commentary by maurice nicoll..
WORK-IDEA "Things are on different scales."
COMMENTARY It is necessary to understand that things are on different scales. For instance, our personal grievances are on a different scale from the national difficulties of the country we live in. When war is declared, something happens on a different scale from our personal troubles. We live on the Earth, which is clearly on a different scale in size from our personal stature. If it blows up, we are physically blown up, as in an earthquake, such as that of Messina, where 100,000 human beings were killed in a moment without warning. An earthquake belongs to the scale of the Earth. A personal quarrel belongs to the scale of oneself —that is, the Man-Woman scale. In great matters, as earthquakes or famine, or war and its desolation, the scale of personal grievances as a rule ceases to have much power over us. In a forest-fire, or in a drought, wild animals cease to attack one anot her. In a hard winter, deer come down from the snows to get food from Man. A great common danger dissolves the scale of personal antagonism. This is interesting, for the world of humanity is full of personal and natural antagonisms. It means that only something bigger, greater, on another scale, can destroy the power that they exert. I said just now that this is interesting. So it follows that if you have no sense of anything higher, anything greater, than yourself, you will not be able to change. Now the idea of what is called religion was to bring into the consciousness of a man or woman the constant sense of something greater than themselves in daily life—in short, to give a continual sense of greater scale. No doubt God is not interested in different religions, but only in their effect on this feeling of I. And, as you know, any religion can easily produce a feeling of me rit and superiority which is, of course, the reverse of what it wa s invented for—for example, "Thank God, I am not as other men . . ." Bu t here we have an idea of very great consequences to our understanding of the Work. The Work says that unless a man can comprehend the idea of Greater Mind, he will be faced with endless difficulties in receiving it. It says a man, a woman, must have Magnetic Centre, which, briefly, is a sense or intuition of higher influences and of the impossibi lity of Nature's creating itself or of life's being explicable in terms of itself. Now it is this feeling that the visible world—the minute part of total creation opened to our limi ted senses—is not the sum total of reality, that makes it possible to do this Work in a spirit of under- standing. For those who say that visibl e nature created itself, it is impossible to do this Work. Why? Be cause they have something upside down in their minds. Such are like people who, having a radio, take it to bits to find out where the music comes from. Are not invisible forces playing on the radio ? And is not the radio made to receive them ? Then how can you attempt to explain the radio in terms of itself? And so it is the same with the brain. Now you can explain the radio in terms of its parts. Also you can remove brains and study them under the microscope. But will you thereby find out why they exist? Can you explain anything in terms of itself? You can take a picture and analyse its paint, canvas, etc. Will this explain the picture? No. The radio instrument can only be explained in terms of the invisible— the wireless waves which are inaudible, invisible, intangible, but become intelligible to us via a machine that transforms for us what our very limited senses cannot pick up. And so it is with Higher Centres and our preparation of lower centres to hear what they say to us all the time.
All esotericism begins with the idea that there is something higher. Exoteric systems, such as religions, say that this something higher is God, which people of sensory understanding take as something outside them, in the sky, so to speak. Esoter ic systems say that this "something higher" is in you—not outside you in the visible world—but within you as a higher possible and existing level of yourself, not yet attained, but there already. So Christ said: "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you." A man, a woman, following the ex oteric path, thinks of a thunder- storm, an earthquake, a drought, a famine, as an external god acting unfavourably. But esotericism teaches that if you get negative and delight in all that, you descend in your level of understanding, and so move towards hell. The Ray of Creation can give rise to many thoughts that belong to the development of a new way of thinking. The Work says that it is to make you think in a new way. It also says that if you continue to think as you always did, you cannot change—that is, you cannot undergo that possible change latent in Man by his creation as a self- developing organism and which is his real meaning. All that I have just said requires careful thinking—otherwise it may go in at one ear and out at the other and leave no trace in your mind. There is one thing that can be said for certain—and that is that you have to make mental effort in this system called the Fourth Way. You cannot think in a new way unless you make an ef fort to do so. Now, amongst many other things, learning to think in terms of scale is to think in a new way. To do so puts the mind in right order. To start with oneself puts the mind in wrong order. For example, if you put the Work first, as something greater, and yourself after, then you will get help. Vice versa, you will get none. Why? Because things are the wrong way round in your mind.