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Date: September 19, 2018 at 08:25:12
From: Long Time, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Florence aftermath

I am so upset and angry and had to vent somewhere.
I keep seeing stories about pets who, once again,
were abandoned when their owners evacuated prior to
the hurricane. Pets who were left tied up in yards
and unable to flee. Animals who were left in cages,
left to drown. Animals who were left to fend for
themselves in poorly built mobile homes and one-
story homes. And of course, not to mention, those
thousands of pigs and chickens -noone tried to keep
them out of harms way.

Yes,I feel bad for the people who lost everything -
but - I feel awful and heartbroken for all the pets
who trusted their humans - trusted them to keep them
safe - and their humans only looked out for
themselves. And I don't want to hear - well, the
humans didn't have time - they had plenty of
warning. Of course, there were those humans who
were unable to leave - but, they and their pets
stayed together to endure the storm. My anger and
distaste is towards those who up and left their pets
and animals. ANYONE who lives in ANY area that is
and might be prone to a natural disaster should
ALWAYS ALWAYS be prepared and ready to move their
animals away from harm. Not just leave them.

Am I way off base feeling this way?

[10954] [10955] [10953] [10950]


Date: September 20, 2018 at 07:39:35
From: abra, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Florence aftermath

Mostly right on, but stock farmers have a particularly rough time. Horse owners, llama owners and other large stock animal owners many DID grab their trailors and take their stock with them, but what is a farmer with 100 cows to do, really, YOU tell ME! There just aren't any good options. Speaking as a farmer. When we have a hurricane ( only happened once or twice, we are in new england) we round up all the stock and LOCK them in the barn with hay fed out on raised platforms. it's never gotten more than four inches deep in the barn and went down within hours, but MAN is THAT ever a bad feeling. Say what you will about factory farms, but small local farmers care for their stock like they are family, We are no differnt...



Date: September 20, 2018 at 19:48:02
From: Eve, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Florence aftermath

or 1000 pig prisoners?

or 2000 chicken prisoners?



Date: September 19, 2018 at 21:05:56
From: Eve, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Florence aftermath

URL: http://www.earthboppin.net/talkshop/disasters/messages/10948.html

It upsets me also.

There is mention of the factory farmed animals...I posted that
some hours ago and was posting in regards to that for days now.

When animals are caged and bred for to kill they are in harms way
EVERY DAY they suffer, so to them it was another suffering ...Now
the crappy mess that is made by factory farming is going to be
worse for all the rotting corpses of pigs, chickens, etc. 🚽 This
world has become a wicked mess. Spirit cooking the wrong way
world. Toilet bowl



Date: September 19, 2018 at 13:01:14
From: pamela, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Florence aftermath

nope, not off base to me... I think people should not build near rivers and creeks also. Nor rebuild.


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