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Date: November 02, 2017 at 19:47:12
From: marja, [DNS_Address]
Subject: hey you captainj

my friend who lost his only child , his son during the Bastille day terror attack in Nice, France , he is also a captain, he graduated of the Maritime Academy here in cali..

he went on some ocean going ships...he found it boring...most people do not realize that within these massive ocean going tankers and ships the grew is minimal...

the guys on board get very tired and bored...

I'm sure you understand what I said...

[10334] [10345] [10329] [10327] [10335] [10328] [10336] [10337] [10340] [10341] [10342]


Date: November 25, 2017 at 12:35:07
From: Captainj, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: hey you marja

Sorry to hear that your friend lost his son, that should happen to no one!

Psssst, you wanna nice, EASY, cushy, job - become a Captain on a merchant ship...

Ya, the crew is minimal, thanks to automation, until all stops working and then all hockey sticks break loose. Don't I really find it boring at all, I have
5 nationalities onboard for crew. Then there is the Office, Client, Customs, Immigration, Port Health, US and Vanuatu Port State and Port State for
the countries you are entering, and ABS / DNV, all of which never stop asking for information...

Can't really say much for the Academy Grads. Very few are really really good, most not, with most having the proverbial platinum spoon in mouth.

If your friend was really tired and bored, they were not applying themselves, there is ALWAYS something to be done! My hands have learned not to
come to me and say 'there is nothing to do'...

As far as found his own company, good for him. I had the chance in the early 90s to purchase several hulls and start my own company. Even back
then, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I would get no time off or sleep. I worked shoreside support for a short bit, way back
when no cell phones existed, and saw the Ops group had NO piece and quiet. I would much rather have 4-6 months at home, with no
responsibilities, other than to be with my family than be on call 24/7/365.



Date: November 28, 2017 at 18:16:18
From: marja, [DNS_Address]
Subject: glad you like it

he just found it way too boring and of course he was only in his late twenties steering the ship in Asia, across the Panama Canal, all the other guys on board were older than him...

though he was still the el capitain...
as he founded his own company in his early thirties he really enjoyed it all, -of course everything he ever worked for was to provide for his son and his future...

his son was studying at UC Berkley, a stunningly intelligent individual whose goal was to literally do everything to clear this earth of all the pollution etc...

he was such a brilliant kid...and yet some moron renting a truck could kill all those people...
the aspirations and the good energies towards this earth...

such a waste of a kind and loving human being...

they established a scholarship in his name at UC Berkley and they already reached their goal...

I'm traumatized by it all since I knew Nic as he was a baby...

life is strange, you never know what will come around the next corner...

better be grateful for every day, here and NOW...



Date: November 08, 2017 at 17:56:17
From: marja, [DNS_Address]
Subject: but he founded his own company

in his thirties cleaning up the ocean waters all over , specifically in south america...

I'm stunned what he has created in his life...



Date: November 03, 2017 at 15:06:29
From: Polydactyl in N. Bay, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: hey you captainj

URL: Remote Viewing November 2017, Plus September Farsight Results

I'm jumping in here though it may be misplaced. There is an event predicted by the Time-Cross Farsight Institute about a ship and 'angry water' with NO STORM.

There is also another fire event and an explosion at some sort of award type event. More at link. The angry water prediction by PrinCess is at 41:21 seconds in. She's been smack-on in her previous predictions.

[10335] [10328] [10336] [10337] [10340] [10341] [10342]


Date: November 25, 2017 at 12:36:25
From: Captainj, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: hey you captainj

Sorry Polydactyl in N. Bay, our YT is blocked...



Date: November 03, 2017 at 21:08:34
From: pamela, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: hey you captainj/polyd

I had a visual /vision last night as drifting off to sleep; I was looking at a ship deck, seemed a sailing vessel, and saw big huge uproar waves come crashing down upon it.

[10336] [10337] [10340] [10341] [10342]


Date: November 25, 2017 at 12:39:09
From: Captainj, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: hey you pamela

Hmmmm, Curious now. Was this open ocean, close to shore,
North/South/East/West hemisphere?

Possible South coast of Africa? Standing waves are notorious on the
South Coast...

[10337] [10340] [10341] [10342]


Date: November 25, 2017 at 13:50:53
From: pamela, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: hey you pamela

Don't know where it was, just saw the middle part of the ship and deck and it being hit with the waves, also part of the front of ship going thru tall waves. It did seem to be open ocean. By the way, glad you are posting again, was wondering about you.

[10340] [10341] [10342]


Date: November 25, 2017 at 14:54:42
From: Captainj, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: hey you pamela

URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_wave

Hi Pamela,

Not glad to be back - Time to Work!!! LOL!!

When I am home I have family to be with and catch up on all the
honey do lists...not to much time for anything else...

Hmmm, sounds like standing or rogue wave. A huge wave more or
less standing still and the ship or vessel plows into it as if a buss or
18-wheeler plowing into 4 story building.

If the link does not work, copy and paste-

[10341] [10342]


Date: November 25, 2017 at 17:18:01
From: pamela, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: thanks Captnj




Date: November 25, 2017 at 17:21:41
From: Captainj, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Your welcome Pamela :)(NT)



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