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9020 |
Date: December 19, 2014 at 02:47:19
From: Polydactyl in N. Bay, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Radiation in USA from HAARP Polar Vortexes 2-3 Times Limit for Evacuat |
URL: http://www.aircrap.org/2014/12/12/leuren-moret-radiation-in-usa-from-haarp-polar-vortexes-2-3-times-limit-for-evacuation/ |
Leuren Moret's latest 3 part video interview with host, Alfred Lambremont. Lots of interesting information and fairly dire warnings about flying and ongoing warnings about going out in the rain when polar vortex plumes rush in.
Hazmat suits are required for 5 becquerels per second. Readings by a person in the radiation 'biz' found 8-11 becquerels at cruising altitudes! San Leandro was mentioned for having very high radiation counts recently (which I noted, with action of reducing exposure outside), along with California in general, Arizona, and Illinois. Florida vegetables are said to be high rads too. The West Coast got a *load of rads down the coast and then the plume went east of the Rockies to expose the rest of the United States. German pilots are dying, ditto those pilots who fly through any of the polar vortex areas. Planes are falling apart mid-air (see articles below on this page about various events).
The most prevalent issues with radiation are first, neuromuscular problems, followed by brain problems, and way down the list is cancer (used by shills often to say look ma radiation hasn't caused any cancer LATELY). I guess you could say we're getting a huge dose of rads all the time now, the real measurements of which, we probably won't know until the effects become very obvious. I figure next March, 2015, we'll see more problems starting. Lauren says that it is said that after Chernobyl, Russians lost 10 years of longevity on average.
Lauren has good connections with people in the science fields and is a careful data researcher, ditching out heresay and half-baked ideas. She was working with people in Japan long before the 3-11 quake to bring awareness about the faults underlying the Hamaoka NPP. The first time I heard her, I was so shocked I thought she must be a conspiracy nut! Now I know her data is for real. It's just going to take a huge amount of time for people to wake up to what is happening. Remember the old saying, 'It can't happen here'? Personally, I think slowly nuking people to death and inability to be fertile, along with the environmental destruction, to be the dumbest idea I've ever heard to ensure that 'some' humans will have enough resources. I doubt this depop idea will turn out the way it was originally planned- -p
Enviroreporter has a great vid out about the recent high measurements across the U.S., 50,000 times the figures from last year! His website shows a small group of people with active monitors who are attempting to document the ongoing nuclear drama in their area. I think it's very likely that the radiation released by Fuku, in toto, is ASTRONOMICAL, including the noble gases first released in March, 2011. We've never had this much radiation on the planet in our recent history, ever.
Also, I saw a Fukushima (NHK) vid in passing today where Shinzo Abe, who's starting to show some rad skin effects imo, is stating that very soon, the Fukushima plant will be forced to dump a very huge *load of radioactive water into the ocean. They have nowhere to put it and no way to neutralize the rad assortment of isotopes it contains at high levels.
One thing Leuren mentioned is that on her website, you can watch the wind map and get updates on the latest radiation event. I've found it difficult to keep up with the latest rad amounts so that I know, for sure, on any given day, when alpha plumes or huge polar vortex beta plumes are headed my way. A mask and gloves of some sort is recommended, and taking some form of iodine or putting some for absorption on your thyroid gland before going out might help you from getting instant air-to-skin absorption of Cesium, in particular. Staying out of the rain is a big deal now. Tell that to my outdoor stray cat I took in! She could not care one whit. The other cat down the block now has congestive heart failure after rolling in the rain and dirt for three years. It was thought maybe the cat had a congenital heart problem which IS possible but was not helped by sucking up Cesium.
It's all so hard to believe, really, really hard for me to accept. I cannot forgive this one, signed sealed and delivered by humans to humans, as far as I can tell. No, I don't think aliens did this to us!
One question I have is why are 'they' trying to depop the U.S.? Is that because we are already toast for some other reason, per Janet Napolitano's comment before leaving office?
[9063] [9034] [9044] [9039] [9058] [9035] [9045] [9030] [9026] [9033] [9046] [9021] [9023] [9047] [9053] [9032] [9056] [9025] [9022] [9024] [9038] |
9063 |
Date: May 01, 2015 at 20:16:12
From: Terra11, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from HAARP Polar Vortexes 2-3 Times Limit for... |
None |
9034 |
Date: January 17, 2015 at 14:26:23
From: longtimer, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from HAARP Polar Vortexes 2-3 Times Limit for... |
Living in the PNW, good luck staying out of the rain! One has to live the life they have right now - one cannot seclude oneself in their home (and even that isn't safe between heating systems drawing in air, and water that's been exposed to all the air pollutants comes rushing out of one's faucets).
So what is one to do? Wear hazmat suits whenever going outside - in their yard, getting the mail, going grocery shopping, going to work?
Have to eat- whether buying organic - the water/rain that is used to grow stuff is still contaminated with this stuff, as is the soil. Even growing in your own backyard when one can weather permitting - the soil absorbs it and you gotta water using the water that is in the pipes to your home. And what about those who are not vegan - cows gotta eat and drink the contaminated stuff, which is then passed along to us in the milk and milk products.
No, I have given up in trying to 'protect' myself because then I will existing only to exist. Reading about these things - the problem is so humongous and ongoing (it will be decades and even centuries before this can be all fixed. Because I can't really do anything to prevent it or stop it, I have to stop worrying. I can't live in fear of this stuff 'getting me' - it will get us all eventually.
Can't live underground, because even if one did, still would have to figure out how to use everything from the 'top side' - and who wants to live the next 10, 20, 40 years underground? Is that really quality of life at this point of our world?
So, I ask, what are we suppose to do? We can't stop Japan from dumping all that radioactive crap in the ocean - they will do what they want to do. We can't clean the oceans. Can't clean the air. What are we suppose to do that will make us 'safe' from these dangers?
[9044] [9039] [9058] [9035] [9045] |
9044 |
Date: March 11, 2015 at 20:23:56
From: Polydactyl in N. Bay, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from HAARP Polar Vortexes 2-3 Times Limit for... |
Seriously, the ONLY thing I can think of to do is buy a geiger, a sensitive one and a survey geiger. Then, at least you will know what's in the air and can gamma read your food so not to eat something really really hot. Gundersen said at first, we've all got two years then everything is contaminated with Cesium and then the only thing to do is move.
