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Date: July 20, 2016 at 14:05:24
From: anne redwood city, [DNS_Address]
Subject: temperature drop as ascension symptom?

I've had increased standing hypothermia during the past week. Sometimes I feel sudden cold, like bone cold. Same pattern as before, lie down, temperature normalizes. I found an article showing that our temp does drop some on standing, but its abnormal for it to keep dropping to 95 or below. Still haven't found an explanation for it.

Has anyone noticed they are getting unusual coldness along with the spiritual and energetic changes? Thanks.

[23211] [23209] [23213] [23219] [23207] [23214] [23195] [23198] [23203] [23190] [23191] [23196] [23200]


Date: July 21, 2016 at 09:21:56
From: Karen in IL, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Millions of women suffer from thyroid problems

being cold is one of the biggest symptoms.



Date: July 21, 2016 at 09:09:40
From: C, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: temperature drop as ascension symptom?

I'm sorry you're continuing to have these problems. These ideas
might sound weird. I just tried to tune in a little & this is what I got. No
idea if I'm right. Just hoping something helps. Sending you love, light
& stable temps.

I don't know what it means but I got something to do with hydrostatic
pressure. Have you looked into anything like that? Not that it's that
exactly but it might have a clue.

With this bone chilling cold do a meditation to see if you can see
anything or one taking your energy. Weird I know, something like a
leech that needs to be removed? You'll sense it if it's there. They
have to obey, pull it off &/or tell it to leave & never come back if
something is there. Clean & seal any leakage.

Be cautious of your mind talk. I have had chronic pain, autoimmune
diseases for a couple decades. I used to always say to myself "I hurt
so bad, I can't stand this pain ect" but once I changed my self talk I
felt better. I have a lot less perceived pain, Our words have so much
power over us. I'm not saying you don't have anything wrong with
you, we know & acknowledge you do. It just might help make it a little

[23213] [23219]


Date: July 21, 2016 at 12:37:46
From: anne redwood city, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: temperature drop as ascension symptom?

C, I think it could be either or both. This hypothermia, which has dropped as low as 91 degrees but more often 94-95 degrees, starts 20 minutes after being upright, completely normalizes after 20 minutes lying down. Figure chronic spine muscle spasm as part of the mix too. And maybe an artery occluded by a ligament or muscle?

Re the hydrostatic pressure--quite a synchronicity that you got hydrostatic pressure just after I began wondering about barometric pressure last week. Just last week when the hypothermia got worse and the external temperature got cooler, I asked someone if the colder weather had anything to do with the barometric pressure. I didn't and don't even understand what barometric pressure really is. Wikipedia says that barometric pressure is closely approximated by hydrostatic pressure.

"The liquid constituents of blood naturally flow through the pores into the interstitial tissues because of this pressure, leaving behind lipids, proteins, and particles too large to escape. This typically lowers venous pressure. Conversely, pressure increases within tissues exerts force back toward the capillaries, which is called hydrostatic osmotic pressure. While osmotic pressure pushes fluids toward the capillary pores, the electrical charges of the solids within the vessel cause molecules to bind as they flow in the blood. This reaction is called the Gibbs-Donnan effect. Osmotic pressure and the Gibbs-Donnan effect working together, draw fluids from the interstitial tissues into the plasma, which is referred to as colloid osmotic pressure. WHEN THE BODY PERCEIVES AN ABNORMALLY LOW AMOUNT OF VENOUS PRESSURE, THE ARTERIES GENERALLY COMPENSATE BY CONSTRICTING (my caps), "which increases sympathetic response.

I had also found an article a couple of weeks ago http://ajpregu.physiology.org/content/288/4/R819.article-info#sec-5 that says that temperature naturally drops some on standing, accompanied by peripheral vasoconstriction, which sounds like the same effect as abnormally low venous pressure. What could be the link? I also read that the same kind of mechanism involved in a drop in barometric pressure might be involved in migraines, something to do with blood pressure.

So I began wondering if the problem is low venous pressure or maybe hyperdistensible veins but I don't know how, or what to do about it. Then I wondered, if one consumes very low saturated fat, if the veins could be weakened. How could a weakened vein be strengthened?

