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Date: February 18, 2016 at 18:01:08
From: Akira, [DNS_Address]
Subject: New Telescopes reveal Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities

URL: Apparent Detection via New Telescopes with Concave Lenses of Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities (ITE)

as published in American Journal of Modern Physics:

"Abstract: By using telescopes with concave lenses, known as Santilli
telescopes (trademark and patent pending by the U.S. publicly traded
company Thunder Energies Corporation), we review preceding evidence
for the apparent existence of antimatter galaxies, antimatter asteroids
and antimatter cosmic rays. Independently from these astrophysical
detections, we present for the first time evidence for the apparent
existence of entities in our terrestrial environment that are solely visible
via telescopes with concave lenses, while being invisible to our eyes and
to conventional Galileo telescopes with convex lenses, which entities leave
dark images in the background of digital cameras attached to the Santilli
telescopes. These entities are here called Invisible Terrestrial Entities of
the first kind (ITE-1) or dark ITE. We then present, also for the first time,
evidence for the apparent existence in our terrestrial environment of
additional entities that are also visible to telescopes with concave lenses
while being invisible to our eyes and to conventional telescopes with
convex lenses, which entities leave bright images in the background of
digital cameras. These additional entities are here called Invisible
Terrestrial Entities of the second kind (ITE-2) or bright ITE. It is pointed
out that both types of entities generally move in the night sky over
sensitive areas, and their behavior generally suggests unauthorized
surveillance. This paper has been motivated by the significance and
diversification of the collected evidence, as well as available independent
confirmations, that warrant systematic inspections of the sky over our
sensitive civilian, industrial, and military installations via telescopes with
concave lenses, so as to detect possible unauthorized surveillance."

American Journal of Modern Physics

2015; X(X): XX-XX
Published online MM DD, 2015
( doi:
ISSN: 2326-8867 (Print); ISSN: 2326-8891 (Online)

[6196] [6198] [6202] [6203] [6204] [6208]


Date: February 19, 2016 at 03:45:49
From: Nasirah, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: New Telescopes reveal Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities



Santilli's revolutionary theories about "hadronic mechanics" and "magnecules" etc. are too cool for the lamestream scientific establishment, he still
publishes articles about them in scientific journals that coincidentally happen to be owned and operated by himself. Naturally, he also wants to sell
you things...

Conspiracy theories

In his book Il Grande Grido: Ethical Probe on Einstein's Followers in the U.S.A, an Insider's View (Santilli 1984), Santilli claims that in many institutions
there is an effective conspiracy to suppress or not investigate novel theories which may conflict with established scientific theories, such as
Einstein's theory of relativity. Institutions receive funding and have established entire departments dedicated to long established theories, and so he
argues that these same institutions are ill equipped to challenge their own scientific paradigms with new theories. Santilli claimed that a number of
scientists, including Nobel Laureates Sheldon Glashow and Steven Weinberg, conspired to stop him from conducting research which might have led
to the inapplicability of part of Einstein's theory of relativity while he was at Harvard. He has complained that papers he has submitted to peer-
reviewed American Physical Society journals were rejected because they were controlled by a group of Jewish physicists led by Steven Weinberg.

[6198] [6202] [6203] [6204] [6208]


Date: February 19, 2016 at 04:20:19
From: Akira, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: New Telescopes reveal Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities


yeah, he's a lightweight alright:


1. Santilli received the degree of Dottore in Fisica’ (Physics Doctor) from
the University of Naples, Italy. He subsequently attended the Graduate
Shool in Physics of the University of Turin, Italy, where he obtained in
1966 the highest graduate degree in physics available at that time,
corresponding to the U. S. ’Philosophical Doctor in Physics.’ Jointly, Santilli
held the chair of ’Professor of Nuclear Physics’ at the famous A. Avogadro
Institute in Turin, Italy.

2. Because of his post Ph.D. research conducted in Italy, Santilli was
invited in 1967 by the University of Miami in Florida to conduct research
under NASA financial support. In 1968, Santilli joined the faculty of
Boston University as Associate Professor of Physics, where he taught
physics and mathematics from prep-courses to post Ph.D. Seminal
courses, and conducted research for the U. S. Air Force, research which
led to his assuming the U. S. Citizenship.

3. In 1976 and 1977 Santilli was a visiting scholar at the Institute for
Theoretical Physics of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

4. in 1978 Santilli joined Harvard University where he was co-principal
investigator of research grants from the U. S. Department of Energy
numbers ER-78-S-02-47420.A000 and AS02-78ER04742.

