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Date: November 16, 2016 at 08:43:27
From: Karin in SE OR, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Why America Voted Against Itself - Calleman Mayan Calendar

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Why America Voted Against Itself
November 16, 2016 | By: Calleman | No Comments

Why America Voted Against Itself


Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D.

The recent presidential election has created much fear among Americans (and around the world) about their future. While it may be argued that the 11/9 event (Clinton’s concession speech after Trump’s election victory) was something they had brought upon themselves, it nonetheless left large numbers of people (even among those voting for Trump) in a state of shock reminiscent of the aftermath of a coup. Since then, large-scale protests have continued in major US cities in spite of the traditional calls to rally behind the president-elect. While the election may have been constitutional, it was not democratic as Clinton got almost a million more votes than Trump. This will be one of the many things that will likely hamper a return to normalcy and the thought seems to be common that Trump may not actually take office. What would cause such a change is now difficult to see, but since a bull has been let into a China shop anything can happen. The old rules no longer apply and nobody knows if the country will stabilize again after his very divisive campaign.

What has been produced is a total change of the political map of the US where the right will now have an unimpeded ability to slash health care, social programs and environmental protection something, which will have consequences also outside of the country: The goal is to create a new world order. Despite much anti-establishment rhetoric, America sent the same Republican political elite to Washington that has been there for years. This new world order will favor the richest 1% of the population and within the system there will be no avenues to alter this state of affairs. Opposition will be suppressed and journalists have already been threatened. This is a world order Americans brought upon themselves and is led by American oligarchs such as Donald Trump and his backers and not by some hypothetical globalist cabal. As a result of the election the values the United States have stood for domestically and in the world will lose much of their meaning and what at a deeper level will be at stake is the survival of the United States as a nation.

How could this have happened and what led America to apparently vote against itself? It could for instance rightly be asked how a person, who 62% of Americans considered unfit to be president could win an election for this very office? This must mean that a large part of Americans voted for someone they themselves saw was unfit, which would be hard to understand unless they on some level, maybe unconscious to themselves, were led to vote in an irrational way. Hence, for instance, 42% of the women and 29% of the Hispanics voted for Trump. Needless to say, the head of the FBI did his part to defeat Hillary Clinton, but to understand why the election result went against the predictions of so many I believe we need to go deeper, especially if we are to understand what is now to come. To understand the background to the recent election results we have to look at the waves that unbeknownst to so many are driving the evolution of our world. There are nine different such waves that through their vibrations create this universe, but it is the Sixth of them, which by the Maya was called the Long Count, which is crucial for the rise and fall of civilizations (see Fig 1).


Fig 1. The Seven first days (peaks) of the Sixth Wave and the major civilizations these gave rise to.

This Sixth Wave is what the ancient peoples of Mesoamerica would call the Plumed Serpent or Quetzalcoatl, a wave form, which was considered as the bringer of civilization. Even if we might not now want to use the same mythological language to describe it, this wave movement is very real, which can easily be verified from a study of human history. As we can see in Figure 1, whenever a peak in this wave began, human civilizations would appear and flourish in a wide range of areas, while when the wave crossed the x-axis and went down in a valley there would be a “dark age”, when civilizations would decline and people lose much of their creativity and intelligence. In reality, the wave movement in Fig 1 describes the activation and deactivation of a global mind, which people are in resonance with and that shapes their thinking. During the periods that are days the global mind has a rigid structure that leads humans to create structured and organized empires and nations, while in the nights these structures are at least partially deactivated. The nations or empires that were created during a previous day will then in a night at the very least suffer from partial disintegration, but sometimes also collapse. Over the period of 5130 years shown in Fig 1 the ups and downs of this Sixth Wave has taken humanity from the dawn of civilization in Egypt, Sumer and the Indus Valley to the current global civilization under American hegemony. What is behind this wave movement of civilization is the alternating activation and deactivation of a global mind that all of humanity is in resonance with and which influences how we as a collective at any given point in time direct our creativity. Shifts in the Mayan calendar thus play a fundamental role for the nature of life on earth and this calendar should be a critical part of knowledge of all human beings.

Even if the research about the Mayan calendar is perfectly transparent people overall have not recognized that their lives are subject to waves of creation that are not of human making, but emanate from the center of the universe. The meaning of this wave movement however becomes clearer when you make a detailed study of the peaks or the valleys in Fig 1 in a blown-up format, such as I have done with the 7th day (or peak) in Fig 2. This is useful for looking at history from a large scale perspective to understand what is really happening.

nicea-copy-3Fig 2. The seventh day of the Sixth Wave showing the rise and fall of the major Western powers in the time period (baktun) 1617-2011 CE.

