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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 More than 100 dead, as many as 1,500 missing after floods hit Europe   Eve   17-JUL-2021 12:06:59 
 images from flooded Germany   Eve   16-JUL-2021 10:32:10 
 Re: Natural gas companies were paid to turn off power during Texas...   Captainj   15-JUL-2021 19:13:01 
 Natural gas companies were paid to turn off power during Texas winter    kay.so.or   15-JUL-2021 19:07:54 
 Re: At least 8 killed and 9 missing in China hotel collapse   shatterbrain   14-JUL-2021 04:31:15 
  At least 8 killed and 9 missing in China hotel collapse   Eve   13-JUL-2021 02:40:53 
 Re: Surfside collapse   eaamon   12-JUL-2021 14:57:03 
 Batteries exploding in burning abandoned Illinois building   kay.so.or   12-JUL-2021 13:14:28 
 Re: Surfside collapse   Daisy Lionheart   11-JUL-2021 22:17:13 
 Surfside collapse   eaamon   11-JUL-2021 18:56:15 
 Re: Florida's Paradise Lost   kay.so.or   09-JUL-2021 22:05:48 
 Re: Florida's Paradise Lost   shatterbrain   07-JUL-2021 11:06:30 
 Re: Florida's Paradise Lost   Eve   07-JUL-2021 09:08:26 
 Re: Florida's Paradise Lost   Eve   07-JUL-2021 08:37:23 
 Florida's Paradise Lost   shatterbrain   07-JUL-2021 08:22:54 
 Re: SURFSIDE COLLAPSE - sequence simulation   Eve   05-JUL-2021 20:50:08 
 Re: SURFSIDE COLLAPSE - sequence simulation   shatterbrain   05-JUL-2021 13:10:04 
 SURFSIDE COLLAPSE - sequence simulation   Eve   05-JUL-2021 07:58:02 
 FIU engineer explains complexity of investigation into Surfside condo    Eve   05-JUL-2021 07:35:29 
 I posted this on National, this is another disaster   pamela   04-JUL-2021 12:44:25 

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