5. In 1983 Santilli assumed the position of President and Professor of
Theoretical Physics of the newly formed Institute for Basic Research, then
located at the Prescott House on Harvard Grounds, as well as Principal
Investigator of DOE contracts DE-ACO2-80ER10651, DE-ACO2-80ER-
10651.A001, and DE-ACO2-80ER10651.A002. The Institute for Basic
Research was subsequently moved to Palm Harbor, Florida, in 1990.

A view of Prof. Santilli in 2005, age 70.

6. In 1998 Santilli assumed the additional post of Director of Research of
corporations in the U.S.A., Europe and Asia developing new clean fuels
with Santilli's novel magnecular structure.

7. Recently Santilli retired while remaining affiliated with a number of
academic and corporate research insrtitutions around the world,
including U.S.A., Ukraine, Russia, China, Italy, and Australia.

8. Santilli is the Founder and Editor in Chief of three journals, Hadronic
Journal (which was initiated at Harvard University and continued for 27
years of uninterrupted publications), Hadronic Journal Supplement (with
19 years of uninterrupted publications) and Algebras, Groups and
Geometries (with 20 years of uninterrupted publications).

9. Santilli is also Editor of the International Journal of PhysIcs, the Journal
of the Balkan Geometry Society, the Journal of Alternative Energy and
Ecology, the Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories, and
other Journals in mathematics and physics.He is also a reviewer or advisor
to numerous other journals.

Prof. Santilli during a 20 minutes meeting with President Mikhail
Gorbachev (and an interpreter on the right) following the collapse of the
U.S.S.R. in August 1993. The late Prof. C. N. Bogoliubov, when Director of
the JINR in Dubna, Russia, had been one of the founders of the Hadronic
Journal jointly with Nobel Laureate C. N. Yang, Nobel Laureate I. Prigogine
and other distinguished scholars, when the journal was organized in 1978
by Prof. Santilli then at Harvard University.


see below for complete listing<>br>

1. Santilli is:
# The author of 19 post Ph.D. level research monographs (that is,
monograph with original content) published by Springer-Verlag
(Germany), Naukowa Dumka (Ukraine), Kluwer (The Netherlands),
Springer (Holland), Hadronic Press (U.S.A.) and other highly qualified
Publishing Houses,
# The author of 250 technical articles in pure mathematics, applied
mathematics, theoretical and experimental physics, superconductivity,
chemistry, biology, astrophysics and cosmology published in refereed
journals around the world, and
# The editor or co-editor of about 100 volumes of confgerence
p[roceedings also published by distinguished academic houses.
# PHYS. REVIEW (relativistic extension of the Galilean symmetry with P.
Roman; extension of the PCT theorem to all discrete symmetries with C,
N. Ktorides, inapplicability of Pauli’s exclusion principle under open-
nonconservative strong interactions with H. C. Myung; isotopic breaking
of gauge symmetries; and several other papers);

CIMENTO (first presentation in physics - with application to dissipative
systems - of Albert Lie-admissible algebras; first (p.q)-deformation of Lie
algebras - 1967; first prediction that strong interactions can causally
accelerate massive particles at speed greater than c; first generalizations
of the Minkowski space, Lorentz-Poincare’ symmetry and special relativity
for arbitrary speeds of light within physical media and interactions; and
several other papers published up to 1983, year of take over of the Italian
Physical Society by Mr. Ricci and his group and consequential suppression
of all - about 100 - submission by Santilli and his associates, all papers
published elsewhere);

# RENDICONTI CIRCOLO MAT. PALERMO (systematic generalizations -
from numbers to spaces, functional analysis, differential calculus,
topologies, etc. - of contemporary mathematics of isotopic, genotopic
and hyperstructural type based on generalized units and products - used
for the treatment of matter in progressive conditions of complexity - and
the anti-isomorphic images of said generalized mathematics called
isodual - for the treatment of antimatter; first structural generalization of
Newton’s equations on record since Newton’s time -for which Santilli
invented his generalized calculi and topologies - for the representation of
extended-deformable particles under unrestricted nonlocal and
nonpotential interactions; first structural generalization of Hamiltonian
mechanics and related inverse problem which is directly universal for all
possible discrete systems of extended-deformable particles; structural
liftings of the Euclidean, symplectic and Riemannian geometries for
arbitrary causal local speeds, etc.).