The worst part of this for me is not knowing how much more alpha and cesium and strontium we'll get in our food. We're getting more airborne rads all the time now and the water evaporation off the coast is going to get worse. You'll know when marine and land critters are sick. The food is so much worse than before 3-11, that you can't get around it, except to have a geiger, try to get food from other countries (that have their own issues), and stay away from open leafed veggies, grow hydroponic varieties, and be careful eating too much milk or soft cheeses.
IF you could know when we have extra betas or alphas in the air, wear a mask or not go out that day would help, after all the rads break down and it's not so bad in 7 days. However, the government is seeing to it that none of us have rad information in actual figures. In fact they (and Candace) are now poo-pooing any hint of 'extra radiation' in the air. Look ma, I stuck my hand in the air, and my rad meter says 'zip', that's like an elephant hiding MI&M's in it's toes.
Then again all the radiation on the ground and in the water must be so bad, they won't post the figures. When someone says rad counts are are 'minimally detectable', I want to know what that figure is, how it was taken, and what is the 'background radiation' standards for whatever substance they are writing off as 'ok', given that Obama raised acceptable limits in water for starters. God knows what they are now, up to 6-7 microseiverts per liter, last I remember. Rads are in any water, and particles stick and absorb into skin, but I don't limit my showers to five minutes- :)
The daughter products of alphas and betas come and go, leaving large amounts of cesium in the soil and water. Our food will be the worst possible exposure next to breathing in plutonium. Water probably is a larger issue because we need water to survive and most of it is radiated unless you use reverse osmosis to remove some of the radiation. People talk about rads everywhere and we're still here but they know nothing about the counts or that the more rad exposure you get the more sensitive your body gets in an immune response to the stress of damage to cells. People talk like that because they are unaware of the amounts that we've been exposed to and continue to be exposed to (wind corridors and high elevation much worse). I don't think anyone really wants to deal with the fact that we've been had by the nuclear cabal, THE elite power on the planet, in my view.
After seeing the TED talk with Gates about the 3 things that can help cut CO2 emissions (and people) - health care, reproductive health services, and new vaccines, I realize we are really screwed. I guess it's a matter of how fast you want to get your lifetime expsosures, when we're at four years now and just the beginning of thyroid cases will start to show up in general populations and lung cancers probably on the West Coast. Heart attacks and brain-vascular issues will come up sharply at some point. The iodine and noble gas exposures were off the charts. Nothing we can do about it now but be sure you have enough potassium, calcium, iron, and two types of iodine so the body doesn't take in the rad versions first. I'd reallyk like to think all I can do is eat healthy and take tumeric and anti-free radical supplements, clay (if you know it isn't radiated) and lipolyzed vitamin C is a real HELP for free radical removal. Anything that helps boost immunitiy is a plus. We're reallyk going to need it to live as long as our parents - not likely we'll live as long but that's the breaks for the time period we live in.
What I wish to see is more people openl talking about what's happened but without knowing what the figures are in their food and backyards, we're all, including myself, dumber than dirt on the subject. Many peolpe would rather believe in smiling alot and thinking happy thoughts than deal with reality. It's just the way humans are wired I think- :D If everyone allows the bastards to get away with only a few whispers of 'gee they coulda told us', then I feel really sorry for what's going to happen to everyone's health in the future. The hit to health will be very subtle, very difficult to prove, and very controversial to mostly, the nuclear industry that all our leaders and scientists kow tow to these days. I find the situation totally pathetic but totally 'human' in the response people have to technology deficiencies and how it applies to them. What's worse is now we have an elite that really openly is saying now, that they want to get rid of people and make things better on the planet. Since when did getting rid of people make anything better on the planet?
It is very likely this nuclear bag is one we won't be able to figure a way out of without killing lots of people off from the waste - and that suits a certain class of untouchables on the planet, just fine. Unless a lot of people demand a different energy source and clean up technolgies to be developed they and we are in for a long genetic take apart that lasts generations and spins out more mutations and diseases and autoimmune responses. I guess what's happening is we are purposely slowing down the doubling of the 6.8 billion people on the planet (and killing off alot of species we'l be missing soon, for food, balancing the environment, and co-existence with). It's possible people are feeling that 'crowd stress' so at an unconscious level, they are not so much in disagreement with the overlords who are pro-nuke.
Sorry if I come off as being brash about the whole problem of nuclear killing off the marine animals, kids, especially two year old girls, women, and causing early death, premature aging, and genetic mutations that last for hundreds of years. I can't help it but I don't expect everyone else to give a hoot. I hope people talk about it at the water coolers though, by way of acknowledging what's happend and not to say, here I am nucleocrats, come and steam roll over my mute, dead body- ;O I wish the comics would take up the subject so we can at least get a good laugh out of it- :D Mostly I hear what's the point in talking about radiation or you need to eat all that food for nutrition, more than you need to not eat. Well they've got me over a barrel on the latter but as long as I'm not dead yet, I do talk about it to people. There is a certain passivity in people these days that I think is almost socially engineerd and maybe more, like the fluoride and who knows what else. I can feel the resistence and yet think, wow, they don't care or no one knows what the amounts really are. Oh well, no worries certainly, we just carry on. I've always said that in such large groups if one smaller group wants to off the rest, it's pretty easy and so it is..:( I do think there is probably another way to think about growing populations and energy needs, how to control them without violence and covert poisons but humans don't figure anything that's a threat, in an out of the box way. The old way works like the new way. People are suddenly gone and ya don't know why - not even a war or a slashing. Of course you can just age and know death is coming for everyone but that's not what I'm talking about here. Radiation exposure causes very early premature deaths due to 'unknown' causes usually huge immunity loss and infections of all sorts. Think about all the increase in cancers of all sorts since Chernobyl. It'll be like that, only much worse in the next 10-15 years.
The 3-11 event changed me, probably to become mostly a very cantankerous old lady- :D Make no never mind as I think this contamation is much bigger than all of us, even the nucleocrats but it sets a very ugly dark tone going forward for humanity. I know I won't be around to see the worst damage caused but what we've done to future generations I have no words for.
