Through Rosie, 8 July 2016
Dear Inhabitants of Earth,
It is a time where your senses need to be very finely tuned, when your concentration should be paramount and when you should be alert and wary, listening for outward signs of upheavals as well as LISTENING INSIDE for advice from THE GOD WITHIN. In addition, we would ask you to retrace the journey which has brought you to this point, and indeed to reflect upon which stage you are at. Are you at the I MATTER or WE MATTER stage?
Many of you have risen through difficult circumstances or have suffered due to prevailing low frequency conditions or structures, surfacing above these with strength, convinced of the fact – whatever anyone else might think or say – that YOU MATTER, irrespective of origin, or any other factor. You do indeed matter, and the thought of this will carry you far along a successful path. The danger of this however is that this path in only yours. The danger can lie in the tendency to lean towards the idea that you matter MORE THAN OTHERS, thus propelling division and fuelling antagonism or arrogance.
The most important transition of your times is to desist fighting for your own rights – whatever direction that may have taken so far – and to take up the fight for the rights OF ALL. We use the word “fighting” with regret, but this is the context with which you are most familiar and which best explains this phenomenon. Raised fists and violence are all too often associated with gaining “rights” in your world. It is time to replace the raised fists with the holding of hands. It is time for the frustrated downtrodden woman to step beyond the mind frame of “Now I am going to assert myself and live my own life”. It is time for the crushed underdog to step beyond the mind frame of “I will no longer take all this sitting down”.
There are many worthy causes, of course, such as working for independence or rights of sorts, yet ultimately there must be a shift from these to focus on RIGHTS AND ABUNDANCE FOR ALL. Without this shift, there can be no progress, only destruction. We come to you again this day to point out the narrow vision which requires urgent expansion.
(And this shift cannot result until the Fragment of God.. His indwelling is seen in all peoples.. as all Humans even the dark shits are SONS OF GOD.