# INTERN. J. PHYSICS and MODERN PHYS. LETTERS (first and only known
“classical” theory of antimatter on scientific record - beginning from
Newton’s equation - whose operator image is compatible with charge
conjugation; first axiomatically consistent prediction of antigravity for
antimatter in the field of matter; first structural unification of the
Minkowskian and Riemannian geometries permitted by the generalized
calculi, with consequential geometric unification of special and general
relativities; comprehensive study of the catastrophic inconsistencies of
noncanonical-nonunitary theories when treated with conventional

# FOUND. PHYS. and FOUND. PHYS. LETTERS (first proposal on record -
1981 - that quarks cannot be elementary; achievement of maturity in
1976 with a comprehensive memoir on hadronic mechanics following its
proposal in 1978; experimental review with Yu Arestov of deviations from
the Minkowskian geometry and special relativity in the interior of
hadrons; “invited” paper on the first invariant formulation of (p, q)-
deformations and consequential resolution of the catastrophic
inconsistencies of their current formulation; first and only known
axiomatically consistent grand unifications “with a basic unifying
symmetry and geometry” embedding gravity in the unity of electroweak
interactions; and other papers);

# COMMUN. THEOR. PHYS. (a variety of papers including: first
achievement of a rigorous confinement of quarks via the incoherence of
internal and external Hilbert spaces solely permitted by hadronic
mechanics; first proposal of the isodual theory of antimatter holding at all
level of study -rather than only in second quantization as per theories
prior to Santilli’s works; first proof that Heisenberg’s uncertainties remain
valid for nonpotential interactions in closed conditions; and several other

# MIT-ANNALS OF PHYSICS (comprehensive study with seven papers in
the 1970s on the integrability conditions for the existence of a
Lagrangian or a Hamiltonian in discrete and field mechanics; and other

# JINR - RAPID COMMUN. (first isotopic lifting of the SU(2)-isospin with
first recovering of the exact isospin symmetry in nuclear physics; and
other results);

# ACTA APPL. MATH. (first nonunitary isotopies of the SU(2)-spin, first
structural generalization of Pauli’s matrices with hidden parameters; first
proof that the nonunitary-isotopic image of Bell’s inequality does indeed
admit a classical counterpart contrary to popular beliefs; and other

# IoP-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS (first proof that the experimental data on the
anomalous behavior of the meanlife of unstable particles with speed can
be exactly represented by the isominkowskian geometry, published with
other co-authors; and other results);

# HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS (“invited paper” on the first proof that
photons emitted by antimatter are different than those emitted by matter,
which differences can be experimentally measured; first future possibility
of ascertaining whether a far away galaxy is made up of matter or of
antimatter’ and other basic advances in antimatter);

# INTERN. J. QUANTUM CHEMISTRY (first hadronic generalization of
superconductivity and its first structural representation of the bonding-
attraction of the two identical electrons in the Cooper pair, published with
A. O. E. Animalu);

# INTERN. J. HYDROGEN ENERGY (first nonunitary-hadronic generalization
of quantum chemistry; first known model of molecular bonds with
“attraction” between identical valence electrons; first achievement on
record of a representation of molecular data exact to the seventh digit;
and other major advances in chemistry, ;published with D. D. Shillady; the
first and only new species of hydrogen with increased specific weight and
energy contents due to Santilli's magnecular structure; the first and only
new gaseous and combustible form of water, and other topics).);

# J. NEW ENERGY (first exact-numerical representation on scientific
records of all nuclear magnetic moments; a new structure model of nuclei
explaining why the deuteron has spin 1; comprehensive review of the
experimental verifications of hadronic mechanics in particle physics,
nuclear physics, molecular physics, superconductivity, biology,
astrophysics, and cosmology);

# ANNALES DE LA FONDATION L. DE BROGLIE (the first and only grand
unification of electroweak and gravitational interactions including a
consistent gravitational treatment of antimatter; inconsistencies of
Weinberg's nonlinear theory; and other topics).
and others with: first axiomatically consistent reduction of macroscopic
irreversibility to the ultimate level of nature, particle in interior
conditions; first resolution via hadronic mechanics of the historical
objection against Rutherford’s conception of the neutron as a bound state
of a proton and an electron; first proposal o to utilize the the immense
clean energy in the structure of the neutron via its stimulated decay; first
causal spacetime machine - for isoselfdual states only; numerous
proposal of new clean energies at the nuclear level; first cosmology with a
universal symmetry which, for equal distribution of matter and
antimatter, implies total null characteristics of the universe, with
consequential lack of discontinuity at creation, thus permitting the first
scientific study of creation itself; proposal and construction of the
hadronic reactors capable of tapping energy within liquid molecules;
theoretical prediction and vast experimental verification of the only
known new -nonvalence - chemical species - called “magnecules”- on
scientific record since the discovery of the valence in the 1800s, and its
crucial implications for new clean fuels; and numerous other discoveries.

