman by Micheal Harner, Shamanism and the Mystery lines by Paul Devereux, The Gifts of the Jews by Thomas Cahill, Discover your Past Lives, by Allen Forster, eyewitness to History edited by John Carey, Wheels of Life by Judith Anodea and Hands of Light by Barbara Brennen..and you have already named Stitichin's series, Cacey's books, Graham Hancock, James Redfied, Tom Brown, and most the best sellers over the last 15 years..I also have an complete series of like encyclopedia books called "History's greatest written works", which covers various religions, poet's, printed hisotrical documents, worldwide besides those to American history. It covers like the Koran, Buddha, Christianity, stories like "the Aladin and a thousand nights"..poets like Tenneyson to Emerson, documents like the Magma Carta to the US Constitiution/Bill of Rights, it's got Darwin to Mythology in it. It's an 15 book series. I have books like Black Elks..Don Juan/CArlos Casentda (sp) and many UFO and Stonehedge type books like Holy Blood, Holy GRail, and many cultural books in general, and to many to list completely, but I thought these books give an good basic "groundwork" to the novice reader. I have two corner's of the garage as an book shelf, and three unit book shelf, and container after constainer of articles also. Old issues of National Geographic, Sunset Magazine, Popular Science, and Mother Earth News also.Upteen Herb books, and medical books, upteen Managerial/psychology books, upteen home craft type books and building your home books, Roadside Geology, Berkland's newest, cookbooks of every enthnic persuasion, that's enough for now.

from Leena:
DMT The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman -also it is true as they say after reading this book you might encounter some unusual things! Entering The Circle by Olga Kharitidi , M.D, -a true shamanistic encounter in the Siberia's Altai Mountains, - I highly recommend it!! Most of the other books on my list were all of the Castaneda's books and also the the bio of The Yogananda, -not to mention I do love Dr Seuss and specially the Grinch ,-I thought all in all he was the most interesting character of them all.....