Charles : Bible : Religion

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 i love ants, grasshoppers, and all living things..   Nevada   17-JUL-2024 15:09:43 
 Re: you take my feeble attempts at humor too seriously..   ryan   17-JUL-2024 13:28:56 
 you take my feeble attempts at humor too seriously..   Nevada   17-JUL-2024 08:39:01 
 Re: cuz ants don't "think"   ryan   16-JUL-2024 23:36:43 
 cuz ants don't "think"   Nevada   16-JUL-2024 20:48:33 
 Re: ...always a pleasure to read your input ryan...   ryan   16-JUL-2024 19:04:16 
 Re: ...always a pleasure to read your input ryan...   Nevada   16-JUL-2024 17:43:22 
 Re: ...always a pleasure to read your input ryan...   ryan   16-JUL-2024 15:53:50 
 ...always a pleasure to read your input ryan...   Nevada   16-JUL-2024 14:20:45 
 Re: Donald Trump just had a near death experience...   ryan   16-JUL-2024 10:50:31 
 Re: Donald Trump just had a near death experience...   Nevada   15-JUL-2024 22:44:37 
 Re: Donald Trump just had a near death experience...   Kat   15-JUL-2024 22:28:00 
 Donald Trump just had a near death experience...   Nevada   15-JUL-2024 12:42:01 
 Re: ...this is what happens when all God's children can't get along...   Joe   14-JUL-2024 18:19:19 
 ...this is what happens when all God's children can't get along...   Nevada   14-JUL-2024 09:52:20 
 Re: Chas   Eve   11-JUL-2024 20:09:14 
 Chas   Kat   11-JUL-2024 14:33:15 
 praying for Brandon.   chaskuchar@stcharlesmo   11-JUL-2024 08:00:18 
 Chas   Kat   11-JUL-2024 03:18:04 
 Re: JULY 4, 2024 MESSAGE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST   Kat   11-JUL-2024 01:36:44 

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