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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 Re: Yes, I'm Chiming in With a Question, shadow.   shadow   19-MAR-2024 17:39:55 
 Re: Yes, I'm Chiming in With a Question, shadow.   Chuckles   19-MAR-2024 16:36:25 
 Yes, I'm Chiming in With a Question, shadow.   blindhog 6th sense   19-MAR-2024 16:19:24 
 Adult Conversation/Intelligence Like This Man's    blindhog 6th sense   19-MAR-2024 13:09:53 
 Why Did You Delete the Post on the Ideological Schism Within Faiths?   blindhog 6th sense   19-MAR-2024 12:46:19 
 Hey....if both of you would do that, it'd, the best of all...   shadow   18-MAR-2024 07:39:35 
 you need to lower your expectations   akira   18-MAR-2024 07:11:54 
 Re: just reporting the back to your allowed board...   mr bopp   17-MAR-2024 20:02:27 
 Re: I'd reply shadow but ryan would ban me completely...   shadow   17-MAR-2024 17:44:45 
 Re: I'd reply shadow but ryan would ban me completely...   Nevada   17-MAR-2024 17:36:08 
 just reporting the back to your allowed board...   Nevada   17-MAR-2024 17:23:11 
 ...he has said he will vote for him... what's your point ryan?   chatillon   17-MAR-2024 13:52:50 
 Re: ...he has said he will vote for him... what's your point ryan?   old timer   17-MAR-2024 11:38:34 
 Re: ...he has said he will vote for him... what's your point ryan?   ryan   17-MAR-2024 11:20:27 
 Re: I'd reply shadow but ryan would ban me completely...   shadow   17-MAR-2024 11:05:58 
 I'd reply shadow but ryan would ban me completely...   Nevada   17-MAR-2024 10:47:16 
 Re: ...he has said he will vote for him... what's your point ryan?   shadow    17-MAR-2024 09:48:15 
 ...he has said he will vote for him... what's your point ryan?   Nevada   17-MAR-2024 09:30:24 
 Re: trolling shadow, you're wasting your time following me around   shadow   17-MAR-2024 07:33:51 
 trolling shadow, you're wasting your time following me around   akira   17-MAR-2024 05:18:13 

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    Last Updated: 30-Aug-2013 14:32:46, 80837 Bytes
    Author: Brian Steele