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Date: February 15, 2014 at 09:56:09
From: mr bopp, [DNS_Address]
Subject: posted for dib/sciguy

apparently he can't post it himself

Subject: Ok, you win!

I'm not inclined to resort to a proxy server, so you win. Congratulations!

You are now free to resume presiding over a bunch of morons who are so ignorant they can't even figure out what contrails are, so paranoid that they spread hatred of our own government instead of getting involved in public service that would help support better government, so ignorant of
science that they actually think their pains are earthquake precursors, so silly that they spend all their time on conspiracy websites and repeat it all on your own site, so egotistic and self-centered that they think their own warped delusions are the only truth, and their webmaster is so clueless he thinks something out there somewhere is going to save his feeble ass from future oblivion.

You could do so much better, bopp, if you would quit pretending that you are a suffering soul who needs to prop yourself up with a fatalistic attitude, a misplaced reverence for you own fatalistic attitude, and a belief that jazz and earthboppin' is all there is to life.

Too bad you won't get to post this.

dib/SciGuy out.



Date: February 15, 2014 at 19:23:19
From: Petra, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: posted for dib/sciguy - End of an Era

I can't quite imagine life without the dibster though I think the moniker Joe Negative would have been better suited.

Yet, if he had availed himself to have pie with me at Walker's Pie Shop while it was still there who knows, we might have straightened out all of the loose ends and perhaps he'd be a bit more chipper now.

I'm keep him in my prayers that whatever is wrong at his end will be repaired and he'll be back with us soon.



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