A dear friend sent me this, this morning, and I found it very powerful... Sharing in the hope that another might find support within it as well...
(Other than this I've not read anything else from him, nor do I see this writing immediately on his site, but I found it and have linked it...)
In Iran, they have been digging massive burial pits for the dead.
In northern Italy, elderly relatives disappear into ambulances, never to be seen again, no final goodbyes. There are no funerals there anymore. Doctors and nurses go without sleep, work on the verge of physical and mental collapse. Here in the UK, cruise ships have docked in London, ready to be used as giant 2000-bed field hospitals.
We are living in unprecedented times. So much to process each day. So many feelings to feel. In our vulnerability, we are being forced to adapt to a new way of life. To open our eyes, without getting blinded. To see the truth, yet stay kind.
Some say this virus is here to awaken and heal the planet. Some say we are going through a mass transformation of consciousness. Some say if we can just shift into the light, fill ourselves with high vibes, take the right supplements, repeat the right mantras, the virus will not be able to touch us. Some say we have manifested the disease with our karma or negative thoughts. Some say we can stay immune with positivity and the right spiritual practice. I don’t know. I am not qualified to comment on these ideas. I have no conclusions, no answers for you. I lost my answers long ago, answers only bred despair.
I found my home in Presence instead.
I can offer no comforting words today. I can only offer today the way of devastation. The path of crucifixion.
Allow yourself to be broken, friend. Be ground to dust in this time of crisis and made new. Let yourself be made soft, open, childlike, grateful. Be humbled in the face of the maelstrom.
We are always in crisis. We live in permanent crisis. Crisis is the way and the truth and the life. The only permanence, friend: Death and rebirth. Death and rebirth. World without end.
Terrible and ancient energies have been swirling deep in the Unconscious for so long. These energies were here long, long ago, aeons before the current form of crisis. These circumstances have not created them, only invited them to emerge. They are emerging now. The vast terrors of the deep. A profound, volcanic rage that could tear universes asunder. Longings, yearnings, dark desires, unspeakable. An awesome grief. Yes, the grief of knowing that we are all going to die. All of us. Maybe not today. Maybe not this year. Maybe not this decade. But one day. One day, death will come.
Yes, the fear of death, rumbling underneath all. Wild thoughts and majestic feelings of the night we ignore in times of “normality”. And then normality shatters, rots, decays, turns to dust, because it must. And a part of us wants to run. Wants to rush to conclusions, false hope, empty positivity, a new world.
“This is all for the best! We are headed towards the light! A great and wonderful transformation is happening! How beautiful it all is!”
But we skip the night at our peril. Bless the sun, yes, but surrender to the moon. Bow to the grief in your guts that’s been longing to be felt for decades. Turn, finally, to the anxiety that’s always been lodged in your belly and chest, without trying to fix it, or change it, or get rid of it, or transform it. Drop the “positive” façade and embrace the night. After a lifetime of running, make room in yourself for the dread, the powerlessness, the dark mystery of it all, and your wonderful unknowing, and the miracle of existence itself.
Yes, behold the miracle of life, right where you are. Bless each breath, each movement of your lungs. In, out. In, out. Turn to face the terror and the ecstasy. In, out. In, out. One moment at a time, digest the undigested. In, out. In, out. You will find no internal enemy. No truly ‘dark’ thing here. You will find only a lost little child inside, crying, “Mother? Father? Are you there? I am scared. I don’t know what’s happening. I cannot hold myself today. Will you hold me?”
We may very well be in the early stages of a mass transformation of consciousness. We may be undergoing a global awakening. This may all be for the “best”, ultimately. I don’t know. But there are horrors to face and feel, too. There is the night-time to pass through. Great terrors rumbling inside all of us, only waiting for our compassionate attention.
By all means, keep busy. Fill your time. Start new projects. Find ways to relax and recharge and help your fellow humans. Stay positive, wash your hands, do what you can to strengthen the immune system.
But don’t forget to surrender to the horror of it all. Don’t forget the night-time. The pulsating, swirling, mysterium tremendum of existence. The emptiness and the despair. The overwhelming shock and awe of life itself. Each and every moment of it. And death rumbling underneath it all, all our projects, big and small. And life is intertwined with death, always, and death renders each moment of life exquisitely fragile, precious, naked, whole.
And there is a little child inside of you, utterly bewildered by it all.
Will you take their hand?"
- Jeff Foster