Does anyone have any ideas how all this might go together to produce extreme hypothermia when being upright? Even an explanation of part of it might help. Thank you all for your care and contributions!



Date: July 21, 2016 at 19:21:40
From: C, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: temperature drop as ascension symptom?

Hi Anne, I'm glad it might be a little help.. I just asked to tune in &
was given hydrostatic pressure out loud. Perhaps when the veins are
constricting that is causing the cold. The warm blood is having a
harder time getting throughout your body. It might be contributing to
it. I wish you good health.



Date: July 21, 2016 at 07:50:48
From: Lynn, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: temperature drop as ascension symptom?

Check your thyroid. Common occurrence amongst people with thyroid problems.
Some would say it's your loved one's around you. Some would say that when you tap into a momentary thought of elevated connection to your Source, (thinking or contemplating higher thoughts ), you get that tingling rush of shivers that suddenly moves through your entire body. However, that usually only lasts a minute or two
Only you can decide what the significance of it is.
However, you still might want to get your thyroid checked.



Date: July 21, 2016 at 12:46:05
From: anne redwood city, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: temperature drop as ascension symptom?

Hi Lynn,

Thank you. Yes, thyroid and the hypothalamus are important in temperature regulation. I discovered that low iron causes T4-T3 conversion to be impeded, which interferes with thyroid thermogenesis, so I had the thyroid checked. The numbers are within normal range, but T4 is in the middle, and T3 is 2 points from the lowest in normal range. I don't know if its supposed to be proportionate or not, nor did the hematologist. It could still be a combination of low iron and low T3, but it would need a further explanation as to why it changes by posture. Low iron can cause low temperature too. The problem with both these situations is that temperature doesn't fluctuate based on posture. Thanks again for your post.



Date: July 20, 2016 at 19:33:56
From: Arc, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: temperature drop as ascension symptom?

anne redwood city-

"sudden cold, like bone cold"

They, spirit, are not always favourable sorts.

[23198] [23203]


Date: July 20, 2016 at 22:06:38
From: anne redwood city, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: temperature drop as ascension symptom?

No kidding! But fear for other reason can cause coldness too. I once slept overnight with friends whose house was haunted, something was pinching their son, throwing things, etc. They later discovered it was due to a prior murder there. Anyway, to get to the bathroom, I had to pass by a cold spot in the hallway.

But I don't think a spirit would make temperature go up and down every time a person stood over 20 minutes, or lay down over 20 minutes. Low iron can cause temperature drop by its affects on thyroid T4 to T3 conversion, but so far as I know it doesn't change that much depending on posture. My question is to discover the relevant variables as to how that could happen. Maybe if something causes intense cold, it adds to the hypothermia problem and makes it more intense. That's why I wondered if it could be related to ascension symptoms or solar symptoms. A couple of people have reported emf causes of temp drop, and I still wonder how that happens.




Date: July 21, 2016 at 04:27:32
From: Arc, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: temperature drop as ascension symptom?

"a cold spot in the hallway"

This as well, is depicted in the noted film.


Well, process of elimination, if you haven't, perhaps consider a visit to a good acupuncturist in regard to meridians (energy harmony/imbalance, triple heater system, etc) before seeking out the medical route (blood test and so on).



Date: July 20, 2016 at 14:33:10
From: Karin in SE OR, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: temperature drop as ascension symptom?

yes, mine was 94 one day
cold can also be the presence of some elemental or spiritual being.

[23191] [23196] [23200]


Date: July 20, 2016 at 16:43:38
From: anne redwood citya, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: temperature drop as ascension symptom?

Thanks Karin, do you know if it went back up after lying down for awhile? or if it correlated with any specific external or internal changes? Do you have low iron or any thyroid problems?

[23196] [23200]


Date: July 20, 2016 at 20:51:09
From: Karin in SE OR, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: temperature drop as ascension symptom?

i was not lying down. I felt great. it has been normal as far as i know.



Date: July 20, 2016 at 22:20:06
From: anne redwood city, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: temperature drop as ascension symptom?

Thanks, Karin. I hope you will post if you get any more clues as to when you get temp drops.


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