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Date: February 12, 2023 at 09:44:46
From: chaskuchar@stcharlesmo, [DNS_Address]
Subject: The variable magnetic field of the Moon


Current physics does not accept or rather understand
that during the full moon and new moon, a very strong
surface magnetic field is generated.

Specifically, the moon develops a strong electric field
on its surface and this strong electric field creates a
strong magnetic field — every time you change an
electric field, you create a magnetic field.

This surface magnetic field induces a noticeable impact
on Earth’s magnetic field when the moon swings through
Earth’s magnetic tail.

In fact, it is the cause of the tides, but under
current physics, it is hypothetically assumed that the
tides are caused by the gravitational pull. In my
opinion, this view is complete nonsense even if one
considers for the sake of agreement, that gravity is
the dominant force.

Do you know that new gravitational law had to be
invented to suit the theory of the tides? In other
words, although, Newton’s law states that the
gravitational attraction force between two point masses
is directly proportional to the product of their masses
and inversely proportional to the square of their
separating distance. Yet this law is violated by
stating that the tidal force acting on an astronomical
body, such as the earth, is directly proportional to
the diameter of that astronomical body and inversely
proportional to the cube of the distance from another
body producing the gravitational attraction.

So, the obvious question is why only in the case of the
tides, the gravitational attraction is inversely
proportional to the cube of the distance?

In my understanding of physical reality, the moon does
not have a hidden tide that pulls on the earth’s
magnetosphere, but instead, it has a variable magnetic
field that has a big impact on the earth’s
magnetosphere, specifically during its peak strength.

In fact, during its peak strength, the magnetic field
of the moon has a more significant impact on the
overall magnetic field of the earth than the sun’s
magnetic field. This magnetic field reaches its highest
strength during both the full moon and the new moon,
and this magnetic field is the root cause of the tides.

But, of course under the current gravity physics, the
gravitational pull of the moon causes the tides. Note,
that current physics which considers gravity as the
dominant force in the Universe is the reason for not
understanding the most important facts about our own
star, our own planet, our own moon, and the Universe as
a whole.

You might be shocked if I tell you that the so-called
proton radius puzzle, which is not solved yet in spite
of the claim after so many efforts, is caused by the
same physics mechanism that causes the earth’s tides.

Featured image credit: The Watchers



Date: February 14, 2023 at 11:13:01
From: georg, [DNS_Address]
Subject: Re: The variable magnetic field of the Moon

yep, electric currents always produce magnetic fields


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