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Date: November 30, 2011 at 11:34:50
From: Don in Hollister, [DNS_Address]
Subject: How Secure Is Your Computer???

URL: Cyber-Espionage

Hi All. How secure is your computer? Do you get links in your email inviting you to click on them if you are interested in this or that? Don't click on links in your email (or on your Facebook Wall) unless you are sure about the source. Filter out all email from unknown sources. Recent studies report there are 800 million malicious emails sent every day. Be careful when you click on links in the browser. Lock down your Facebook security settings to prevent criminals from gathering your personal information. Cybercriminals use this personal information to create customized, social engineered email attacks that tempt you into clicking on their links or disclosing personal information.

"The cloak-and-dagger world of corporate espionage is alive and well, and China seems to have the advantage. Their cyber-espionage program is becoming more and more effective at swiping information from America's public and private sectors. The U.S. government has even blamed China publicly for hacking American industries..."
Source: NPR

Your computer may be one of those being used, by countries for cyber-espionage and or by cybercriminals for their use and you may never even know it until someone knocks on your door accusing you of espionage or being a thief. Of course you're not, but how do you prove it when it is your computer that is being used to conduct criminal activity? You may have an antivirus program and maybe a spyware or malware program, but those aren't good enough if you don't use a little common sense about what you click on. Take Care...Don

[1887] [2014] [1889] [1886] [1892] [1888] [1884] [1890] [1885] [1891]


Date: November 30, 2011 at 14:19:48
From: Redhart, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: How Secure Is Your Computer???

I never websurf without a condom.

[2014] [1889]


Date: February 23, 2012 at 23:33:52
From: Sunny, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: How Secure Is Your Computer???Hi,-RedHeart!

Hi, RedHeart! So glad to see you ain't changed a bit. LOL! Keep on
shining! I've really missed you guys! LuvU, Sunny



Date: November 30, 2011 at 16:29:36
From: Skywise, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: How Secure Is Your Computer???

Practice safe hex!!!




Date: November 30, 2011 at 13:50:10
From: Skywise, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: How Secure Is Your Computer???

So what happens when you get an email from someone you know with an attachment or links? Do you trust it?

How do you know their computer isn't infected unbeknownst to them, and the malicious program is now sending itself around to everyone in that person's address list?

You should be just as worried about emails from those you know.


[1892] [1888]


Date: November 30, 2011 at 19:59:36
From: petrusha, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: How Secure Is Your Computer???

In my mind's eye I imagined a bank of computers. First, those that receive email from people who cannot be trusted to lock their own front doors, let alone anyone else's.

Then those who mean well but don't "get it." Those who've been victimized and don't know it yet (er, but how can we know that on our end of the exchange? ... I guess everyone needs to go into Category 1).

Okay, Skywise, you're right ... there is no safe email! (Yikes.)

It reminds me (as does so much else in life) of Sartre's words (translated from the French): "Hell is other people."

Brave new world. Lock up your valuables. If you can.

Meanwhile, have fun, do no harm, and don't reveal your passwords to anyone.



Date: November 30, 2011 at 14:24:04
From: Redhart, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: How Secure Is Your Computer???

...I did that the other day. Got a link, no explanation, from my son.

Guess what...I didn't open it until I asked him. "Did you send me something about roofing contractors?"

He said: "Yes"


Sometimes, the other party says "no" in when I was getting a lot of "weird" emails from my usually verbose sister. Links with no explanation

I called her up..."Did you send me...?"


she had a virus, I didn't open them. She got it cleaned off her system (with quite a bit of cussing, I'm told).

Practice safe-surfing.



Date: November 30, 2011 at 13:12:01
From: Christine, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: How Secure Is Your Computer???

Don - perhaps you need to apply some basic security at home first as in 2 seconds I got an email address or you
from a basic internet seach

Don Eck in Hollister

Found a picture of you on the public internet

You're 77 and probably live at 24 Plumtree Dr. Hollister, CA 95023-3414

I noticed you also posted advice about security for when people on vacation and simultaneously publicly posted
when a person was about to leave on vacation leaving there property unattended.

[1890] [1885] [1891]


Date: November 30, 2011 at 17:20:43
From: Christine/SoCal, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: The post above by "Christine" was not made by me

Do we have another Christine, or is this a troll? Subject matter indicates a troll.



Date: November 30, 2011 at 13:28:29
From: Don in Hollister, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: How Secure Is Your Computer???

Hi Christine. That is one of the problems with having a web site.

Knowing where I live is no big deal. Getting into and using ones computer is something else. Making it hard enough could cause the person to go elsewhere.

I am indeed 77 years old. What is surprising is despite my lifestyle I am that old. Must be doing something right or it hasn't caught up with me yet. I have had 3 heart attacks, but I have a feeling I won't survive the next one. The odds are against me, plus my lifestyle doesn't help any. Take Care...Don



Date: November 30, 2011 at 19:44:08
From: petrusha, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: How Secure Is Your Computer???

Touché, Don!

That was a heads-up for all of us, which we all need to be handed from time to time, but you come out the gracious one.

(I was discussing values with some friends a few days ago. "Kindness" came up high on the value scale. Where modern communications are concerned, it doesn't trump a determined h--ker in the short run -- and it sure isn't synonymous with pushover -- but it trumps most other stuff in the long run, for those who want a quality life. JMO. I don't come here often, but you and a few others bring me back here time and time again.)


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