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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 the body keeps the score   AKRIA   27-DEC-2023 18:09:28 
 Re: Imagine the Damage to Babies ...   ryan   27-DEC-2023 10:46:41 
 Imagine the Damage to Babies Getting Multiple Vaccines at Once :((NT)   blindhog 6th sense   26-DEC-2023 12:39:11 
 Re: Here is one for the anti vaxxers   ryan   25-DEC-2023 00:48:21 
 Re: Here is one for the anti vaxxers   Sue/Seattle   24-DEC-2023 22:19:40 
 Re: Here is one for the anti vaxxers   23-DEC-2023 18:47:30 
 Heavy metal drink: Your favorite hot chocolate mix could contain high   23-DEC-2023 18:41:56 
 FDA Recalls Some Applesauce Pouches Marketed To Kids   23-DEC-2023 18:31:05 
 Re: Here is one for the anti vaxxers   ryan   23-DEC-2023 09:33:46 
 Re: Here is one for the anti vaxxers   23-DEC-2023 02:13:08 
 California faces onslaught of respiratory illnesses during holiday sea   ryan   22-DEC-2023 10:20:44 
 Re: Here is one for the anti vaxxers   ryan   20-DEC-2023 22:18:03 
 Re: Here is one for the anti vaxxers   Sue/Seattle   20-DEC-2023 14:38:22 
 Re: Here is one for the anti vaxxers   The Hierophant   19-DEC-2023 18:18:43 
 Re: Here is one for the anti vaxxers   Sue/Seattle   19-DEC-2023 05:35:23 
 Re: Here is one for the anti vaxxers   pamela   18-DEC-2023 11:37:20 
 Re: Here is one for the anti vaxxers   Sue/Seattle   18-DEC-2023 00:25:47 
 Here is one for the anti vaxxers   Sue/Seattle   17-DEC-2023 20:14:40 
 Re: 6 Amazing Benefits Of Peeing In Your Yard   Sue/Seattle   16-DEC-2023 18:53:54 
 Re: World’s Most Popular Herbicide is a Public Health Hazard   The Hierophant   16-DEC-2023 17:47:09 

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    Author: Brian Steele