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Date: November 14, 2018 at 06:51:24
From: kay.so.or, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Hundreds of birds dead during 5G experiment in The Hague, The Netherla

URL: https://www.healthnutnews.com/hundreds-of-birds-dead-during-5g-experiment-in-the-hague-the-netherlands/

Hundreds of birds dead during 5G experiment in The Hague, The Netherlands

About a week ago at The Hague, many birds died spontaneously, falling dead in a park. You likely haven’t heard a lot about this because it seems keeping it quiet was the plan all along. However, when about 150 more suddenly died- bringing the death toll to 297- some started to take notice.

And if you are looking around that park you might have seen what is on the corner of the roof across the street from where they died: a new 5G mast, where they had done a test, in connection with the Dutch railway station, to see how large the range was and whether no harmful equipment would occur on and around the station.

And harm happened, indeed. Immediately afterward, birds fell dead from the trees. And the nearby ducks that were swimming seemed to react very oddly as well; they were simultaneously putting their heads underwater to escape the radiation while others flew away, landing on the street or in the canal.

Again, almost at the exact same time that those animals died, near the station, Holland Spoor was tested with a 5G transmitter mast.

“If they all got heart-failure with an healthy body, no signs of any virus, no bacterial infection, healthy blood, no poisons found etc. etc. The only reasonable explanation is, that it is from the new 5G Microwaves having an huge effect of all birds hearts! … It heavily resonates with certain ERRATIC PULSED Microwaves (millions per second!) which can be proven to have biological effects on organs! … Am not kidding here! … Some people assume Microwaves at lower wattage “can not harm” because “it does not cook you” … that very flawed “logic” is what they want you to repeat over and over! … Search in “Google Scholar Search Site”: Biological Effects of Non-ionizing Microwaves and be ready to be shocked how stupid most sheeple really are in believing blindly the so called “experts” & ” authorities” of FCC, Telecom & Wireless Industry propaganda!” -John Kuhles, founder of Fb.com/groups/Stop5G & Fb.me/Stop5G owner of Stop5G.net

This wasn’t proof though. It was initially just conjecture.

All the information that follows comes from John Kuhles’ public Facebook page (not being a native English speaker, I have cleaned a little of it up but mostly left it intact for you):

In the meantime (30-10-2018) received some more information. The birds that fell massively dead would be the victims of an experiment, performed on those days in The Hague, where RF radiation was tested with a peak frequency of 7.40 GHz. This information comes from one source and should still be confirmed, if possible.

It is not clear at this moment whether tests with 5G transmission masts have been carried out again, but so far everything points in the direction of 5G as the most probable cause. Earlier, crazy things happened, such as with cows in Groningen’s Loppersum last year, where it was also tested with 5G. But also how in Switzerland a complete herd of cows collapsed in a ravine when there was tested with 5G. Source 1: www.msn.com/nl-nl/nieuws/opmerkelijk/meer-dan-honderd-vogels-vallen-dood-uit-bomen-in-den-haag/ar-BBOV8d7

Oct. 26, 2018

In the Huijgenspark in The Hague, more than a hundred starlings have fallen dead from the trees in recent days. It is a mystery what happened to the animals.

long article, the rest at the link...

[15568] [15571] [15556]


Date: November 15, 2018 at 09:48:54
From: Johnl, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Hundreds of birds dead during 5G experiment-more cellphone risks

URL: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/11/14/heart-tumors-from-cellphone-radiation.aspx


This classification was based on evidence showing that
nonionizing electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation from
cellphones can trigger abnormal cell growth and
tumors.2,3 In my view, this is a mistake and, just like
smoking, I am confident it will be recategorized in the
future to a 1A carcinogen.

Earlier this year, preliminary findings of two
government-funded animal studies4 were published that
further support the notion that cellphone radiation
has carcinogenic potential.

