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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 Re: AI: Worse than WMD ??   shadow   06-JUN-2023 12:11:47 
 Re: AI: Worse than WMD ??(NT)   shatterbrain   06-JUN-2023 11:01:02 
 Re: AI: Worse than WMD ??   ryan   06-JUN-2023 10:17:42 
 AI: Worse than WMD ??   shatterbrain   06-JUN-2023 08:38:35 
 Scientist Who Lives at the Bottom of the Ocean Claims the Atlantic Has   pamela   04-JUN-2023 00:13:21 
 Re: The Secret Sonic Life of Plants   georg   01-JUN-2023 15:50:42 
 Re: The Secret Sonic Life of Plants   georg   01-JUN-2023 13:23:46 
 Here's how Google will DESTROY the media   shatterbrain   01-JUN-2023 09:13:16 
 Re: Artificial intelligence pioneer leaves Google and warns about...   ryan   30-MAY-2023 08:14:24 
 SpaceX and the science of failure   ryan   29-MAY-2023 11:35:57 
 Galileo Project publishes first peer-reviewed scientific papers in JAI   akira   26-MAY-2023 16:34:21 
 AI: Mind-reading machines are here   ryan   21-MAY-2023 13:18:14 
 The Volcanic Winter Of 536 AD: When The Sun Disappeared | Catastrophe    pamela   19-MAY-2023 22:14:28 
 Re: Irish, a tree ring research about what might have happened   pamela   19-MAY-2023 17:04:40 
 Irish, a tree ring research about what might have happened   pamela   19-MAY-2023 13:03:45 
 Automakers Are Bringing Back Buttons and Knobs as Touch Screens Become   04-MAY-2023 18:11:26 
 Re: Artificial intelligence pioneer leaves Google and warns about...   Eve   04-MAY-2023 09:05:42 
 Artificial intelligence pioneer leaves Google and warns about technolo   02-MAY-2023 18:54:39 
 Re: Native Americans used horses far earlier than historians had...   georg   30-APR-2023 15:52:24 
 Re: Native Americans used horses far earlier than historians had...   georg   30-APR-2023 15:47:39 

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