CHILDREN OF OUR KING AND LORD JESUS CHRIST! The inexorable passage of time is accelerating the prophecies. The Devil’s contagion is spreading throughout humanity, without halting its activity; while the children of God sleep, evil does not sleep but acts ferociously and attacks without mercy. IN THE LIGHT OF THIS I INVITE YOU TO REMAIN ATTENTIVE TO DECISIONS THAT BYPASS THE DIVINE WORD, CAUSING MEN TO GO ASTRAY AND THEN WORK AND ACT AGAINST THE DIVINE WILL. The confusion in the Mystical Body of Christ has opened the way for the schism to which the Church of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ will come. Be faithful, be people who feed on the Body and Blood of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Eucharist find the strength for what is to come (cf. Jn 6: 55-57). From each Eucharist received, you will profit from the necessary fruit when you cannot receive Sacramental Communion, so that you do not suffer spiritual hunger, as long as the Eucharist has been received under the necessary spiritual conditions. Pray in season and out of season (cf. I Thess 5:17); permanent prayer, unity with your King and Lord Jesus Christ are essential so that you are filled with hope in order to continue without stopping. STAY ATTENTIVE, VERY ATTENTIVE FACED WITH INNOVATIONS THAT WEAKEN THE DIVINE WORD EXPRESSED IN SACRED SCRIPTURE! Great trials have befallen the Church of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. Unjustified changes attract spiritual calamities that allow Demons to enter into human beings. Woe to those who are permissive regarding the fall of the Children of the Most High! Great calamities loom over the entire Earth; man will not find anywhere to take shelter - neither in the mountains, nor in the meadows, nor in cities (cf. Rev. 6:15-17), because the human being has come to challenge its King and Lord. The human being has detached itself from its King and its Lord in order to surrender to base instincts, to such an extent that the Devils themselves will celebrate when men pounce on other men, being worse than wild beasts. It will be then that all creation will be astonished and ashamed of man and his behavior, and the Earth will groan upon receiving so much abomination. Earthquakes are increasing in intensity, all the more so given that at this instant, the seas are stirred up due to movements arising from the depths of the Earth and the seas. Ecosystems, broken by the hand of man, force insects to look for food in other habitats and cities are invaded by locusts, grasshoppers and crickets, leaving man without food. You lack the humility to raise up prayers to your Queen and Mother of all people: Our King and Lord Jesus Christ does not reject those who come to His Mother so that She might intercede. Pray all of you, pray. Plagues advance silently; some arise before man’s eyes, others are caused by misused science. Pray all of you, pray. Given the silencing of the truth, be prudent: do not expose yourself to the diseases that will go throughout the Earth. Pray all, pray. Various countries on earth will suffer from great earthquakes, including Central America, Chile, Ecuador, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico and Puerto Rico. The state of California and the city of San Francisco will move with great force. Argentina shakes. Great volcanoes become active, and yet most men ignore it until they suffer themselves. Such is man’s great ignorance: he follows his musical idols, his sporting idols, but of Heaven’s declarations you know nothing, you ignore the warnings of Heaven. You, People of God - a People praying and practicing the Law of God, and fearful of offending Him, PRAY, NOT ONLY WITH WORDS BUT PRAY, AWAKENING YOUR SLEEPING BROTHERS. I call you not to falter, to stand firm in the Faith, to be truly brothers and sisters. We the Heavenly Armies guard you; invoke us so that we might assist you; do not forget that you have Guardian Angels: invoke Them, converse with Them, give Them permission to intervene and not allow you to take the wrong path. People of God, you must face trials; at the same time you must walk towards the GOAL, united to your King and Lord Jesus Christ, by the Hand of your Queen and Mother so that you enjoy Heaven in advance. Do not fear! Be Love, be humility, be charity, and you will receive the rest in addition. IN HONOR OF OUR KING AND LORD OF HEAVENS AND EARTH. UNITED IN THE LOVE OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY. WHO IS LIKE GOD? THERE IS NONE LIKE GOD! Saint Michael the Archangel HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN COMMENTARY BY LUZ DE MARIA Brothers and Sisters: Once again Saint Michael the Archangel calls us to prayer in action. He challenges us and encourages us at the same time, so that as children of God we also be children of our Blessed Mother, intercessor of humanity. We are heading for trials that have been expected, so let us act properly, responding in righteousness and Love to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.