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25026 |
Date: October 18, 2017 at 18:57:21
From: Eve, [DNS_Address]
Subject: The Legend of the Tortoiseshell Cat |
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6HSIFsOGQo |
[25027] [25028] [25029] |
25027 |
Date: October 18, 2017 at 19:49:31
From: shadow, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: The Legend of the Tortoiseshell Cat |
Thanks Evie, this is sweet... I've been blessed with so many beloved furry companions in this life, but none like the Tortie who's owned me for the past 13 years, Sophie, a.k.a. Mookwot. No way to convey the telepathic soul bond.
Her head is all black except for a paintbrush-swathe of all the rest of her colors (rust, stripey- butterscotch and white) framing her whole left eye & running back around her head, with another tiny afterthought of that smudging her third eye area. ;D Black front legs with white socks and feet. White belly and chin. Whole back area like a watercolor running all those same colors, but mostly rust...
Some traits attributed to Torties here and elsewhere, she does show; others, not.... ;)
[25028] [25029] |
25028 |
Date: October 18, 2017 at 20:54:36
From: Evie, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: The Legend of the Tortoiseshell Cat |
awww thank you for the story of a precious Sophie kitty and you ...her servant ;0)...lol....
They do have a way and it is a bond that is ineffable as you say ...no way to explain it.
Tortie cats have an extra special place in my heart as I had one for 23 years ...bestest friend in the flesh ever! She was a muted Tortie and I had no idea there was a word for her kind until a vet told me. I named her Hodgepodge as when I was looking at her with amazement at all the fur colors I said "you look like a little bit of everything....like a hodgepodge"... and so that was her name from henceforth. She was so amicable as their kind tend to be and lots of personality and great company through thick and thin.
Reading about how Sophie has a smudge on her third eye gave me pause to remember my kitty friend had a spot there too. It was a little tiny patch of gold fur in the shape of <> exactly only pointed the other direction if that makes sense. I used to wonder at that spot and every now and then when I would pet her I would floof it up and/or try to make it spiky and she give would give me a look like "I really wish you would stop that cause I don't appreciate it". Any place else to be petted she never minded though and really enjoyed.
[25029] |
25029 |
Date: October 19, 2017 at 10:33:01
From: shadow, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: The Legend of the Tortoiseshell Cat |
Love hearing about your Hodgepodge sweetie too Eve... ;D
Sophie's parallel with your kittie's displeasure w/having her fur fluffed in that area would be her aversion to water...omg...lol... She's exactly like me in so many ways, but if I had my druthers I'd live in water (hot, preferably) at least half my waking time; Sophie? I swear, she can tell when I'm thinking to myself how altho she's totally indoors-dwelling and has the usual clean feline habits, at least one or two baths in her lifetime might not go astray...she'll suddenly look over at me, even if she's been sleeping, and *glare pointedly*...like, "WHAT did I just hear? Don't EVEN think that thought...you will PAY..." lololol For sure, the result would be ribbons of bloody flesh sliding down the bathroom walls...meaning mine, of course... ;)
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