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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 researchers call for pause in Musk Starlink launches   ryan   30-OCT-2024 21:48:51 
 Re: GIANTS ON THE SUN:   mimici/socal   30-OCT-2024 10:09:13 
 GIANTS ON THE SUN:   ryan   29-OCT-2024 11:38:26 
 Re: powerful solar flare (X3.3) from sunspot AR3869 yesterday   chaskuchar@stcharlesmo   26-OCT-2024 04:09:09 
 powerful solar flare (X3.3) from sunspot AR3869 yesterday   ryan   25-OCT-2024 11:58:22 
 Mission to study the ‘dark side’ of the universe just revealed..   ao   23-OCT-2024 19:16:46 
 Re: Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS: 10/14/24   pamela   15-OCT-2024 18:23:29 
 Re: Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS: 10/14/24   Redhart   15-OCT-2024 12:38:00 
 Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS: 10/14/24   pamela   15-OCT-2024 11:56:59 
 Re: Electrical currents surged through rocks and soil in the US...   ryan   11-OCT-2024 16:31:58 
 Re: Electrical currents surged through rocks and soil in the US last...   mimici/socal   11-OCT-2024 15:29:16 
 Re: Electrical currents surged through rocks and soil in the US last...   pamela   11-OCT-2024 12:43:33 
 Electrical currents surged through rocks and soil in the US last night   ryan   11-OCT-2024 10:33:35 
 SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM--NOW: A severe G4-class geomagnetic storm is    pamela   10-OCT-2024 21:18:27 
 Re: Tsuchinshan-ATLAS on C3 is AWESOME!   ryan   09-OCT-2024 12:09:41 
 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS on C3 is AWESOME!   Earthstone   09-OCT-2024 10:19:55 
 S3 (Strong) Solar Radiation Storm in Progress   shadow   09-OCT-2024 09:18:21 
 Re: another x flare...9.2! earth directed...   chaskuchar@stcharlesmo   04-OCT-2024 17:22:43 
 How Prepared Are We For A Carrington Level Solar Storm?   pamela   04-OCT-2024 15:46:25 
 Re: another x flare...9.2! earth directed...   ryan   04-OCT-2024 15:38:20 

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    Last Updated: 30-Aug-2013 14:32:46, 80837 Bytes
    Author: Brian Steele