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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 To add...   Awen   27-OCT-2021 06:33:43 
 Re: Confronting Ignorance and Ignorant Confrontations   Awen   27-OCT-2021 06:29:55 
 Re: Confronting Ignorance and Ignorant Confrontations   ryan   26-OCT-2021 21:42:46 
 Re: Confronting Ignorance and Ignorant Confrontations   Skywise   26-OCT-2021 20:44:11 
 Confronting Ignorance and Ignorant Confrontations   ryan   26-OCT-2021 10:36:48 
 Living with the world's oldest mummies   24-OCT-2021 21:48:41 
 Re: trumpist attempts extremely precise science   ryan   12-OCT-2021 22:56:10 
 Re: trumpist attempts extremely precise science   Rodney Boulderfield   12-OCT-2021 21:51:39 
 Re: trumpist attempts science   ryan   12-OCT-2021 20:07:32 
 trumpist attempts science   joe stampingbull   12-OCT-2021 15:16:28 
 Re: time crystals defy 2nd law of thermodynamics   Wubbo   07-OCT-2021 12:37:23 
 Re: ‘Ghost tracks’ suggest people came to the Americas earlier than...   ryan   03-OCT-2021 00:50:40 
 Re: ‘Ghost tracks’ suggest people came to the Americas earlier than...   02-OCT-2021 20:42:20 
 yes, this was Piltdown man come here for a stroll and walkabout (NT)   georg   01-OCT-2021 12:34:30 
 ‘Ghost tracks’ suggest people came to the Americas earlier than once t   ryan   30-SEP-2021 12:09:36 
 Superforce and Beelzebub & Biocentrism?   Akira   27-SEP-2021 11:49:09 
 sounds like you have a misperception about buddhism   Akira   27-SEP-2021 11:10:46 
 Can Volcanism Produce Hydrogen Fusion Reactions ???   Rodney Boulderfield   27-SEP-2021 08:09:23 
 Re: Superforce and Beelzebub   Johnl   22-SEP-2021 23:03:25 
 Superforce and Beelzebub   ryan   20-SEP-2021 10:45:51 

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