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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 One judge’s ruling threatens American scientific research   ryan   05-OCT-2023 09:40:29 
 Re: New "electric blue" tarantula found in Thailand   shadow   21-SEP-2023 11:56:08 
 Re: New "electric blue" tarantula found in Thailand   Redhart   21-SEP-2023 11:36:49 
 Re: New "electric blue" tarantula found in Thailand   shadow   21-SEP-2023 03:14:35 
 New "electric blue" tarantula found in Thailand   Redhart   20-SEP-2023 13:05:07 
 Re: Evidence suggests past humans nearly went extinct    joe   12-SEP-2023 15:25:53 
 Countercloud: Sheeple subversion experiment    shatterbrain   03-SEP-2023 11:23:26 
 Evidence suggests past humans nearly went extinct    shatterbrain   01-SEP-2023 11:17:36 
 Plants Really Do 'Scream'.   chatillon   31-AUG-2023 19:31:48 
 Michio Kaku Breaks In Tears: "Quantum Computer Just SHUT DOWN After It   23-AUG-2023 21:53:38 
 Re: Interesting... WtFrac   ryan   18-AUG-2023 22:21:17 
 Re: Interesting... WtFrac   Mitra   18-AUG-2023 20:39:20 
 Interesting... WtFrac   Mitra   18-AUG-2023 20:26:30 
 methane-fueled 'termination' significant enough to end an ice age   Mitra   18-AUG-2023 19:40:55 
 Re: They will one day, find that it's...   ryan   14-AUG-2023 23:08:51 
 Re: They will one day, find that it's...   09-AUG-2023 20:45:41 
 Following are Probably a Dumb Questions..NO, There is No Thing as a...   blindhog 6th sense   07-AUG-2023 22:42:59 
 Automata: The Extraordinary "Robots" Designed Hundreds Of Years Ago |    pamela   05-AUG-2023 22:02:13 
 Massive ocean discovered beneath the Earth's crust containing more wat   pamela   27-JUL-2023 23:36:28 
 the biggest physics discovery of my lifetime? LK-99   akira   26-JUL-2023 05:33:39 

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