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Date: December 26, 2015 at 07:16:26
From: blindhog, [DNS_Address]
Subject: I heard on some news program that in 5 years.... phones will be out and artificial intelligence will be taking its place. I was really confused about that report because it didn't make any sense to me.

First of all, the word artificial throws me. To me artificial means fake.

Second, if artificial is the term "they" want to use for computer generated information that is supposed to be real and fast, how are we supposed to access it going to be a sort of chip implanted in our brains?

[6163] [6165]


Date: December 29, 2015 at 08:30:32
From: marc / berkeley, [DNS_Address]
Subject: some speculation...

Microwaves inside the brain or other invading EMF just
doesn't sound like a good idea. Even if it came out
today, I wouldn't be in line to upgrade my service
anytime soon.

I like smart phones, so it would have to be a service
that's smarter. Like it or not, the written word
downloads faster than a video. Moreover, I can read it
and get through quicker than waiting for a video to
convey the same idea. Don't get me wrong, videos can
and do contain a lot of information, and sometimes a
picture says a thousand words, but not always.

Talking input/ouput is a great idea, "Siri, I want to
know more about..", and it's great while one is alone,
or with friends (maybe), BUT imagine everyone one a bus
asking for information or guiding their searches
audibly and receiving the information audibly and not
only is there room for a comedy of errors, but the
noise factor would make being in public quite tedious.

AI means that information will be guided to you because
the AI is trying to interpret your interests and
anticipate your questions. People, whether they want
to admit it or not are largely creatures of habit. The
AI will note patterns and try to anticipate the
information one might be requesting or likely to
request. Basically like advertisers try to use cookies
to guide services and goods to you via advertising,
except that it will be done much better, with
information (and of course even more advertising).

The AI be be server resident, so you basically will
interact with it, but it won't be located on your
device or desktop. Future operating systems will be
designed to work better with it.

So basically it will be a tool trying to help people,
like an on-line librarian, and secretary to help keep
you organized so you are less likely to forget to do

It will be interesting to see where the line is drawn
on personal information, and kind of big brotherish if
the government decides that they will have access to
all of their citizens personal information.

We all will stay tuned...



Date: December 30, 2015 at 07:43:38
From: blindhog, [DNS_Address]
Subject: I like the caviet you geve about pictures

With all the professional touch up done to photos, from the questionable moon landing, to Oswald and his gun, to multiple others, in EVERY country people should not rely on photos as the end all, be all.


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