None |
9039 |
Date: February 05, 2015 at 02:42:15
From: Polydactyl in N. Bay, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from HAARP Polar Vortexes 2-3 Times Limit for... |
I agree with all you've said. What we can do is speak up about the disaster, lodge a complaint with the 'ties that bind us' be that moneyed leaders with skin in the nuclear game or acknowledging that a tragedy has occurred and is continuing. Really that's all people can do. We can't fix any problems without acknowledging their existence. Right after the reactors blew, I could feel the paranoia rolling in the mainstream about the dangers of TALKING ABOUT RADIATION as though we're only supposed to recognize cancer saving radiation which does little for actual cancer patients indeed some think it makes some cancers come back much more aggressively!
Anyhoo, it's the silence that really bugs me. It's not like we can all wave our hands around and make the entire industry change course. Nay, we are on that course and we will see it through, no matter how we transform our environment into a wasteland. If world leaders don't care what the future holds without being able to get rid of nuclear waste, why should we care? Why should we care if we can't do anything about it or come up with a better ionizing radiation reversal technology, not a bunch of new filters that you then have to discard as more nuclear waste (it's like fly paper that never leaves our shoes)?
I know I know, just live life as we can, of course! I know some will be able to mitigate some of the radiation others won't due to finances. Some people with lots of money may be dumb as dirt and not mitigate any metals or radiation. I think there is a very literal minded sensibility in the masses about 'you get what you get and know what that is, only when you can see it in front of your face.' So be it, if that is the only way people can learn. I think there is a huge dumbing down of the effects of the nuclear industry on humans and the environment to a point of SHHHH, DON'T SPEAK ABOUT IT. Considering the amazing details of the human experiments done on humans to know what rad isotopes do to humans, since the 1950's, it's totallly amazing that doctors and most people have really no idea what 'a little' radiation does. I had NO IDEA or I would've bought a great geiger a long time ago when I had the bucks to do it! Kids should be taught about physics and biology. God Forbid they actually know they are made of finite biological materials that interacts with everything around them. God Forbid they think they might have some influence on the direction our science edcuation leads to (right now, it leads to an entrenched corporatocracy- oh crud spelling alert!). Without knowledge of dangerous choices and our options, the masses are only allowed to 'float' on the profits, benefits, and sometimes in your face, disabling effects of decisions made for them. In the case of the nuclear industry, it will be too little knowledge too late no doubt but at least, I would hope people can speak about the issues of radiation and health, in the holistic interaction of humans and their habitats, without feeling like they are taking chances questioning some unk authority on the subject (who really doesn't give a rat's about what they think anyway) or that their understanding of the overall energy technology choices do not matter. They matter only if people understand what's been done, why it is so important, why nuclear is so tied to power and constraining structures of modern societies, and why no one seems to care about ionizing rad accumulation in the environment. People need to question more that's all. Somehow, sigh, over time I will lose the raw anger I feel from nuclear effects covered up, in the biggest snow-job in the history of man.
Meanwhile detox as you can and will! Good on ya- :) It's a must if you are able. If not, go with the flow. I can't go with the flow on this which is to not speak or imagine it's gone or over due to the continued threat of the Fuku plant (and other plants), possibly becoming a greater threat that ends life in the Northern Hemisphere in ways we can NOT imagine. Fuku et al is not over until it's over and that's uh, oh, about another 60 - 250,000 years, depending on the isotope. What mitigates radiation naturally in the environment is equally a mystery when articles stupidly claim things like 'well, it's a really big ocean!' Dilution is the solution and bananas are equal to so many chest x-rays and so many dental x-rays and so many airplane rides and geeze I could burst hearing everything related to nuclear measurements except actual real-time nuclear measurements of the current atmospheric radiation pollution. I guess the main thing we can do is keep the awareness of radiation exposure real and balanced. People should be aware of their exposures. Alas, what is not known can and will hurt people including nuclear dumps and disasters that go unreported. I hate to see people go with the flow, not acknowledging at least that we likely are going over the Niagara Falls in a flimsy barrel. That 'barrel' is equal to a longevity of about 70 years that just might be getting shorter. What happens to telomere lengths with radiation exposure, I hate to think so I don't. I'll be learning about that question in a live experiment the rest of my life. Some experiments are worth the efforts, others are just bunk theories looking for manufactured evidence.
What I do hear you saying is WE CAN'T WE CAN'T WE CAN'T! WHAT A MANTRA! THINK ABOUT THAT- :D First we have to be aware their is a problem and then care about it enough to talk about and do something. If there is no receptivity to doing anything at higher levels, well, that is a different problem.
[9058] |
9058 |
Date: April 28, 2015 at 22:48:32
From: Candace/Denver, [DNS_Address]
Subject: What kind of garbage is "Haarp Polar Vortex's? |
NONE OF ANY OF THIS IS DUE TO HAARP.,., give up that old tired story... its not running anymore.
None |
9035 |
Date: January 18, 2015 at 10:34:49
From: Nasirah, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from HAARP Polar Vortexes 2-3 Times Limit for... |
URL: Save The Mountain Walrus |
If you think you have problems spare a thought for the rare Mountain Walrus (Odobenus montanus).
"The endangered mountain walrus lives along the mountain ranges on the West Coast, between Washington and California. A few have been found in the deserts of Nevada and some have even been sighted in Yosemite National Park. Their natural habitat is just below the treelines of mountain scapes, although they will descend further into the forests if food becomes scarce enough. Fierce creatures though they are, they cannot defend themselves against encroaching development. Their habitat has been diminishing since the early 1930's when clear-cut logging became widespread in the United States. "
These versatile animals have had to adapt their diet and move up into the hills to have any chance of survival.
[9045] |
9045 |
Date: March 11, 2015 at 20:26:42
From: Polydactyl in N. Bay, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from HAARP Polar Vortexes 2-3 Times Limit for... |
Hee hee, very funny. First the animals, then the humans- :D
None |
9030 |
Date: December 30, 2014 at 06:52:55
From: Candace/Denver, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from HAARP Polar Vortexes 2-3 Times Limit for... |
there is NO HAARP in this... this is pure incoming cosmic energies... please people stop accepting the coverup that is in place... Haarp is totally disabled in fact and cannot do this anyway.
