Welcome to the free Cell Speak e-series!
Starting today and for the next 20 days you will recieve a daily dose of Cell Speak™...important insights* from the Seven Sisters of Pleiades that I hope will empower you on the sometimes/oftentimes challenging journey of embodiment. *NOTE: Each message is encoded with specific frequenices that serve to awaken the higher body consciousness. Enjoy the series! Lauren
Humans have the tendency to view the body as something that is solely to serve them, however, it is rarely understood that to do this, for the body to serve the human soul that embodies it, requires a specific and intentional relationship.
The new human form is one of dynamic is a living, breathing entity of its own accord and requires a new, higher level of understanding and responsibility, communication and relationship to maintain. This level of cellular intelligence, and your participation required to consciously work with this intelligence, will come more fully into your awareness as each of your cells light up from the increasing vibrations of LOVE energy that has been, and will continue to speed up the resonance of the human form.
Each time the body is heard over the mind, true communion is formed and healing happens.
When you establish a conscious dialogue with your cells, your body will become your own physical guide. During this remarkable time on earth, your human biology is literally transforming into a very advanced system of bio-dynamic intelligence...before your very eyes. Meaning, your cells are returning to their original divine-DNA template and are becoming responsive again...alive with vital, life-giving energy.
What we are asking of you now is simple, but requires discipline. We are asking that you whole-heartedly embrace the reality that becoming fully embodied thru this ascension phase requires the understanding, the acceptance that the new-human form operates from a perceptual field of timelessness and immortality.
The concept of immortality is certainly not a new one, but it’s in the integration and application of it that it becomes realized. What we mean is this...the contemplation of immortality is not enough to activate it’s potential within the physical body. Immortality must be continually communicated to the cells...the cells must be nourished daily with the directive, with the program of immortality, do you see?
As you reconnect to the grid of Christ consciousness you must prepare to lose connection with the understanding of cell death. Holding on to the concept of mortality at this stage of your evolution can cause discordance...even fracture a split in your mind-body system. We are making this information available to the masses so that those at the forefront of new-humanity don't mistakenly thwart the final stages of the embodiment process thru confusion or disbe-lie-f. Should you fail to fully embrace immortality, so too will you fail to embody it.
LOVE is the gateway to your body’s full potential. Think of it like this: the software required to run your new biology is encoded with, encrypted with, the (528Hz) frequency of LOVE.
The light body expresses itself fully when your cells recognize Source energy as the main energy source. Akin to photosynthesis in plants, LOVE-light literally animates the body, pulses the rhythm of the heart and nourishes the cells with life-giving vitality. It is through this reconnection (of LOVE) that your core immortal identity emerges to embrace the divinity of form...that which transforms the physical body into its natural state as an instrument of divine LOVE.
The new-human biology is under the conscious direction of universal LOVE. Your body is nourished with the very same intelligence of the universe, the cosmos and all forms of matter that are derived from the adamantine particle, the Source particles of matter...what we would call the physical manifestations of LOVE.
Cell memory is a term generally used to describe the ways in which your physical body holds onto past traumatic experiences, however, it is also a way for you to understand how cells contain their own intelligence and communicate to you and all other cells. What we want for you to understand is that the cell memory also contains and stores information that is useful, memory that is based on all your life experiences as a soul incarnate.
The 528 hertz frequency bandwidth, that of a pure Heart, is the exact harmonic frequency attunement required to access the bio-energy level of light programming intelligence. It is a matter of vibration, not intelligence, that actually determines the program. To be in vibrational accordance with the 528 hz is to be in harmony with that other words, you must house that energy from within your physical body for your soul to sing in tune with the universe.
The blood of the new angelic/galactic/cosmic or Christed-human resonates at 528 Hz, which is a “universal resonance” that is pumped throughout the entire biological form to ensure that every cell is continually nourished with the essence of, the restorative energy of, LOVE. 528 Hz is kind of like the master key vibration that vitalizes the new-human biology, ensuring its ability to self-regulate and maintain its vibrational integrity. Think of it like this: blood is the river of life flowing through your body and that river is sustained and replenished by your connection to the heart of, the Source of, universal LOVE.
