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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 Re: Radiation storm causing global havoc    georg   30-JAN-2024 16:28:50 
 Re: evidence mounts our sun has a "companion"   georg   30-JAN-2024 11:06:00 
 Re: evidence mounts our sun has a "companion"   Rodney Boulderfield   30-JAN-2024 05:51:07 
 felt bigly   mimici/socal   29-JAN-2024 22:39:28 
 Re: Radiation storm causing global havoc    pamela   29-JAN-2024 17:58:27 
 Re: Radiation storm causing global havoc    shatterbrain   29-JAN-2024 17:29:29 
 Re: Radiation storm causing global havoc    pamela   29-JAN-2024 14:11:45 
 Radiation storm causing global havoc    shatterbrain   29-JAN-2024 12:59:14 
 Re: more junk we've left on mars...   shatterbrain   26-JAN-2024 15:01:25 
 Re: there have been reports of anomalous conditions on the sun's...   georg   26-JAN-2024 14:47:34 
 Re: there have been reports of anomalous conditions on the sun's...   georg   26-JAN-2024 14:45:59 
 Re: evidence mounts our sun has a "companion"   georg   26-JAN-2024 09:57:07 
 Re: evidence mounts our sun has a "companion"   georg   26-JAN-2024 09:53:24 
 evidence mounts our sun has a "companion"   georg   26-JAN-2024 09:49:41 
 more junk we've left on mars...   ryan   25-JAN-2024 22:42:17 
 Re: there have been reports of anomalous conditions on the sun's...   ryan   25-JAN-2024 22:30:04 
 Re: there have been reports of anomalous conditions on the sun's...   georg   25-JAN-2024 18:55:11 
 Re: there seems to be many "brands" of novae   georg   25-JAN-2024 16:56:02 
 Re: there seems to be many "brands" of novae   georg   25-JAN-2024 16:50:44 
 Re: there seems to be many "brands" of novae   georg   25-JAN-2024 16:49:00 

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    Last Updated: 30-Aug-2013 14:32:46, 80837 Bytes
    Author: Brian Steele