None |
9026 |
Date: December 20, 2014 at 13:25:40
From: pamela, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from (more to the story) |
URL: http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-is-destroying-the-ozone-layer/ |
see link to more of the story- found this the other day.
[9033] [9046] |
9033 |
Date: January 08, 2015 at 18:51:15
From: Nancy , [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from (more to the story) |
Well, I honestly wouldn't worry about it. I personally think all the Fracking is going to lead to a huge earthquake that will put an end to everything. And I mean everything... We'll be set back 500 years and will be starting over. I sure hope everyone is ready. You can thank the greedy oil companies... Fracking, and natural gas are to blame when it happens. I just hope the nuclear plants left behind don't kill us all.
[9046] |
9046 |
Date: March 11, 2015 at 20:32:02
From: Polydactyl in N. Bay, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from (more to the story) |
Whatever happened to the idea that the Hugoton Gas field would explode underground and take out everyone on the surface? It seems that OK and KS are already experiencing earth quakes. Are you talking about setting off the New Madrid by fracking?
Any lack of cooling services to the NPP's especially all over the East Coast, will be a huge problem in a disaster that shuts down electricity or some way of cooling fuel. The New Madrid being set off in any way, could cause a bunch o' meltdowns I think. Not sure if any NPP's have any more than a week supply of backup energy for cooling fuel? They should.
None |
9021 |
Date: December 19, 2014 at 11:52:01
From: JTRIV, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from HAARP Polar Vortexes 2-3 Times Limit for... |
Hi Polydactyl,
> Lauren has good connections with people in the science fields and is a careful data researcher, > ditching out heresay and half-baked ideas. She was working with people in Japan long before the 3-11 quake > to bring awareness about the faults underlying the Hamaoka NPP. The first time I heard her, I was so > shocked I thought she must be a conspiracy nut!
Actually the author was right the first time. Lauren Moret is a conspiracy nut who has made a career out of conspiracy theories and false alarmism.
Some good information on Leuren Moret and Doug Rokke
Leuren Moret, Doug Rokke and Others Mislead Public on Depleted Uranium
Leuren Moret: Flight 370 downing was Energy weapons demo
Leuren Moret: Fukushima HAARP nuclear attack by CIA, DOE, BP for London banks
I would say Lauren Moret is just a kook but she's been making a living off this stuff for so long I'd have to lean towards crazy like a fox putting out the type of conspiracy crap people are receptive to.
By the way, on spaceweather.com they have recently had a series of articles on radiation at altitudes during flights. This has nothing to any source of ground radiation but was to show that without the protection of our atmosphere radiation from space is much stronger. On a coast to coast flight cruising at 39,000 ft radiation was 30 times higher than on the ground below. On a second test during a short flight that only cruised at 26,000 ft radiation was 10 times that at ground level.
[9023] [9047] [9053] [9032] [9056] [9025] [9022] [9024] [9038] |
9023 |
Date: December 19, 2014 at 23:42:10
From: mr bopp, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from HAARP Polar Vortexes 2-3 Times Limit for... |
nice deflection from the topic...
[9047] [9053] [9032] [9056] [9025] |
9047 |
Date: March 11, 2015 at 20:38:07
From: Polydactyl in N. Bay, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from HAARP Polar Vortexes 2-3 Times Limit for... |
Truly a deflection. Go ask the Iraquis how they're liking their depleted uranium left by the Americans all over their soil. Iraqui women are having horrendous birth defects, following the depositon of bunker busting DU and plutonium tipped weapons. The idea is that humans come out on top, in the 'wash'. If we keep adding to the soil and water and air mix of centuries of radioactive elements, no we are not going to get away with it 'Martha', and neither will all the critters. Plants and microorganisms will rule the day in the future, the way we are going. It seems humans don't like humans much- :D
[9053] |
9053 |
Date: March 29, 2015 at 21:57:49
From: Eve in FL, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from HAARP Polar Vortexes 2-3 Times Limit for... |
Well, of course anyone who shares any truth is rarely at the top of the list as being heard and when they are there are a pleathoria of articles waiting to throw at folks to debunk any such things as possibilities, as truths, whatever.
No one heard a lot about this person till she shared her views on the situation of Fukashima and even then few heard her still. I notice at any interviews ever there is not a huge amount of folks about maybe a handful. Yet if it were she said other wise the room would be bursting with writers, camera's, etc.
Yet she is not the only one to speak of Fukishima this way, those more prominent have and they basically are ignored even if on a prime time news show or such. It goes in one ear and out the other.
So one who spent so much time looking up articles to debunk, don't worry your head any cause as Polydactyly said, not many hear it.
Go to you tube and find it in a search but the most popular videos on youtube are kitty videos, kiddy videos, funny animal videos, my makeup collection videos, how to fight wrinkles videos, pop and rock star videos, how to organize your make up videos...children entertaining each other videos without a clue anything is amiss videos, how to get this manicure look videos,....um, not to worry some who bring those from the back streets of youtube they are not even considered to be searched for nor are articles about the pro's or con's of whatever ones notions of Fukishima are. We just have to drudge through more grunge and folks are tried of the daily grind and when I took some family to the beach and they wanted to go on a boat tour ride...I clearly saw the orange stuff in the foam of the water that no one mentions anymore the Manaconda scenario and oh, gee they going still for deeper now wonder what's happening there? Then the BIG CRACK songs and the main one by Nicki...Anaconda. What is Manaconda then but a man snake, biggest ever in the world and as we read and post that snake is busy digging in the GOM...and all the while last year they said the signs of the last explosion were resurfacing.