When you generate life from your command center of Source-potential, and fuel that generator with LOVE, you take command of the sacred particles of life that are there for your molding...for manifesting all that you can envision for yourself and for this world.
DNA is the crystalline gateway through which spirit inhabits the is a multidimensional portal which governs your participation with the 12 dimensions and beyond. To communicate with your DNA, to command its hidden intelligence, first requires that you speak its universal language...LOVE.
DNA is the crystalline gateway through which spirit inhabits the is a multidimensional portal which governs your participation with the 12 dimensions and beyond. To communicate with your DNA, to command its hidden intelligence, first requires that you speak its universal language...LOVE.
Your thoughts & emotions quite literally affect the structure of water in your body. When the water molecules in your body are structured, order & harmony is maintained. When the water molecules in your body are not structured, chaos & dis-ease ensues. As a galactic-human, you are having to learn how to be very responsible with vibration...with sound, with thought, with emotion, and so on. What you allow into your vibration and assimilate to is everything now.
The physical makeup of the new-human template is one of energetic neutrality, which encourages emotional stability and can withstand the "test of time". It is a self-regulated, self-healing system, which continually adjusts and adapts to its surroundings…unless directed otherwise. You will fall prey to energies that surround you lest you take conscious control of your bio-field, that which governs the intelligent functions of your cells. Think of (intentional programming) like are programming the body’s intelligence, as a being, to work in harmony with your own intelligence, as a being. This co-harmonizing is what will procure the most impacting results. Co-harmonizing with your body-entity is not only vital to your success in 5D, it's paramount for the operating system of the new-human bio-computer. As you come to realize your innate capabilities to whole, to transform, to regenerate, to come to know your God-power. This, dear friends, is the beginning of a new human that will be heralded by YOU, the ‘prototypes of a new humanity’. Come one come all... gather now around these words and receive thy blessings from on high. There is a new way of life available to you, and by that measure, you shall witness the extraordinary, just as we are here to witness the extraordinary in YOU. -Pleiadian High Council via The Cell Speak Regeneration Technique
The free Cell Speak e-series ends here. I hope you enjoyed spending the last 21 days immersed in the energy of your full-human potential! The frequencies encoded in each of those 21 transmissions are highly activating. If you are open, they can serve to awaken the (seed) memory of your divine-human genetics and the advanced biotechnologies that have been dormant in our human DNA for ages. That in and of itself is amazing & exciting, and yet...the activation of this potential is not enuf to actualize it. After any higher level activation there is a necessary integration period that follows. This is notoriously the way-less-fun part because it demands that we face, feel, heal & clear any density that inevitably gets kicked up when we open to new dimensions of consciousness within our DNA, within the body itself. Without integration, the information just stays collected in the mental data. A biological ascension is FAR from a mental is (drumroll)...a biological process, one that requires us to awaken higher level intelligence from within the body in order to open to new/higher physical potentials. Uncomfortable as it may be, integration is required to move into a level of embodiment that will enable you to access the many new features that come equipped with the crystalline-core operating system. To integrate this level of cellular bring it INTO the body and to faciliate the participation needed to consciously work with this intelligence...requires tremendous dedication and a continual, single-pointed focus on your unveiling higher body consciousness. It's not easy and it's not always's mastery. And obviously not everyone is ready for this major step in personal evolution, but if you are...and if you want some support along the way...Cell Speak™ is (and continues to be) an indispensable reSource for our changing biology. It's what the Seven Sisters call an "essential handbook from the future" and "The New Human Operation Manual". So if you haven't already, I invite you take the plunge. But only if you are ready to change your mind about everything you thought you knew about the human body and what it is really capable of. When you are truly ready to leave your biological be-lie-fs at the door, you are ready to unlock the gateway to your body's true potential. Cell Speak™ isn't the key...YOU are...but it's an excellent tour guide to (re)discover that potential. ________________________________________ Wanna see what the journey looks like? CLICK HERE to download the eProgram Breakdown.