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Date: October 08, 2012 at 18:02:38
From: Polydactyl in N. Bay, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Explosive methane at sinkhole...

URL: Sinkhole explosive methane officially life threatening, residents not told

(Apologies if someone posted the article at link recently.)

The more I read about the sinkhole constituents and direct connection with the ongoing Macondo well disaster, the more it verifies MC's dreams about the gulf disaster.

snip (comments are interesting too)

"It is hereby declared that the presence of natural gas in formations and sands shallower than the underlying cap-rock, and in the Mississippi Alluvial Aquifer, and its top stratum in and around the Bayou Corne area has the potential to threaten lives, the environment, property and operations, sites and facilities under the regulatory authority of the commissioner of conservation."

GLP brought this article up with an answer for someone wanting to know how far away he'd have to be for avoiding an explosion:

'Over 100 miles from coast and over 150' elevation should be fine.'


[7783] [7787]


Date: October 10, 2012 at 10:56:01
From: BSE, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Image

It would appear that there is at least or around 120 nautical miles or 138 statute miles between the vicinity of Bayou Corne (near the 30N Latitude line) and the colored aquifer (near the 32N Latitude line) as eacn degree of latitude equals 60 nautical miles.



Date: October 14, 2012 at 01:33:59
From: Polydactyl in N. Bay, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Image

Thanks for the reality check BSE- :) I'm still checking the Simmons predictions of Macondo well disaster connection with the aquifers and salt domes in Louisiana. Also what exactly was meant by Corne Bayou aquifer and the Mississippi Alluvial aquifer having shallow pockets of gas that maybe 'could' explode.

The salt dome under Corne Bayou is said to be three miles wide which doesn't come anywhere near the larger aquifer north, unless there's some connections not stated. Possibly the writer is exaggerating a bit here!


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