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Date: May 17, 2018 at 23:17:59
From: ryan, [DNS_Address]
Subject: the difference between mechanical and conscioius effort

Amwell, 8.7.50
Maurice Nicoll

We understand that the general idea in this Work is that Man is
asleep, but that he can awaken if he makes the right efforts. Let me
ask you what you understand about effort? Supposing you come to a
difficult passage in something you are reading, you have to make an
effort to understand it; otherwise you will simply pass it over and go
on to the next paragraph which is perhaps more easily understood.
Effort, therefore, means concentration of some kind. How often do I
cast aside an article on the Cosmos
from the scientific point of view,
promising myself that I will study it later. And how many times do
you think that I do study it later?
I can say quite truthfully practically
never, but occasionally.

Now consciousness does not grow from mechanicalness. Increased
consciousness, which is the object of this Work, can only grow through
effort. You may think that you all make efforts such as getting up in
the morning, cooking eggs or making
meals, catching trains, but these
are not efforts, although you might
connect them with efforts; they
are mechanical efforts. Do you see that from the standpoint of the
Work a mechanical effort is not an
effort in the Work sense? It is
your mechanicalness that makes you do these things. If you don't
catch that bus you will lose your job at the office, and so on. So you
can see that you are not making the effort, but
is making the effort.
Now for heaven's sake don't think that to make conscious effort is not
to catch a bus to the office, not to cook eggs, etc. This is quite a silly
idea of effort such as many people used to have, standing up in empty
buses, or eating coke, or
some such absurdity.

We have got to study in this Work what the Work means by effort
as distinct from mechanical effort. O. once said that the whole of
nature has to make effort. The hard
-working birds have to lay eggs,
rush about all day finding food, feed their young, and then as often as
not fly to Africa and many of them will die. But this is mechanical
effort and therefore not effort in the Work sense. It is nature driving
them. It is laws. It is a necessity in the same way as our lives on this
imperfect planet demand necessary effort in order to exist. We have
to do what we have to do, and if we
do what we have to do, we may get
to the level of what is called in
the Work—Good Householder. But
the Work starts from another level in its definition of what efforts we
have to make. Suppose you are running for a bus to your office and
you are cursing and swearing, then, do you understand from what you
know of the Work already, that you are negative? Now, where then
does the Work effort come in? We must make extra effort to do such
things without being negative and without being identified. Life does
not demand this extra effort—this other kind of effort.

Now to-day I want to talk to you about identifying, which is so
closely related to being negative. We do not realize how much we are
identified and so under the power of things. What is the opposite, or
let me say, antagonistic state to being identified? The beginning of the
power to remember yourself. Now a
ll Work-efforts lie beyond mechanical necessity. They are extra. They are not necessary for the living of
ordinary life. They belong to another level of ideas. Work-efforts are
connected with what the Work teaches, and we must gradually distinguish between needful mechanical
effort and these extra efforts
which the Work teaches us to make and life does not. Life wishes to
keep us asleep. So try to distinguish in your mind between necessary
mechanicalness, and the extra efforts which are needed to change the
level of being, that is, awaken from the sleep in which we are caught
in the vast machinery of mechanical life called Nature. We can serve
Nature or not. To serve Nature is not to work.

I will add one thing, namely, that if you will
consciously what you
have to do out of necessity, you will be in a different state right away,
and will be working on yourself. But
I leave it to all people who are
teaching this Work to explain what the conscious efforts are that we
have to make, and of which I have
talked so many times. To repeat
them all once more would mean I
should have to repeat the whole

O. said the only emotion we really know is the emotion of being
identified, and that we have no real emotions because we are always
identified and worried, anxious, negative, about everything that hap-
pens to us. To have pure emotions
would mean not being identified.
How marvellous! To will
and to be identified are different. So try willing
what you have to do out of necessity, and working on necessity.
For instance, you can will
to catch that bus. Mechanical effort out of
necessity is not conscious effort, but the willing
of it will make it conscious. To will
what happens to you will lift
you above mechanicalness.

To will
a thing is not to complain. To complain about your life is not
to work. I do not mean only externally, in speech, but to think in
your spirit. To argue from the senses is, again, not to work. Physical
sight may be the clumsiest way of understanding things. Esoterically,
sight means insight—that is, understanding. Taking things as you see
them will make for complaining, and complaining is not understanding.

[26059] [26060] [26056] [26057] [26058] [26061] [26062]


Date: May 18, 2018 at 21:09:41
From: kemokae, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: the difference between mechanical and conscioius effort

Sorry Ryan..was rather thinking one was your vaccum cleaner and the other.... was your maid you just hired..*smiles



Date: May 18, 2018 at 21:36:59
From: et, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: the difference between vaccum cleaner and maid effort

that was seen as funny by me ... thank for sharing

the difference between mechanical and conscioius effort

Sorry Ryan..was rather thinking one was your vaccum cleaner and
the other.... was your maid you just hired..*smiles



Date: May 18, 2018 at 12:16:41
From: et, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: the difference between mechanical and conscioius effort

Thank's for sharing this... did manage to get some useful tidbits from
reading and considering a few ideas and ideals which likely are a bit
beyond the present grasp of some here... who knows maybe this
comment will inspire some to reach out and seek to grasp such ideals
and ideas.