Polydactyl I fought wearing a mask for the way it looked but my nosebleeds looked worse if it occured while I was in a store so I let folks think I have some ghastly disease. I mean Chinese wear them a lot cause they have to and I am sicker if I don't is why I do when I go out. My skin feels dirty even after being out a short while....gotta go out though...I have a shower filter, it helps so I take a shower in the summer several times a day if I have to in hot and now humid west coast FL. They do make these nasal plugs, work much like a mask and one can get different varities on amazon....just look up face mask or nose mask and/or nasal plugs...no big deal...a type of device is used on some babies that a parent cant use a tube and plow these things up a babies nose so that it helps protect it some. I never knew that till I saw it on the site. They make ones for humans, two sided...clear bridge that one can barely see connects for the adults the nose plugs which are permeable like a face mask....only thing they don't do like a fact mask that is disposable these are made to be used several times and can wash...but they have cloth face masks too that can be washed for adults....the nose plugs do not cover the mouth though where a lot of gunk can enter...as for my ears since they get infected all the days of my life so easy I just cut ear plugs in half and stick them in my ears if I go out. As much can enter the ears as nose and mouth.
Nice if ladies gloves and the big hats were in fashion here in the US eh? Sorta. I remember always wearing gloves and a hat to church as a child and all the ladies did too. That was for a different reason though.
Well, there are a couple tips there for those who want a bit of protection but don't want to be obvious. Three times recently my nose just gushes blood if I go out and that went away for a couple years and I think the spray is back. There has been something whether it is some allergy or other that keeps both young and old down like a flu type thing and it goes on for six weeks and then it seems to try to come back. I have talked to many folks about it, it's the most persistant thing and folks are getting it really by not having much contact. I was talking to my neighbor over 15 feet away and they got it near the same time I did...we were out and I don't think it was that we were in close contact at all. I did notice I got it after being outside one morn early and was not wearing a mask and I felt this dew hit my face and it felt icky. I thought then I am not wearing any nasal protection....and next day...down...and all of us who had it, it turned into bronchitis and I don't think that is something one can pass on to another. Odd, just odd.
Well, I still stay positive because I do believe a better day is coming and this "plane" we live on is not the only one...there are others we are just immersed in this one, but I don't think it's forever.
Take care...the Earth is polluted and man has done things can't undo and that is the way it is no matter what any naysayer brings up and these ones they know it too. That is why the debunk as they do. Yes, some of it is crazy and lets not be alarmed or get googly. If one believes this is all there is that is sad, but to me it does not stop here unless you want to stay here and I don't and when come what may I do my best as I do now and then I feel a good change will come. Learn from this, those who don't and have their head in the sand they won't have leanred anything and that won't help them get any farther than this polluted place. Love health, peace, desire for to nurture life and never think ever of doing a thing purposely to hurt a pure Earth and just maybe some good seeds have been harvested and pure as from the beginning and a new garden awaits trustful caretakers. Maybe this is to see who can be trusted to not allow this to happen to a pure garden again? I would never have a thought to do any of the awful things done now days to inject a seed with spit or something weird. I was looking at this cosmetic and goodness sake it was full of snail slime/caviar...for a beautiful complexion. I can't imagine what their plant site is like...snail egg beauty. Sounds weird. I rather like evanhealy who makes skin care from flowers and herbs...ahhh rose dew.
Don' let it get you too down cause you know there is a good side to every bad thing and that good is so much better than the bad it's hard to even try to measure it. It comes by and by, at a heavy price for many perhaps, but it comes.
As far as plants ruling....we are a lot like plants...but is has been said more be like the weed kind. Oh they be a big weeding some day I think and they be gone. Along with any pesky micro thingy. It is true though I have noticed many these days get along less and lesss and has gotten worse since that bad economy fall the one that never has really got back up. Many want to blame others for things that the other had nothing to do with. They don't want to see themselves as contributors to their own issues or the world at large. I know I make mistakes, I hope to learn and I can only do best I can and if recycling things and avoiding some things is all I know to do, I do and I hope and I never give up hope.
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9032 |
Date: January 07, 2015 at 12:43:19
From: jeffersonzuma, [DNS_Address]
Subject: radiation plumes/particulate from man's nukes, fuku.. viz cosmic e.m. |
are quite different.
as usual, the church of pandering superstition & hypocrisy switch one thing as if another by oversimplification and obfuscation.. ala chem v. condescension, ala natural and easy vaccination v. overloading/confusing/misdirecting/and overreacting/underreactin bipolar immune system assault you guys bully us to do to children or we're like the jews standing in for YOUR banksters/med.monop. getting skaped for your skate on the measles derivatives while we unvaccinated are to blame for murdering children who are probably both on junk food AND took the measles vaccine, but I digress as it is the condescending tact to thus teach me the 1st Grade lesson on how immunization works.. again, the definition of slurring bigotry invoking popular ignorance to set the herd upon those you cannot compete with using reason but only snarky slander and misrepresentation. Ergo, there are different forms of "radiation", eh? Disregarding that flying in a jet is like swimming in the ocean where you meet this and that current on the way to the big wave.. is.. unscientific. heads is tails, glad you explained that to the hysterical herd..
what have we done as a civilization to not have fukus happening until we get the 2 by 6 lesson in natural law?
We have the new madrid area setting up all the time.. and all we get is deflection..
[9056] |
9056 |
Date: April 12, 2015 at 22:09:54
From: Eve in FL, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: radiation plumes/particulate from man's nukes, fuku.. viz cosmic... |
Maybe it's all set up to go off at the same time and we are to learn not to make thorns and thistles out of what was a beautiful garden and if we think it's okay, we get to stay with the big blow out and if we desire to be good keepers of the garden and not allow it again we get to keep the good garden. Absolutely no intruders, if thoughts comes...bye, here is the door and it goes out and it's dark...sorry we don't want to be this way...you do, so long. Sorta like that movie I never say but heard of in 3- D where earthlings searching for another planet started the same on a different one and they were shown the door cause the folks on that planet said no, you killed your momma you not killing ours. ? something like that.
You aught to see what a herd of ants landed in FL...Disney? Place I am in was like a way back town in WVA...but is connected to Tampa now. We went through one night not long after moving here to visit family in WVA and I said are we in WVA already? how did that happen so fast? Now it's like I am back in Tampa so fast? how did that happen....I have never seen building of this kind, it's wild and this past week it revved up like crazy and now I am surrounded by a metropolitan area when it was farm land. Where I live was once Native American sacred ground and it's been chopped up. The sun shine state? I think we gonna get a blast from the sun and somehow connected to CA cause it's the golden state? AK the north star and it's all connected and it's all fractured with faults and sink holes and Moby Dick is gonna blow soon. I feel it. No worries if you learned the good laws and want to follow them...this place won't let ya, but ya do what you can anyway and it counts for something cause it's wisdom the true kind.