Fig 2 shows the rise of the British Empire around the beginning of this peak and its later downturn towards the end of the peak after about 400 years. In reality this, what the Maya would call a baktun, is a wave period of Western dominance. It goes back to the first landing of the pilgrims in Massachusetts and leads up to the last 70 years when the dominating role of Great Britain has been taken over by its former colony, the United States. At least at the level of the Sixth Wave, civilization, and especially Western civilization, is thus now, as of October 2011 entering a dark age, when people who are unaware of this may easily depart from rationality and become victims of superstitions or conspiracy thinking to fill in the gaps of processes they cannot fathom. As another consequence, the international role of the United States has declined during the presidencies of Bush and Obama because in the new night the global context has moved away from Western Hegemony. This trend is practically certain to continue under a president Trump, but I will not go into here how this will happen.

Not only presidents, but also the minds of people in general are no longer the same as they were before the shift in 2011 and you may with some right say that people are losing their minds or at least have lost some of their resonance with the global mind. The reason the Sixth Wave can have such an effect on a collective scale, and in several Western countries simultaneously (Brexit and Trump and several other “nationalist” movements in other countries), is that our minds are not created by our brains, but regardless of where you are on the planet they are downloaded by our brains from different creation waves. If you like you can look upon it as if your mind (downloaded from the creation waves) is the software and your brain is the hardware from which your thinking is created. If the global mind is deactivated (as happened when the Sixth Wave turned into a night) you may say that the human individuals in resonance with this wave went out of the global mind or actually to some extent lost it. Naturally, this would also as a consequence have that they would no longer identify with the civilization that had been created through the global mind during the preceding day (such as the British/US global civilization shown in Fig 2). In the new night they would start to feel alienated from this as if they had “lost” it, but at the same time they would long back to what they had known all their lives (note that overall there are much fewer Brexit and Trump voters among the young than among old people). On the level of governance what this means is that many develop a disdain for the establishment and the political elite, who cannot seem to effect such a return to the times when their countries were “great.”

The current concerns about national identity thus have a real background and it is not an exaggeration to say that this shift from a day to a night in the Sixth Wave threatens the survival of the previous Western Empires, the United Kingdom and the United States. The shift from a day to a night also influences all Western nations, but especially the UK (which manifested at the Brexit vote in June of 2016) and the United States as it played out in the US elections on November 8 when Donald Trump became its president-elect. This is because the global mind influences all nations and individuals on this planet. Typical of the new dark age is that people vote nationalist even if it is against their own best interests or against the best interests of their countries, as the mental structures, and the kind of thinking that these nations were built on, are being weakened in the new night. Their connections to the global mind are being deactivated and it is against this background that the current nationalism must be seen.

As the nation-states are now because of this shift losing their grip, you then hear such slogans as “we are losing our country”, “we need to take our country back” or “Make America great again.” What this means is that at some level people are influenced by the shift and the weakening of the nation-state that this results in, but were misled to believe that this is something that can be dealt with by building a wall (which by the way already exists). The weakening of the United States and other Western nations is not caused by China, Mexico, the Muslim nations, Jews or people advocating global collaboration for instance to counter climate change. It instead, as I elaborate extensively on in my forthcoming book The Nine Waves of Creation (Inner Traditions, November 24, 2016) comes from a shift in the global mind that is driving all evolution, and especially that of civilizations. Because of this shift in the global mind, that indeed currently does threaten the political systems of many nation-states, people feel that they are out of control and as a result of the uncertainty racism, sexism and supremacist thinking is being reactivated. This obviously becomes very unsettling for all of society and at the current time especially for the United States. It should then be clear that even if there certainly today exists social groups that have reason to complain about their economic situation, this is not really the cause of the populism and nationalism that is now rising. The cause is on the level of consciousness and as a consequence a significant aspect of creating balance in ourselves and the world is to become aware of this shift and how it affects us. Thus, the evolution of humanity is not predetermined – people for instance have a choice as to who they vote for based on the future they intend to create. Yet, to the extent that people are unaware of the waves that influence them, and how the larger picture of evolution directs the path forward, this may lead them into the hands of nationalist demagogues and hence a dead end street that is the very opposite of the path forward they were hoping for.

Fig 4.2

Fig 3. The polarities of the mind carried by different Waves of Creation.