…. While the preliminary report released in February
2018 significantly downplayed the findings, subsequent
peer review upgraded the findings of risk.
The New York Times also claims the results are out of
date due to the fact they used 2G, which is no longer in
widespread use, and that 3G, 4G and 5G are “far less
successful at penetrating the bodies of humans” due to
the higher frequencies. However, there’s no evidence to
suggest the newer technologies are safer. Quite the
contrary. As noted by Microwave News:

“Two different German labs have exposed mice to 3G.
Cancer promotion was found in each case. The lead author
of the second study, Alex Lerchl, concluded that 3G
signals ‘obviously enhance the growth of tumors’ … The
fact is that we don’t know whether the higher G’s are
any safer than 2G. Believing so is simply wishful

The NTP also downplayed the risks by stressing that
“high exposure” was associated with cancer in male rats,
when in fact the results in some instances revealed a
greater effect at a lower dose.

The attempts by the NTP to downplay the cancer risks of
cellphone radiation, shows an attempt to hide the
dangers of cellphone radiation.



Date: November 15, 2018 at 10:53:51
From: Alan, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Hundreds of birds dead during 5G experiment-more cellphone risks

John didn't you read

The birds began dying on and after 19 October 2018 supposedly due to

However the 5G one-day test was on 28 June 2018.

Think about it...

Read again and ponder some more, get a calendar if it helps.

"Between Friday, 19 October and Saturday, 3 November 2018, 337 dead
starlings and 2 dead common wood pigeons were found. The
municipality cannot rule out the possibility that the birds were poisoned.
This is why the municipality has taken extra precautionary measures and
announced a temporary ban on dogs for Huygenspark."

"One such (5G) test did occur in an area generally near Huijgenspark, but
it took place on 28 June 2018, and it was not followed by a massive bird
die-off. For this test, the Dutch equivalent of the FCC provided a one-day
permit for the telecommunication company Huawei to use the 5G
frequencies needed for the test::

Has it clicked yet?



Date: November 14, 2018 at 07:00:34
From: Alan, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Did a 5G Cellular Network Test Cause Hundreds of Birds to Die?

URL: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/5g-cellular-test-birds/

Ah! Health Nut News strikes again

Mysterious bird deaths, though great fodder for conspiracy cranks, are
not uncommon. Due to their unexplained nature, they are popular with
those seeking to stoke fears or make political or religious points.

Could 5G Technology Have Caused Something Like This in the First

One such test did occur in an area generally near Huijgenspark, but it
took place on 28 June 2018, and it was not followed by a massive bird
die-off. For this test, the Dutch equivalent of the FCC provided a one-day
permit for the telecommunication company Huawei to use the 5G
frequencies needed for the test:

Huawei has demonstrated a live 5G network in The Hague, using 100
MHz of spectrum in the C-band at 3.5 GHz. As the frequencies are not
normally available for mobile services in the Netherlands, the Telecom
Agency granted a special one-day permit for the demonstration at the
KPN office in the Voorburg area. The band is available for local licensing,
but in allotments far smaller than the full 100 MHz width that is
standardized for 5G.

No evidence suggests that any other 5G test ever occurred in The Hague
or that a 5G antenna was installed near that park conveniently out of
view. We reached out via Twitter to the Dutch company NS, the operator
of the train station allegedly involved in the 5G test, and a representative
told us that they were “unaware that recent 5G tests were conducted at
this location.” A representative of KPN, the largest mobile operator in The
Netherlands, told us via Twitter that “I can be very clear about this
matter; there are no 5G tests in Den Haag. This is a complete hoax.”
Huawei, the cellular provider who took part in the one-day June test, did
not respond to our inquiry about a test occurring, but the Dutch
equivalent to the FCC asserted that no such test occurred.

It bears mentioning that Khules has since walked back his claim that a 5G
test occurred at all (though this fact does not appear to have dissuaded
Erin Elizabeth from running with her story), and he has now moved the
goalposts so far as to claim that perhaps it was just a whole lot of 4G LTE
networks getting up in those birds’ business. Either way, from a scientific
standpoint his ideas would generously be described as dubious.

As compelling as this kind of testimony may be to Erin Elizabeth’s Health
Nut News, the facts are this: No 5G test occurred during the time that
the mysterious starling deaths occurred, and the only person suggesting
otherwise is someone with a vendetta against both objective reality and
5G wireless. Even if a 5G test had occurred, however, no mechanism
exists that would explain how it could have affected starlings at all, let
alone only starlings and no other birds or animals in the region.


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