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9025 |
Date: December 20, 2014 at 12:23:30
From: JTRIV, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from HAARP Polar Vortexes 2-3 Times Limit for... |
Hi Mr. Bopp,
> nice deflection from the topic...
Wow, a one line trolling response without an insult. You are making progress sir!
Merry Christmas
None |
9022 |
Date: December 19, 2014 at 22:37:41
From: Polydactyl in N. Bay, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from HAARP Polar Vortexes 2-3 Times Limit for... |
Thanks Jim! I'd like to get a good handle on her information. Like she says, a person really needs to start information diving and check sources, barring limited knowledge of science measurements and/or access to credible people in the radiation related fields! It's not an easy task to focus on politics AND science AND radio-biology so I ditch the first and focus on the science and radio-biology. I'll take a look at the articles for sure, however, I know for a fact that radiation is increasing in horrendous amounts across the United States, that's a fact based on known radiation history, back when the world wasn't so radiated. What I'd like to know from Leuren is where she got the soil data which I found pretty alarming. There is no doubt in my mind that California will be working through many health issues in the next ten years, as a result of the continuing air and soil contamination (not to mention the animals and birds and whatnot outside who will eat *it first). Like she said, cancer takes a long time to develop, with less healthy individuals getting their turn first. Everyone always thinks, regarding these 'toxic' issues, that they won't be affected if they take good care of themselves - not so, depending on the amount, duration, and proximity, wherein lies and lies the 'rub'. We DO NOT have clear, consistent radiation figures in the U.S. Berkeley ran experiments for about a year and then quit, saying that measurements went back to normal but then the 'normal' background figures were raised in the U.S. for drinking water. There is no normal in a continuing radiation event and only as the 'standards' apply to specific isotopes being measured, for any given period of time. There is proof that within 2011 the government decided to create a cover up campaign to explain away large radiation amounts. Tepco was a pro at doing the same cover up as they were supplied with U.S. and U.K. PR firms to help! Lies by omission are lies just the same. Brain, breast, lung, and pathway cancers WILL increase - it's not a matter of thinking positively or not, LOL! Add in our airborne aluminum and barium burden and toxic pesticides and well, we're a mess, to my mind. Sadly, corporate belief is stronger than the people's will at this time but I think that's going to change. It's all about the amounts of exposure that people receive and what's coming will be THE TEST of just how much and how long we remain 'obviously' OK. Meanwhile those that stick their heads in the sand will continue to shun all the reports about animals dying and will continue to eat sushi! No worries, we are all going to die anyway- :) Some will choose, perhaps, not to go sooner than later but herein out, I figure, we will not be living as long unless NASA gives us the formula for it's antioxidant radiation mitigation and the formula becomes cheap enough for most to buy it (not likely)- :D There is a skin formula that really greatly improves the aging of skin that has some of the antixodiant forumla created by NASA and it works!
The only thing I'm not sure about in a big picture way, though I don't doubt Lauren's estimation of how long we've been using nuclear technology in a sloppy, unregulated, and potentially too risky manner, is the bit about depop. As a depop it's way too slow given the rate at which 7 billion people can double! Also, why would anyone kill people the slow way and kill off all the animals and plant life it depends on? Why? Because we're a little short sighted, a little too idealistic, a little too full of ourselves, a little too linear and not whole-brained thinking, a little too heirarchal (so why bother worrying about the masses), a little too sloppy in thinking about processes and consequences (out ahead of our technological wonders), and we are just a little too stupid to assess nuclear when it became a 'social prerogative' among the kings and queens on the planet, with an associated, very dear tender. I laugh when I hear that e.t.'s might've helped us gain the knowledge of nuclear. Unless a group of e.t.'s are having some cosmic fun with us, who in their right mind would want to drop nuclear technology on a barrel of monkeys, LOL? Anyway, the depop thing might make a long history of nuclear failures LOOK like we had an ultimate purpose of depop, beyond perceived energy and defense needs. Depop will be part of nuclear technology's massive effect on the planet, no doubt. People who think nuclear technology and releases have no effect on humans and biological systems are under a nuclear spell or addicted to power and competition!
For the most part nuclear destroys tissue and creates energy in the most toxic manner, that once released into the environment, kills more thoroughly than almost anything (more than toxins) as mutations keep doubling after the grandkids' generation. As far as I know, we don't have a way to fix the waste or stop the isotope degradation. If you know of a way, please tell the Japanese quick before they dump 100's of 1000's of gallons of radioactive water into the ocean. They are full up again and ready to let it go.
Astronauts get huge hits of ionized particles in space, with only recent therapeutics developed to offset effects on their longevity and overall health. In space, T-cells really get smacked down though I'm not sure that is from neutrons going through their bodies, however it is well known that radiation in large amounts suppresses the body's immunity to infection. Astronauts take a proprietary load of antioxidants that does the trick along with several hours of exercise a day to offset bone loss from lack of gravity. There are fixes to smaller doses of radiation or even one-shot big doses but the accumulation WILL take it's toll on your overall genetic package.
Enviroreporter and others monitoring only Cesium and some alpha (with pancake tubes) ALL SAY that the rads are going up. God only knows what's on the ground. I certainly would like to know what's on the ground and wish Berkeley would get off it's duff and publish the real figures. If pro-nuclear people want to get people's attention, off the negative results of nuclear technology, then they should step up to the plate and tell the truth about ALL the isotopes and be able to give a real-time assessment when plumes of alphas or degraded rad particles are aloft. But no, that would blow their 'cover' of as little information as possible, so people continue to think the worst. Our EPA should literally be disbanded since they seem to exist solely for the benefit of the government's records and data archives.