The shift in the Sixth Wave, which is a long-term change, is however not the only one that affects us, since to different degrees people are also in resonance with the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Waves (Fig 3), which each has a higher frequency than the one below it. It would be to go too far in this article to discuss the effects of all of these waves, but it is very important to know that these waves bring different polarities to the human mind and thus have profoundly different effects on social relations. We humans in other words tend to project onto the external reality the polarities we are in resonance with. We can then see that the Sixth Wave creates a duality and when this is projected onto others we may go into supremacist attitudes. The Ninth Wave on the top, which was activated as recently as March of 2011, however leads us to project unity and light onto the world and so leads us to create societies based on mutual respect and equality. This is the wave of the future, which because of its high frequency over time will come to dominate human relationships, but since it was activated so recently only a relatively small minority of humanity is in conscious resonance with it. Also the Ninth Wave is a wave movement and alternates between days and nights, where the days support us in moving forward towards unity, while the nights again take us back to process whatever is unprocessed from the past.

The Ninth Wave is a high frequency wave, which will alternate between peaks and valleys every 18 days and I do think this explains something of what happened in the recent US election. Overall the media were very surprised by the fact that their polls had failed and that Donald Trump won the election despite of the predictions made prior to it. It was almost as if something had happened at the last moment. From the perspective of the Nine Waves of Creation such a sudden change was however not very surprising and I had long in advance noticed that the Ninth Wave was going to go into a night only one day before the election and that this would disfavor Hillary Clinton, who of the two was much more of a unity candidate. If anyone has a feeling that people seemed to have been almost hypnotized to vote against their own best interests I think they can find the explanation to this in the shift into a night of the Ninth Wave right before the election. For those that are unaware of this wave such a shift is highly likely to result in negativity and loss of hope and this time the election happened to coincide exactly with such a shift.ninthwave

Fig 4. The Ninth Wave shift into a night at the US presidential election date. (see http://www.xzone.com.au/9thwave.php).

While the shift into a night in the Sixth Wave (Figs. 1 and 2) explains the current rise of nationalism and concomitant social divisions favoring demagogues, and the shift into a night in the Ninth Wave (Fig 4) may have tipped the balance in the US presidential election we may also want to consider what will happen next. The current situation in the United States does not seem to allow for any progressive change within its constitutional system. At the same time we have every reason to expect that working people will become totally disappointed with this system when it dawns upon them that Trump’s policies will exclusively serve himself and the 1% of the richest people in the United States. (Or does anyone seriously believe that Donald Trump will bring manufacturing jobs back to the Rust Belt?) Considering that the people of the United States to a large extent are kept together by adherence to its constitution and the values associated with this, we have strong reasons to wonder what will happen if its political establishment, which is now led by Trump, completely ignores the spirit of this constitution (and indications are that he will). So the question is, will Trump be able to effectively establish a New World Order of total control, or will the political system of the United States simply disintegrate due to his erratic behavior (making the White House the center of his business empire) and possibly the effects of a broader economic downturn? Maybe disintegration is the most likely alternative, but regardless, it is hard to see the country return to greatness in the sense that this has previously been known.

But again, the current situation is an effect of a shift in the global mind affecting the whole planet and so it is worthy of note that the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom now threatens the very integrity of this, as both Scotland and Northern Ireland may reject the populist plans and even London may come to gain a status of its own. Those that seek separation (like England does from Europe) will also thus be faced with internal separation movements. As yet, we do not know the details of how, or even if, the Brexit will play out, but it is a very real possibility that the United Kingdom will no longer be able to hold together. As a very noteworthy parallel, the now trending Tweets about California leaving the union, possibly bringing along with it a number of states around the Pacific coast, is no longer a joke. California already seems to object to Trump not respecting its sanctuary cities and in the election of 2020 this state will have the question: “Should California be an independent country?” on the ballot. If the US government under Trump will not uphold its constitution, maybe some others will also want to join such a project. Maybe as the Plumed Serpent now molts its skin a new republic or set of republics will emerge based on the interests of the 99% of their populations.

Santa Fe, NM, day 9 of the 58th night of the Ninth Wave (November 15, 2016)

This is the third in a series of articles about the current change in the world that are posted on the blog of my web site www.calleman.com
: Trump and Brexit – Why the world seems to be going crazy http://calleman.com/2016/08/17/trump-and-brexit/ and The Stakes in the US Presidential Election – What it is really about from a Mayan calendar perspective http://calleman.com/2016/11/04/the-stakes-in-the-us-presidential-election-what-it-is-really-about-from-a-mayan-calendar-perspective/, which provide significant backgrounds to the present article.
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Date: November 16, 2016 at 14:41:58
From: Karin in SE OR, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: Why America Voted Against Itself - Calleman Mayan Calendar

URL: Link

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