Has anyone seen this astrophysicist's videos on the plasma sun vs gas sun models and the video at the link about the evidence for an upcoming ice age, in the 2050's? Along with Valentina Zharkova, he thinks that climate change leading to an ice age is certain and is definitively associated with lower solar activity, not earth-sun orbits, gases, or human activity.
I was not aware how many people died from starvation due to the long term cold snap in the 1600's. Also, I never thought about a real deal major ice age where there is 70% less precipitable water - yikes! The landscape will look like a frozen solid desert. It sounds like an ice age can come quickly, rendering people totally unpreparared.
My musing: What will happen to the 544+ nuclear plants on the planet in a major ice age? Will they be safe until the next Great Thaw?
"Cold weather is usually good for ice and the Earth’s cryosphere. Except it’s just not cold enough anymore.
Even in a year of bad news for the environment and for cold-weather climates specifically, this week’s lineup of new revelations about the effects of Earth’s warming temperatures was a doozy. Let’s review:
Greenland’s ice is now melting even in winter
Hundreds of meters below the ocean’s surface, giant waves of warm water are surging up into Greenland’s fjords, coming in contact with the ice sheet and causing melting even in winter, according to a paper published this week by a team from the The Scottish Association for Marine Science and Johns Hopkins University.
The “warm” water is only a few degrees above freezing, but it’s enough to cause melting on the sheet from below, Neil Fraser, an ocean physicist with The Scottish Association for Marine Science and a lead author on the paper, told the BBC. The waves are pushed toward Greenland by strong winter winds over the northeast Atlantic. It’s a “perfect storm scenario,” he said.
Greenland’s ice sheet is the biggest in the world after Antarctica’s. Ice melt in Greenland is responsible for 20% of the increase in sea-level rise each year.
Western Canada’s glaciers only have a few decades left
In 2015, researchers predicted that the glaciers of Alberta and British Columbia could shrink 70% percent by 2100, compared to their 2005 sizes. Now, the prognosis looks a little bit worse. A new “State of the Mountains” report published this week found that 80% of the mountain glaciers in Western Canada “will disappear in the next 50 years,” David Hik, an ecology professor at Simon Fraser University, told the Globe and Mail.
Canada has the third-most glacier cover in the world. Only Antarctica and Greenland have more.
This melt will dramatically change the local ecosystem, but the rest of the world will feel the loss of glaciers by way of a rise in sea level. And the process already has begun. For example, glaciers in the St. Elias range, in Canada’s Yukon, have melted by 25% compared with their 1950s sizes, adding 1.1 millimeter to the global sea level in the last 50 years.
The American West is losing its snow
Since 1982, the maximum snowpack in some parts of the American West has gotten as much as 41% smaller, according to a paper published this week by researchers at the University of Arizona and the Idaho Power Company.
They found that figure by mapping changes to snow pack over the contiguous US, by breaking up the area into 2.5-mile by 2.5-mile pixels. Snowpack is declining in the West overall, but 41% was the maximum shrinkage. If all the areas that had the 41% reduction in snow were added up, there would be enough land to cover North Carolina. And many of those pixels were in mountainous areas—which is especially troubling, because much of the US West relies on snowmelt in the mountains to provide drinking water in the summer."
Date: December 30, 2018 at 17:09:34 From: pamela, [DNS_Address] Subject: Re: and yet Greenland’s ice is now melting even in winter...
within the article you posted they site this study:
"Abstract A realistic numerical model was constructed to simulate the oceanic conditions and circulation in a large southeast Greenland fjord (Kangerdlugssuaq) and the adjacent shelf sea region during winter 2007–2008. "
This was when it was noted- its just not true anymore. so have to take that into consideration when this "model" was done. I have read more recent and it did have a warmer spike then but not now.
Date: December 31, 2018 at 05:34:23 From: Akira, [DNS_Address] Subject: Re: and yet Greenland’s ice is now melting even in winter...
and the '07-'08 study was based on a computer simulation. Both that study and the subsequent article, which emphatically claims, "Greenland’s ice is now melting even in winter" were published this month, so I'm confused. Maybe I just need to re-read it after I finish my coffee, lol.
Not your fault, the article reporting this research was misleading (as articles on climate change often are).
Here is the plain language summary of the actual research:
Plain Language Summary A computer simulation of the ocean around Greenland was used to study the movement of water in and out of a large fjord. This is important because warm water that gets into the fjord may come into contact with the Greenland Ice Sheet and cause it to melt. The simulation indicates that a significant amount of warm water comes into contact with the ice during the winter. This was previously difficult to measure because of the difficulties in taking direct measurements of the water during the Greenland winter.
So basically a computer simulation showed that winds can push warm water into fjords even in winter. The article you linked jumped to the conclusion that "Greenland is melting even in winter" when the science simply said a simulation showed something that they can't actually measure is probably happening in winter. But that doesn't mean it is new or related to climate change.
Date: December 31, 2018 at 13:44:50 From: Akira, [DNS_Address] Subject: Re: and yet Greenland’s ice is now melting even in winter...
Thanks Jim, glad to see you around. Yeah, there seemed to be a disconnect, but it was so obvious I thought I was missing something.
But then there's the issue of the warming oceans. Years ago I posted a study & no longer have the link, which suggested that what might be happening is a confluence of two issues - some global warming effects from increased co2 masking the onset of a little ice age. The little ice age argument sounds compelling, but what do I know.
Date: December 31, 2018 at 13:18:43 From: pamela, [DNS_Address] Subject: Re: and yet Greenland’s ice is now melting even in winter...
thanks Jim, appreciate your input. So obvious it could've slapped me in the face, lol. Tired, cold, and too much going on at the homefront, leaking water pipe, ole landlord having to dig/open walls, drilling, cutting and the job still isn't done. Not just for me but neighbors upstairs. happy new year.
Date: December 26, 2018 at 08:42:59 From: pamela, [DNS_Address] Subject: Re: Rolf Witzche's videos about climate change