In case such happens to be the case will now posit a challenge to take
the text and do a phantom rendition transposition to ensure only the
better and best remains there... tha is go the extra mile and filter out
what better be removed and bring in what better be included.

For example let's consider the part that involved supposing one be
running for a bus that one has to catch to get to the office... To me it be
clear that underlying idea there centered on recognizing considering
assessing the ideas one thinks while running to catch the bus...

Let's now go the extra mile and recognize the kind of example
employed. Hint: say that it can be either positive or not positive and
from the language employed we can assess that it was for the not
positive side... well it went a bit further than just not positive and
actually delved and crossed over into that other side that is beyond the
neutral boundary some know as NPNN (not positive and not negative).
Do notice that in this text until that last sentence had managed to
remain neutral or positive while delving into all possibilities...

I imagine that the writer of that other text could have opted for blessing
& well wishes... like the choo choo 'I think I can "... point being made by
me here has to do with recognizing that the particular examples used
had a particular bias and well it could had involve the positive side to
seed and highlight the focus on thinking nice thoughts... bit more than
just not positive ...

In a way the conscious Work effort come into play when we make that
extra effort to do such things while being positive or at least being

I did notice several other issues which to me depict an inclination that
moves away from what's right and correct. For example to me
'identifying', be closely related to recognizing stuff and of itself need not
be related to what's not good or to what's good. A second example has
to do with Life wishing to keep us in a certain level of consciousness
from which we may willfully opt to awaken when really actually what be
going on there involves something else and has to do with seeding
certain associations...

Instead of just trying to distinguish in your mind between necessary
mechanicalness, and the extra efforts go all the way and ensure to
distinguish recognize consider and handle such stuff accordingly be it
within or beyond the mind of some individual(s) or the bodies they hold
and be held by...

[26057] [26058] [26061] [26062]


Date: May 18, 2018 at 16:20:22
From: JimW, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: soo, et...your ideals are beyond our grasp? and...

So you have evolved higher than us?
In reading what you wrote, I experienced a confusing
mismash word salad.

Please do tell, what is a "phantom rendition

[26058] [26061] [26062]


Date: May 18, 2018 at 19:34:54
From: et, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: soo, et...your ideals are beyond our grasp? and...

Jim the phantom rendition transposition involves taking
statements and do a rendition of them using a better clearer
language. Thus for example take what you said "I experienced a
confusing ..." and re express it as "I experienced a lack of clarity

Now I assess you did not manage to appropriately get this from
the statements provided nor in particular from the text "... go the
extra mile and filter out what better be removed and bring in what
better be included". Then again you may think/feel/realize that
what better be included involves abundance of confusion rather
than work to have a lack of clarity seek to cultivate an abundance
of clarity...

BTW just because you experienced lack of clarity rather than
abundance of it does not implicate that others will get to
experience it as you do... now while you may think/feel/realize that
there is nothing to be gotten from that and claim that to be the
case some will think/feel/realize that there is something to be
gotten from that and may even manage to get at the stuff to be
gotten and act accordingly as intended...

I would question why some tend to say what they say in the way
they state it and hold each employs and uses the terms they
value and cherish the most... well some value better things and
simply act under the influence of not so good ways thinking
feeling realizing as if they are doing good... while feeding
something else... and will shift in the blink of an eye to embrace
the better and best alternatives when shown or when told... if one
values better things and act under the influence of the really
actually good stuff then the mention of a better alternative be
embraced and incorporated ASAP...

A while back I thought that sarcasm was a way to be humorous
and funny... laugh at the incongruencies between what is claimed
and done... then somebody mentioned that sarcasm is always a
veiled aggression ... and well given I wanted to be humorous and
funny I dropped the thought that sarcasm was humorous and
recognized it for what it was... I could had resisted that and
rationalize that no sarcasm was a way to be humorous and funny...
but then I would had been acting under the influence of a not so
good idea...

You may believe that what you experience from what I write be
due to what I write instead of from what you perceive (or do not
perceive) thing is in many instances what you experience be more
related to and from what you perceive there than what was there
... rarely if ever have I seen you seek to validate if what you
consider corresponds to what's to be considered... rarely if ever
have I seen you seek to validate that what you think I said
corresponds with what I thought... though have seen pleanty of
instances where you did manage to perceive a distortion...

[26061] [26062]


Date: May 18, 2018 at 21:43:49
From: JimW, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: soo, et...your ideals are beyond our grasp? and...

More confusing meaningless gobble dee goop.
Try getting your point over in one paragraph, instead of
endless sermons and preaching.



Date: May 18, 2018 at 22:03:19
From: et, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: soo, et...your ideals are beyond our grasp? and...

getting the point over in one paragraph, simple
getting you to get the point from the paragraph
as one better and best get it... practically impossible


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