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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 Re: Hidden Figures, Katherine Johnson, passes at age 101   28-FEB-2020 05:48:43 
 Quick easy fun responses to climate change deniers. Link(NT)   Mitra   27-FEB-2020 09:56:51 
 Hidden Figures, Katherine Johnson, passes at age 101   Redhart   24-FEB-2020 09:27:50 
 Ancient ‘megasites’ may reshape the history of the first cities   Alan   19-FEB-2020 08:22:45 
 Re: New amplifier is able to boost hidden frequencies in the EM...   ryan   17-FEB-2020 14:07:30 
 Re: New amplifier is able to boost hidden frequencies in the EM...   Alan   17-FEB-2020 12:47:56 
 Re: New amplifier is able to boost hidden frequencies in the EM...   ryan   17-FEB-2020 10:48:34 
  Tyrannosaur Species Dubbed 'Reaper of Death' Discovered in Canada   13-FEB-2020 11:46:06 
 New amplifier is able to boost hidden frequencies in the EM spectrum   Alan   13-FEB-2020 05:15:31 
 Re: this does not mean that are unable to live in true harmony(NT)   Akira   09-FEB-2020 12:20:29 
 Vesuvius victims died slower than believed   Alan   29-JAN-2020 05:28:49 
 Re: this does not mean that are unable to live in true harmony(NT)   David Fenton   27-JAN-2020 17:37:10 
 Man raised alongside chimps says it should never happen again   Alan   25-JAN-2020 14:43:35 
 Re: this does not mean that are unable to live in true harmony(NT)   Alan   25-JAN-2020 11:34:16 
 Re: this does not mean that are unable to live in true harmony(NT)   Alan   25-JAN-2020 11:32:18 
 Re: this does not mean that are unable to live in true harmony(NT)   ryan   25-JAN-2020 00:45:56 
 Re: this does not mean that are unable to live in true harmony(NT)   Alan   25-JAN-2020 00:36:50 
 Re: this does not mean that are unable to live in true harmony(NT)   ryan   24-JAN-2020 15:02:49 
 Re: this does not mean that are unable to live in true harmony(NT)   Alan   24-JAN-2020 12:12:20 
 Re: this does not mean that are unable to live in true harmony(NT)   JTRIV   24-JAN-2020 00:57:07 

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