Prof. Santilli as a guest of Prof. A. A. Logunov, when Director of the High
Energy Physics Laboratories in Protvino, Russia, in July 1994, to discuss
the possible direct experimental verification in Protvino of the expected
deviations from special relativity, a theory conceived for the
representation of point particles in vacuum, when used in the interior of
the hyperdense hadrons, a test first proposed by Prof. Santilli and still not
considered in Western Laboratories for reasons of academic politics,
despite known implications for much needed new clean energies and

# MONOGRAPH, including:

# SPRINGER-VERLAG-HEIDELBERG (two seminal monographs “Foundations
of Theoretical mechanics:”, Vols. I and II, in the most prestigious series of
Texts and Monographs in Physics on the integrability conditions for the
existence of a Lagrangian or a Hamiltonian, the Birkhoffian generalization
of Hamiltonian mechanics; and a comprehensive presentation of the
isotopies and genotopies of Lie’s theory now called Lie-Santilli iso-,
geno- and hyper theories);

# UKRAINE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES- KIEV (two volumes of “Elements of
Hadronic Mechanics” with the third volume currently in preparation
containing a comprehensive study of the new covering mechanics, its
various applications and numerous experimental verifications in various
fields; “Isotopic, Genotopic and Hyperstructural Methods in Theoretical
Physics”, which, according to reviewers, is the most innovative
monograph in biology to date, the only one representing the
irreversibility of biological systems - since all current quantum studies are
strictly reversible, thus incompatible with biological reality;

# KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHER, Boston-Dordrecht-London (Santilli is
the author of the post Ph. D. level monograph ’Foundations of Hadronic
Chemistry with Applications to New Clean Energies and Fuels’, ISBN
number 1-4020-0087-1, in press, which contains a systematic
presentation, beginning with the discovery of new mathematics, of a
structural generalization of quantum chemistry, the first capable of exact
representations of experimental data on molecules, such as binding
energies, electric and magnetic moments. The monograph also shows
that the abandonment of theories now belonging to the past millennium
in favor of new, broader scientific horizons is necessary for the
development of really ’new’ and ’clean’ energies, as well as of really ’new’
fuels capable of resolving the catastrophic environmental problems
caused by fossil fuels).

monograph on a nonunitary yet invariant covering of quantum chemistry
develped by Prof. Santilli and his collaborators under the name of
Hadronic Chemistry, with applications to new clean fuels and energies,
including a comprehensive presentation of a new chem ica;l species, the
first discovered following the identification of molecules in the middle of
the 19-th century, and today known as Santilli magnecules which new
chemical species has permitted the industrial development of the first
known fuels with complkete combustion, thus without toxic emissions, kn
own today as Santilli MagneGases.)

# HADRONIC PRESS-FLORIDA (two volumes of “Lie-admissible Approach
to the Hadronic Structure” with the third in preparation, the first
comprehensive proposal of a new structure model of hadrons with
physical massive constituents in generalized interior condition which
constituents can be produced free in the spontaneous decays, while
achieving compatibility with composite quarks; two volumes of “Isotopic
Generalization of Galilei’s and Einstein’s Relativities”, the first and only
generalizations of existing relativity for nonpotential-nonconservative
forces with a basic symmetries - since all deformations have no symmetry
whatever; “Foundations of Hadronic Chemistry and its Application to New
Clean Energies and Fuels”, in press, called by reviewers a “true scientific
revolutions in chemistry”, the first achieving exact representation of
experimental molecular data and predicting new energies and fuels).
# SPRINGER, HOLLAND (the first monograph on the novel isodual theory
of antimatter with novel applications to antigravity, grand unifications
and cosmology. The monograph also presents the first known CLASSICAL
theory of antimatter with a consistent operator image.).

From the right, Prof. Santilli, daugther Luisa, wife Carla and son Ermanno,
in July 1998.


Santilli has organized over TWENTY INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS, of which
five at Harvard University, and the others in the U. S. A., Italy, France,
Yugoslavia, Greece, Russia, the last meeting having occurred at the
Academia Sinica in Beijing in 1997.



