Though that might be out of date, as things change (I too dreamed of North Korea some years ago), I am CONVINCED there will be war between China and the US, and that it'll involve ships starting it off. Have had so many dreams of this, from about 2019. In one, I was shown it would start in 2023, with ships sunk in the Pacific. It doesn't go nuclear instantly though - they're not that suicidal - it takes years to become full-on war. At least, that was what my dreams showed.
Weird postscript to this, Sher. I have a grandson, called Felix, who's nearly 15. When he was just about 5 years old, I dreamed, more than once, of him joining the army, and fighting in a war. This didn't seem all that likely. In another dream some years back, I knew a war with the West and Russia was happening, I was watching missiles fly overhead. I turned to someone, and said: "I won't live to see this. But Felix will see it." So, fast forward 10 years till today. Felix is now in army cadet training, and determined to join the army! His mother, my daughter, is horrified. I told her, you may have to steel yourself, perhaps it's his destiny? Gives me goosebumps, though, the timing seemed so unlikely back then, but now here we are, relations with Russia get worse & worse, and here he is planning to become a soldier, so in 2 years' time, maybe he will be seeing those missiles.