Btw, I read the spaceweather article before coming over here. Thanks for the link anyway- :) It's a good one and is telling of a couple things. First it verifies Leuren's mention of two plumes in November. Second it verifies that rain falls and clears out the rads onto the ground, though I have no way of verifying the soil rad count (though Tony measured a huge drop off of radiation in the air). I pray the soil now does not measure 8-11 becquerel disgintergations per second! Understanding what used to be the standard of 5 becquerels and seeing the current measurements is a whole different world. Have you viewed the cams at Fuku lately? They look TERRIBLE. Reactor 3 looks like it's falling apart more. If you play with a still shot of R4 in contrast, the little cover up of 'pixel paint' on the side of R4 reveals several water hoses going to the top. The entire place is sopping wet with radioactive water now. Although you don't often see any real time 'plumes' like in 2011, the entire atmosphere at the plant appears to be pixellated now since last year, a sure sign of radiation damage to the cameras. There are puffs of steam and a thick layer of colored 'fog' outside the port. Frequently you will see a shining cloud over one reactor or another at night that may be gamma shine. Many beta flares have been noted over the plant and pink skies everywhere. I'm talking about rad effects on cameras here, aside from the harsh weather changes in Japan.
All in all, I doubt Leuren is only about conspiracy. Her facts stand connected to radiation increases that many people are monitoring across the United States but not enough people to make it real. Politics is a complex subject that ultimately is not going to solve the nuclear threat, if the public refuses to buy geiger counters and survey rad meters (Leuren's expensive alpha meter died, no surprise, it got exposed to too much radiation, my guess) and educate themselves about the hazards of letting so-called, more intelligent monkeys than themselves, to do the right thing for the benefit of all, when it comes to nuclear energy production. I don't think humans will get the technology 'down' until we are way past the point of no return in tissue damage. The nuclear cabal is very capable of third degree tissue damage. With little integrity or morality, the pro-nuklearcrats will continue to promote the same. At the very least we should be shutting these crappy plants down until we get smarter and figure out how to handle the monsters we've created. Sigh. Tritium blows holes in the ozone, the heating of rivers kills all the life, strontium kills bones in anything living, radiation separates oxygen into elementals we can't breathe, Cesium promotes strokes and heart attacks -the bad effects of rads on the loose goes on and on...
I thank the universe that Leuren is raising the flag on the industry though she may not be 'perfect' in her delivery of that information. She is not a lawyer nor a nuclear physicist but neither handles the nuclear plants nor sets the policies that check foundations ahead of an NPP build or makes sure that regulations are met out properly at any given plant. Little 'ooops' releases are OK since they are not supposed to happen and don't effect people for a long time. The continuing rad 'oops' do affect people, the studies are there for anyone to research. The plants are run by nuclear technologists and bureaucrats, not good 'manager's for the most dangerous technology we've ever created (next to nanotech). Considering the opposition that Leuren and other nuclear whistleblowers, including biologists, face in sending out an alarm to prompt people to ask more questions and dig deeper about the effects of radiation in large and continuing small doses on humans and animals, her comments are tame. AS you might notice she often has a smile, in any case because she knows that much of what she says will only be proven by people getting sick or by people digging into the material for themselves to prove, one way or the other. People who speak out against corporate/defense procedures and production processes often get harassed, big time which can create a certain 'attack before being attacked' stance I hear in some whistleblowers. They know what they say will be countered as 'crazy' or 'dense' or narrow minded, etc. Until more people become aware of what radiation is and does (no, Martha it's not just the sun's rays we have to worry about), everyone will continue to suck up the rads until they're sick and some will never know what hit them, in any case. Maybe when we get MASSIVE effects, all the gleeful go-nuc dunderheads out there, will understand that their methods are less than opportune and their scientific 'beliefs' and practices found to be 'not the best' and even not intelligent. Most of the nuclear shills are so aggressive it makes me laugh every time I get on a page where the nuclear defense is open to questions and answers. The nuclear defense is tres pathetique given what's happened on a global scale. They refuse to see any cause and effect from radiation waste and releases into the environment. They cannot allow that nuclear waste is killing off habitats and deforming people and animals. The fact is the S.O.B.'s don't give a flying fk! After 50 years of bomb testing and very detailed documentation of what radiation does to people, numerous nuclear accidents, and a serious LACK of new technology to decontaminate rad 'hot' water, you'd think someone might be asking more questions. The nucleocrats are not our daddies! They do not want the nuclear industry to become a smaller item than their egos or need for social power. Radiation itself carries no opinion, does not have any emotion when it comes to killing people or transforming radioactive metals into more radioactive metal, for thousands of years. The Wigner Effect causes radioactive isotopes to attach to metal and steals it's electrons, causing the metal to weaken and possibly fail. Be careful flying or expect the unexpected maybe is a better way to say it- :)
I will read the documents unless they turn out to be more cherry picked data that is so often seen in nuclear cover up articles. Writers often will attack the writers and their credentials rather than answer the hard questions about nuclear effects on biology - an easy way to spot hacks desperately trying to make all the nuclear negative effects disappear, like 'POOF' no harm no foul, didn't happen, never will. They'll take one figure and make it disappear in a sea of stats, isolated from any of the other data. The truth is no one will know what's going on until they get the meters and figure it out for themselves. In an alpha wolf-run world, the alpha wolves are at the top of their game and figure with everyone just following along, trusting they will do the safe thing for their families, they have no opposition. If you stick to the facts and associated events since Fukushima you'd have to be deaf dumb and blind not to put two and two together to figure the Fuku isotopes and actinides are NOT a GOOD THING. There will be no way to sugar coat this bitch when she gets out in full into the environment, no way. Kali mad.
[9024] [9038] |
9024 |
Date: December 20, 2014 at 12:22:01
From: JTRIV, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from HAARP Polar Vortexes 2-3 Times Limit for... |
Hi Polydactyl,
> Like she says, a person really needs to start information diving and check sources, barring limited > knowledge of science measurements and/or access to credible people in the radiation related fields!
I agree. One has to be careful as Fukushima is a really serious event.... but it has also brought out every phony and scammer so there is a ton of bad info out there. I really haven't talked about it and am not sure I really trust any of the sources of information. While Japan is typically not very forthcoming on this type of info I have read so many obviously fake reports by the typical conspiracy folks I don't find any of it credible.
