Video blogger Frank Ropiak lives in a part of Michigan that's getting hit HARD with a massive blizzard and freezing temps. Also known as historically as "Winter."
Snow must not be the only storm hitting Frank hard right now. Clearly Mr Ropiak is also being hit by a blizzard of propaganda from CNN, Google, and a whole host of other progressive sources, and it's proving to be the "perfect storm" combination to inspire this classic rant against the settled science of global warming and the frauds who push it.
This finger is for all you climate change global warming fuc*ing morons.
Here’s a G-d damned fuc*ing shovel for your Cortez and your stupid green movement. You come out here and dig that fuc*ing snow off my fuc*ing roof. You can take this 6ft high fuc*ing snow drift that’s up on the side of my house and fuc*ing move it.
You can take your fuc*ing CNN off your ass cuz you don’t report the real news. This is the real fuc*ing news. We’re in a fuc*ing blizzard from hell here.
Why don’t you get your fuc*ing libtarded friends to come fuc*ing dig this shit out. Look at this. Look at that roof. That ought to give you an idea. Look at that.
Take your fuc*ing CNN they don’t fuc*ing report the real news. Take your fuc*ing all your phony fuc*ing news journalism and stick it up your fuc*ing ass.
You can’t even see the fuc*ing mailboxes!
We’re getting wind gusts of up to 90 mph. Trees blowing over. 18 inches of snow in 24 hours. There’s my tractor. Gee it’s more than 3/4 buried now, almost to the top. Actually it is almost to the top.
So fuc* you Google! Fuc* you YouTube! Fuc* all you stupid a$$holes who send off so much fuc*ing money for humanitarian aid in other countries but can’t spend a fraction of it on a damn wall. $40 billion out of the country – we can’t even get 4 billion to build a fuc*ing wall. You fuc*ing make me sick, Americans. you make me sick!
Date: February 26, 2019 at 16:59:38 From: EVe, [DNS_Address] Subject: Re: Epic Anti-Global Warming Rant CENSORED
What a moronic post!
I am not interested in reading some a-hole opinion of someone who does not even post here? Why do you share this...and I also think the tweets are a bit much some share as well's rediculous. Keep it to yourself it's just meant to piss people off and there's too much of that going around already...thank you a lot NOT!
The idiot aught to come down to Florida and where the water is so warm in the GOM and pollution abounds which does impact nature and patterns of life cycles and weather and ride out a hurricane Michael or something he's an IDIOT with a keyboard and that's all...Please spare us someones nasty opinions unless it's yours that matches it which I am supposing so ...PEEEEEUKE!
The whole political thing is a farce too because something is gonna break big time and it won't be pleasant for most before Cortez is ever in a whatever position she is going for. Mankind's time is up and its's because of trashing the Almighty's creation and making animals, commodities...making it all commodities it's a lie it does not belong to us and we have been led astray by lies and programming of the adversary like this stoonod blogger has, he will get what he deserves SOON! Unless he changes it won't be paradise either.
F the wall too! It's never gonna happen either cause time won't come it's going down we been witnessing it happen, seems like a long time but not really and we live an illusion of make believe Alice in Wonderland ....adults are not adults in this world just big children playing deadly games thinking obscene thoughts, unthankful to the Creator, disobedient to the natural ways of taking care of the land, greedy and gluttonous with dirty minds and thoughts of killing everything in sight...oh and very afraid....especially this blogger Frank as anger is a mask for fear, his own and he looks outward, not inward at his own contributions to the plight of this world he just makes it worse.
Your friend is not mine so keep it private if you can, if not and is all okay I come and share more stuff in your face too you won't appreciate cause it would be fair. I hold back a lot but this is ridiculous can stick this where the sun don't shine, whatever and your friend and Frank too.
much love n' stuff to you too... + do not kill ! ~EVE 1
Date: February 27, 2019 at 08:22:42 From: chatillion, [DNS_Address] Subject: Re: Epic Anti-Global Warming Rant CENSORED
Good grief, Eve! Your rant is as intense as the one in the video, sans the bleeps. This was just an example of how it is getting to those who are suffering the overabundance of the white stuff. Down here it isn't white, fluffy stuff it is liquid. The ground is saturated and still more rain is in the forecast. We've had exceptionally wet year since way last Spring a year ago. I can well understand the frustration.