1. Santilli is the sole scientist in history who was capable of discovering a
series of structural generalizations of pre-existing mathematics based on
generalized units and products, and then apply them to a series of
structural generalizations of physics, superconductivity, chemistry,
biology, astrophysics and cosmology. By comparison, numerous other
scientists discovered new “individual” mathematical structures (such as
Hamilton and his quaternion, Jordan and his algebras, Lie and his theory),
but not a comprehensive structural generalization of the entire
mathematical and physical knowledge as achieved by Santilli. Numerous
theories now carry his name, such as: Santilli’s isounits and isoproducts;
Santilli’s iso-, geno-, and hyper-numbers and their isoduals; Hamilton-
Santilli iso-, geno- and hyper mechanics; Lie-Santilli iso-, geno-, and
hyper theories; Lorentz-Poincare’-Santilli iso-, geno-, and hyper-
symmetry; Minkowski-Santilli iso-, geno- and hyper-geometries; Santilli’s
iso-, geno-, and hyper-symplectic geometries; Heisenberg-Santilli iso-,
geno- and hyper equations; Pauli-Santilli iso-, geno- and hyper matrices;
Schroedinger-Santilli iso-, geno- and hyper-momentum; Santilli’s
hadronic energy; Santilli’s magnecules; Santilli’s magnegas; etc. An
inspection of the data-base on quotations indicate that Santilli is one of
the most quoted author at this moment. Besides thousands of papers
quoting Santilli, five monographs have been published by various authors
with Santilli name in the title.The inclusion of vast plagiarisms of Santilli
work in various scientific journals generally done in full knowledge of
their editors (such as the river of papers on q-deformations without
quotations of their origination by Santilli in 1967 and virtually all
generalizations of Lie-quantum structures which are a particular case of
Santilli’s Lie-admissible structures due to their proved direct universality),
there is no “individual” scientist today whose influence on contemporary
science can even partially compare with that by Santilli.

2. Because of the above achievements SANTILLI has BEEN NOMINATED BY
APPLIED MATHEMATICIANS OF ALL TIMES, jointly with Gauss, Weyerstrass,
Hamilton, Jordan, Lie, etc.). In particular, Santilli is the ONLY scholar of
Italian origin appearing in the entire list.

3. A Lecture Hall in a Research Institute in Australia has been called
“Santilli’s Lecture Hall”;

4. Santilli has received a GOLD MEDAL from the University of Orleans for
his achievements in Science and various similar honors from several
scientific academies;

5. Santilli has been nominated for the NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS by
numerous scholars around the world since 1985 for his construction of
Hadronic mechanics and other motivations, and he has been recently
nominated for the NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY for his construction of
Hadronic chemistry and his discovery of the new chemical species of

[6202] [6203] [6204] [6208]


Date: February 20, 2016 at 14:11:34
From: Nasirah, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: New Telescopes reveal Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities

URL: PS and Jews as well as controlling govt, media, hollywood also control science!

You're are blinded by his supposed credentials

For example

"9. Santilli is also Editor of the International Journal of PhysIcs, the Journal
of the Balkan Geometry Society, the Journal of Alternative Energy and
Ecology, the Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories, and
other Journals in mathematics and physics.He is also a reviewer or advisor
to numerous other journals. "

You do realise he his the Editor for his own self-published journals , in which he publishes his work! and then cross
reference them.


What you are being dazzled by is the Profs self-promotional wall of mirrors

If you don't believe me buy one of his antimatter galaxies, antimatter cosmic rays and antimatter asteroid telescopes and
report back on this antiuniverse you should behold...

PS Whois =

Ruggero Santilli
Thunder Energies Corporation
Tarpon Springs

Amongst the many other 63 scamming domains he's got - that self reference each other

[6203] [6204] [6208]


Date: February 24, 2016 at 15:28:20
From: marc / berkeley, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: New Telescopes reveal Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities

Thanks Nasirah. I was thinking the same thing.

There are no publishing dates for the paper.

It also read amateurishly, like the 6th grade level on the
research parts.

The data collected is also lacking.

[6204] [6208]


Date: February 24, 2016 at 16:16:03
From: marc / berkeley, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: New Telescopes reveal Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities

The telescope descriptions are reversed. Not something
a true astronomer would do.

Figure 2. The first view depicts the structure of all
existing, refractive,
Galileo telescopes whose primary lens must be “convex”
due to the positive
index of refraction of matter-light. The second view
depicts the structure of
the novel, refractive, Santilli telescopes whose
primary lens must be
“concave” under the prediction that antimatter-light
has a negative index of
refraction (See Figure 1). The main principle of
detection of the Galileo and
Santilli telescopes is the following. In the Galileo
telescope, all antimatterlight
is dispersed by the convex lens into the internal walls
of the telescope,
thus permitting images of matter-light to be focused in
a camera without
significant interferences by antimatter-light. By
contrast, ordinary matterlight
is dispersed by the convex lens of the Santilli
telescope, thus permitting
images of antimatter-light to be focused in a camera
without major
interferences from matter-light.



Date: February 25, 2016 at 15:38:31
From: Akira, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: New Telescopes reveal Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities

Yeah, I looked into the American Journal of Modern Physics & it seems to
be quite shady.. oh well.


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