On my way out still...lol...& can't help but share this wonderful piece...
May 7, 2019 by Kristine Dewar
I came across this lovely South African tradition:
In certain regions of South Africa, when someone does something wrong, he/she is taken to the center of the village and for two days he/she is surrounded by his tribe, while they speak of all the good he/she has done. They believe that each person is good yet sometimes we make mistakes, which is really a cry for help. They unite in this ritual to encourage the person to reconnect with his true nature. The belief is that unity and affirmation have more power to change behavior than does shame and punishment. This is known as Ubuntu humanity towards others.
What I love about this ceremony are the following words: reconnect, unity and affirmation. We are a relationship species and our deepest level of feeling safe comes from being accepted by others. What a lovely tradition, focusing on the importance of social unity and generosity of spirit. In many ways we can incorporate this philosophy in our own relationships, focusing on the inherent good of a person so as to incline them towards their own inner spirit.
Returning my focus back into the work of fully integrating & embodying my own *Single Eye,* through which I can enact the choice to be filled by and live from Infinite Love's eternally unified context...where no one's inherent divinity, grace and glory is turned aside from, adjudged as evil, themselves, rather than their unconscious behavior, imagined as worthy to be left behind, outside the natural embrace of All...
...especially those who my own human sensibilities and values can still be shocked and angered by...remembering to reframe my experience of their violence, and my own in reactivity, as the cry for healing it is, that so many have no idea how to seek...
All love, respect and honor to the Good Within All...regardless of whether my own heart's eyes can dial it into focus or not in any given moment...
Love to Everyone...