nicoll again...
"The task of the future is to reconcile the older and newer stand- points. That is why the Work says that one of its aims is to unite "the "Wisdom of the East with the Science of the West." Unless science discovers what is called religion and unless religion discovers what is called science the mind of Man will be split into two irreconcilable sides and indeed we might think that the whole world to-day suffers from Schizophrenia.
Now if your cosmological system (if you have one) is based on the idea that there were somehow or other a lot of atoms derived somehow or other from somewhere or other, which condensed to form billions and billions of worlds and galaxies, and that somehow or other life started and somehow or other made different animals, trees, fishes, birds, men, women, gradually, little by little, then your mind is not properly furnished with the requisite ideas and understanding for you to reach the higher parts of centres, and finally higher centres themselves, which compose the very complex organism of Man. You will be looking down like cattle and will be incapable of looking up. You will see the explanation of the most wonderful things like consciousness, thought, feeling, sensation and so on in the little small instruments that render them possible. You will be boiling up the artist's picture and analyzing its chemistry. Then what happens is that you will be more and more under the domination of matter, seeing in matter the explanation of everything. The result will be that internally you will be more and more under the influence of machines, of external organisations coming from outside. But if you begin to think that there is not a single thing that you can study in any branch of science that is not a miracle, if you realize that the properties of matter cannot be solely explained in terms of matter, then something inside you will turn the other way round and begin to look at the source of meaning.
You remember the definition that Plato gave of the difference between a man glued to the senses and a man of understanding? He said: "The first believes that matter created mind, whereas the second believes that mind created matter." Which do you yourself think is prior in scale? Do you think that mind and consciousness arose accidentally out of some chance combination of atoms whose origin you cannot explain, or do you think that mind created matter and all its possibilities and that you live in an intelligent and ordered Universe? It is on these two questions that the whole future of humanity at present depends. If you say there is nothing, then well and good. If you say there is something, then, well, and much better. I have never any quarrel with science itself. Science is obvious. The Mother of Europe (i.e. Greece) laid down all the formulations of science long before Christ. Then came the Christian teaching in this short 2,000-year era of ours, in this experiment upon Man created as a self-developing organism. It seems that the idea was to unite the two aspects of truth, outer and inner, and this idea has no doubt failed, although in the beginning Pythagoras taught both religion and science together and in those times no one thought there was any contradiction between scientific facts and the gods. Every centre has two sides, one turned towards the external senses and the literal meaning of everything, and the other side turned towards higher centres which represent higher levels in the Ray of Creation. Balanced Man must learn to use both sides and to under- stand them and bring them into relationship so that there is no contra- diction, and if he excludes one in favour of the other he is undeveloped.
NOTE I repeat that it is not science that is wrong. The facts of science are perfectly correct, although fluctuating. It is the interpretations of science that are wrong. "
Hi mr bopp,
your post inspired me to search for articles with the keywords "kepler religion" because Kepler represents, in my opinion, a world view where science and religion are closely connected.
To my surprise I found a fairly comprehensive overview on Kepler.
Sections 2 and 7 cover aspects of science and religion.
Regarding the NOTE in your Nicoll excerpt, I disagree. He says, that the facts of science are perfectly correct and only the interpretations are wrong.
In the case of the speed of light science "solved" the problem of meandering measurement values by dictating a fixed number. And Dayton Miller's ether drift experiments that indicate a variant speed of light have been kept away from scientists and the public for 90 years.