> Btw, I read the spaceweather article before coming over here. Thanks for the link anyway- :) It's a good > one and is telling of a couple things. First it verifies Leuren's mention of two plumes in November. > Second it verifies that rain falls and clears out the rads onto the ground, though I have no way of > verifying the soil rad count (though Tony measured a huge drop off of radiation in the air).
Uhhh... NO. The RADS on a Plane articles showed that inside a sealed aircraft radiation from COSMIC RAYS increases with altitude. It was much higher at 39,000 ft than at 26,000 ft which was still much higher than on the ground. If there had been plumes of radiation floating above the US 4 1/2 years after Fukushima (unlikely unless there was a recent, very massive plume of radioactive steam) I doubt his equipment could detect it since the scientist wasn't sampling the air.
[9038] |
9038 |
Date: February 05, 2015 at 02:06:06
From: Polydactyl in N. Bay, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Radiation in USA from HAARP Polar Vortexes 2-3 Times Limit for... |
Right on the cabin air sample, silly me. He was not 'sampling' the air proper only getting a passive gamma measurement on the ground compared to higher elevation. Air is not entirely sealed in a jet. What do you mean by that? Air from outside is mixed in the 'conditioned' air recycled throughout the airplane, so ya, some rad isotopes may float into that system but not as much as radiation aloft from a geostorm after a solar flare, for sure. What an incredible hazard for pilots flying at higher altitudes. There are many stories about aircrews getting sick and dying that are not widely reported. I don't know why people are so in love with the idea that radiation is so safe in samll doses, often. The evidence for health effects is pretty well known, alas, not well, since most people equate radiation with saving lives from cancer, by destroying tissue. Radiation destroys tissue very easily. Human geneticists will no doubt consider the human genome, assembled or dissassembled as a human 'flip-flop' book of body parts and cellular structures that they hope, one day, will replace with healthier cells. Helluva a way to reinvent the human body!
Fuku has continued to spew plumes, are you kidding? Have you seen the cams? They show quivering, pixellating steam curtains rising up from the plant, continuously. Enenews posts the increase in radiation readings around the plant, though usually the increases are reported by plant or government officials long after the fact.
You do bring up a possible manipulation of rad isotopes I hadn't considered before, although a little sci-fi. What IF someone has figured out a way to 'bleed out' higher radiation particles from 'whatever plant in a nuclear disaster spewing off and on' from the lower atmosphere to further out layers? Astraltraveler, though he doesn't have all the knowledge or info to prove what he 'thinks he sees', shows what looks like gas emissions of elemental oxygen leaving earth's magnetosphere, at first mostly it was seen on the nightside, then on the dayside of earth. Radiation does split breathable oxygen atoms into it's elemental molecules. Better to spew rad isotopes further out to the stratosphere, although I have no idea how or what interactions might take place. I do know that a huze ozone hole developed over the Pacific Ocean that linked the troposphere layer to the mesosphere layer (think I got that order correct..). Haven't heard since if it was blown open permanently or if the hole size and shape is in flux. Considering the huge amount of tritium, ongoing fissioning of uranium in melted fuel on the walls of the reactors, tainted cooling water, and evaporation of the western Pacific Ocean into the jet stream, I find it hard to believe that Fuku rads are not aloft and continuing to degrade into metallic daughter products while gradually settling back down to the surface.
There is no way of knowing the atmospheric radiation, without a totally transparent global science community taking and publishing measurements, not dumbed down measurements, as in, 'see this Cesium count, shown as points +/- 'MDA', at ONE point in time, no mention of where or how far off the ground, and, that was two months ago in a survey of several coastline locations, to show there is NO RADIATION to fear. Well, whaddya know? Look ma, no M&M's! Where are the specific measurements of a variety of isotopes, from a variety of (detailed data points needed) places, what equipment used, starting with the jet stream edges, anywhere on the planet. A scintigraphic analysis would help. Wouldn't you love to have one of those cool suitcase scintigraph that immediately analyzes the air into various isotopes and the levels that can be seen on a graph, laptop style?! Wow, I know why that Japanese scientist went around after the plant exploded and it snowed, laying uranium all over the place. I'm forgetting this famous nuclear scientist's name but he wanted to prove, contrary to the government figures, that there was a real nuclear disaster by mapping the radiation counts in the areas around the plant, the hard way. He would not let his hands off his little suitcase, despite offers to carry it for him. The suitcase was very heavy for someone old and frail. The figures were terrifying. One measurement was taken at the gates of the Daichi plant. His companions said we've got to get out of here right NOW! Tepco had said there was not problem with the radiation around the plant at the time, early after the main explosions. The scientist said no wait, I have to get this data. I love that guy!
I haven't checked the latest European atmospheric sampling measurements that are more accessible to public view (not to mention that many more Europeans have geiger counters after Chernobyl and it's no big deal). You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know which way the wind blows and how to use a geiger counter, albeit a crude way to measure rads based on the particular counter calibration for a specific isotope. I tire easily when I hear people say most humans are simply too stupid to understand such a complex science as nuclear physics, as though the dumbed down populations are incapable of ever figuring out how to measure and evaluate radiation in their environment or figure out what real-time effects various isotope exposures will do to their bodies. That's exactly what the IAEA, WHO, and assorted nuclear dandies want everyone to think! People are undeducated, that's all, in the complexities and details of the nuclear industry cover up, so to keep the nuclear fantasy (that nails down the power structure of countries by intimidation mostly) ongoing, about how safe and cheap and effective nuclear technology is, for defense and energy, a real two-fer deal! Nonsense.
We are addicted to nuclear energy to a point of absurdity. It seems so desperate a mentality that makes leaders all over the world think that they are not safe without a 'nuclear rocket in their pocket'. I think it's very possible that nuclear armageddon will happen but not like we think- ;) We will go out with a whimper, not a bang.
I'd forgotten that I was going to get a T-shirt made that says, 'nature bats last' to make people wonder what the hell that means- :D Maybe better wording would be 'When nature recycles manmade radiation, your DNA will mutate but not how you think' (taken in meaning, either way- :D). Radiation is not known for enhancing human brain power.
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