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Date: November 17, 2016 at 07:46:35
From: blindhog 6th Sense, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Stephen Hawkings Says We Might Have 1000 Years Left...

...on earth. Basically he is saying the earth will be uninhabitable by then.

You can even see the degradation in our own country. Infrastructure is crumbling, water works are spewing out lead contaminated water, the number and amount of oxygen producing trees and plant life is being replaced with sprawling megacities.

Add to that, we have people and whole families (possibly carrying easily spread diseases, not to mention illegal addictive drugs which foster huge spikes in petty and serious crimes) illegally entering our country and having children just for the purpose of anchoring themselves forever into a country whose citizens didn't ask them to come. Illegal individuals and families which deplete our limited physical and financial resources. By the way, the poorest of the poor have the most children.)

Looking at the USA in the 50s and the USA now, it is hard to believe that we will even have the 1000 years that Hawkings tells us we have.

[6328] [6331] [6325] [6322] [6323] [6324]


Date: December 01, 2016 at 23:47:19
From: Polydactyl in N. Bay, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Stephen Hawkings Says We Might Have 1000 Years Left...

IMO, Stephen is being extra generous and hopeful in his 1000 years to an uninhabitable planet, at least for humans. We will see the effects, sadly, of what a couple or a few more major nuclear plant meltdowns will do, following increasing Wigner effects on metal in existing old NPP's and/or sudden electric failures from a solar kill shot or other geo-cataclysm that takes out multiple plants suddenly (not to mention someone actually going crazy and hitting the red button for a global nuke war like in ancient times?). We may have only a couple of months or be a couple of years away from the demise of humanity if we can't control or store our nuclear waste from the 455+ plants and many more storage sites on the planet. The handwriting is so 'on the wall' and in your face, I don't understand why so called leaders don't see that we have to make massive change to alternative energy NOW and dry cask our spent fuel, or, it's the end times, for real.



Date: December 02, 2016 at 01:20:42
From: Eve, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Stephen Hawkings Says We Might Have 1000 Years Left...


Hawking's also said if CERN succeeds it's gonna be way over done :

Dr. Stephen Hawking recently warned that the reactivation in March
of CERN’s large hadron collider could pose grave dangers to our planet…
the ultimate reality check we are warned. Hawking has come straight out
and said the ‘God particle’ found by CERN “could destroy the universe”
leaving time and space collapsed as shared in the 2nd video.



Date: December 01, 2016 at 15:59:31
From: LaMan, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Doggoneit, was just getting used to the place(NT)




Date: November 17, 2016 at 17:18:10
From: Terra11, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Stephen Hawkings Says We Might Have 1000 Years Left...b.s.

First of all there is NO WAY we(as humans are right now) can survive
the onslaught of posisons ;radiation;chemicals and hormones(just to
name a few) that are attacking us RIGHT NOW !!!their may be LIFE

[6323] [6324]


Date: November 19, 2016 at 09:32:51
From: blindhog 6th Sense, [DNS_Address]
Subject: The Poison of Nuclear Power Plant Disasters WILL Kill ALL of Us

Coal power plant disasters are nothing compared to nuclear power plant disasters. Then you add the storage of nuclear waste and the TOTAL inability to contain that waste, despite all the assurance we are given, either ignorantly or purposely.

Just look at what happened to our environment because of one out of control nuclear plant in Japan and one in Russia years ago. There are 10s or 1000s of acres of land that are now contaminated and unfit for raising families or raising crops.



Date: November 19, 2016 at 11:30:59
From: blindhog 6th Sense, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Correction:..10s of 1000s of acres of land that are now contaminated..(NT)



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