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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 You didn't read the post: Civility was tried, people died.    Awen   30-OCT-2024 04:21:25 
 Re: I have described every lack of kindnesss and decency from your...   shadow   29-OCT-2024 15:52:53 
 Re: I have described every lack of kindnesss and decency from your...   old timer   29-OCT-2024 14:20:38 
 I have described every lack of kindnesss and decency from your side   Awen   29-OCT-2024 13:19:51 
 To put it bluntly   Awen   29-OCT-2024 13:15:38 
 Re: the new GOP: Trump, Tulsi, RFK, Musk: Demos Harris, Cheneys   Nevada   26-OCT-2024 11:26:42 
 Re: the new GOP: Trump, Tulsi, RFK, Musk: Demos Harris, Cheneys   Nevada   26-OCT-2024 11:23:35 
 Re: the new GOP: Trump, Tulsi, RFK, Musk: Demos Harris, Cheneys   shadow   26-OCT-2024 11:18:28 
 Re: the new GOP: Trump, Tulsi, RFK, Musk: Demos Harris, Cheneys   Nevada   26-OCT-2024 11:14:56 
 Re: the new GOP: Trump, Tulsi, RFK, Musk: Demos Harris, Cheneys   shadow    26-OCT-2024 11:09:12 
 Re: the new GOP: Trump, Tulsi, RFK, Musk: Demos Harris, Cheneys   shadow   26-OCT-2024 10:56:50 
 Re: the new GOP: Trump, Tulsi, RFK, Musk: Demos Harris, Cheneys   old timer   26-OCT-2024 09:14:28 
 fair enough ryan, most of the posters on eb do not value my input   Nevada   25-OCT-2024 22:59:24 
 Re: ...are you suggesting I am out of control ryan?   mr bopp   25-OCT-2024 22:39:28 
 Re: the new GOP: Trump, Tulsi, RFK, Musk: Demos Harris, Cheneys   old timer   25-OCT-2024 21:05:09 
 ...are you suggesting I am out of control ryan?   Nevada   25-OCT-2024 20:59:05 
 Re: the new GOP: Trump, Tulsi, RFK, Musk: Demos Harris, Cheneys   mr bopp   25-OCT-2024 20:49:54 
 Re: the new GOP: Trump, Tulsi, RFK, Musk: Demos Harris, Cheneys   old timer   25-OCT-2024 20:35:17 
 Re: the new GOP: Trump, Tulsi, RFK, Musk: Demos Harris, Cheneys   ryan   25-OCT-2024 19:02:45 
 Re: the new GOP: Trump, Tulsi, RFK, Musk: Demos Harris, Cheneys   ryan   25-OCT-2024 19:01:47 

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