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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 309 lab acquired infections& 16 pathogen lab escapes between 2000-2023   akira   23-DEC-2023 17:22:54 
 Re: never had a good feeling about fusion...   ryan   23-DEC-2023 09:36:25 
 Re: never had a good feeling about fusion...   Eve   23-DEC-2023 04:58:49 
 Re: never had a good feeling about fusion...   Eve   23-DEC-2023 03:15:08 
 Re: never had a good feeling about fusion...   Skywise   22-DEC-2023 21:05:13 
 Re: never had a good feeling about fusion...   Eve   22-DEC-2023 16:34:02 
 never had a good feeling about fusion...   ryan   22-DEC-2023 15:22:03 
 Problem With Earthquake Forecasting - Dec. 21, 2023   EQF   21-DEC-2023 07:34:15 
 Controversial Nature Paper on Evolution of Life and Universe   akira   17-DEC-2023 04:50:39 
 Thanks Mr. Bopp - Dec. 14, 2023   EQF   14-DEC-2023 19:34:50 
 Re: AI combined with lab-grown human brain tissue to make hybrid...   shatterbrain   14-DEC-2023 06:08:20 
 AI combined with lab-grown human brain tissue to make hybrid computer   Eve   13-DEC-2023 17:06:09 
 'Full Fact' sez AI imagery reducing info trust   shatterbrain    13-DEC-2023 05:53:12 
 Re: AI: Science or black box blind faith ?   georg   12-DEC-2023 12:35:55 
 AI: Science or black box blind faith ?   shatterbrain   12-DEC-2023 09:38:41 
 Re: radio halos indicate decay rates not constant though out time   georg   08-DEC-2023 13:23:28 
 radio halos indicate decay rates not constant though out time   georg   07-DEC-2023 17:08:44 
 Re: so much has been said to be "impossible" because of...   Eve   06-DEC-2023 23:10:39 
 Re: so much has been said to be "impossible" because of...   ryan   06-DEC-2023 22:13:25 
 Re: so much has been said to be "impossible" because of...   georg   06-DEC-2023 21:37:32 

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