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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 New test reveals electric cars are practically unusable in winter   Leslie   30-NOV-2019 08:18:00 
 New Robot Makes Soldiers Obsolete   Alan   31-OCT-2019 20:56:34 
 Re: George Clooney Against DUMBF**KERY   snodrop   26-OCT-2019 10:00:33 
 Re: George Clooney Against DUMBF**KERY   Redhart   20-OCT-2019 15:16:50 
 George Clooney Against DUMBF**KERY   Alan   20-OCT-2019 12:39:49 
 We have made another major discovery about early humans   Alan   15-OCT-2019 17:02:02 
 Artificial womb: Dutch researchers given €2.9m to develop prototype   Alan   08-OCT-2019 04:33:25 
 Re: Suggestions   Eve   03-OCT-2019 14:04:11 
 Re: Suggestions   chatillion   03-OCT-2019 04:16:48 
 Re: Suggestions (correction to prior post)   Eve   02-OCT-2019 19:30:27 
 Re: Suggestions   Eve   02-OCT-2019 19:07:10 
 Re: Suggestions   chatillion   02-OCT-2019 17:01:46 
 Re: Suggestions   Eve   02-OCT-2019 12:36:43 
 Re: Suggestions   Eve   02-OCT-2019 12:04:10 
 Suggestions   chatillion   02-OCT-2019 09:54:52 
 Re: The Intelligence of Plants   Eve   02-OCT-2019 04:46:04 
 Re: The Intelligence of Plants   Eve   02-OCT-2019 04:12:45 
 Re: The Intelligence of Plants   Eve   02-OCT-2019 04:00:38 
 Re: The Intelligence of Plants   chatillion   02-OCT-2019 03:41:17 
 Re: The Intelligence of Plants   Cinnamon in Oregon   01-OCT-2019 10:16:06 

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