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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 Mag. 7.1. 8 Nov. 23 4:53 UTC plus 2 M. 6.7s   Leonardo   09-DEC-2023 12:15:39 
 Hit=) Mag 7.3 7 Dec 23 12:56 UTC   Leonardo   09-DEC-2023 11:47:35 
 M 7.3+ 2-10 Dec 23 17:30 U Timing only forecast   Leonardo   03-DEC-2023 05:20:44 
 Yet another miss...   Skywise   02-DEC-2023 09:26:56 
 Re: an AI algorithm that correctly predicted 70% of earthquakes a...   shatterbrain   20-NOV-2023 04:47:34 
 Re: Earthquake forcast by Jack Coles   Cory    19-NOV-2023 13:33:42 
 Re: Earthquake forcast by Jack Coles   Cory   11-NOV-2023 19:39:25 
 Re: Question: Why Then Do You Let it Be a Habit for a Poster on...   pamela   10-NOV-2023 18:36:23 
 I'm Confused, So Just Asking:   blindhog 6th sense   10-NOV-2023 15:57:26 
 Re: Question: Why Then Do You Let it Be a Habit for a Poster on...   mr bopp   09-NOV-2023 09:15:37 
 Question: Why Then Do You Let it Be a Habit for a Poster on Groans...   blindhog 6th sense   09-NOV-2023 09:07:07 
 Mag. 7.3+ 8-16 Nov. 23 2:34 UT Timing only forecast   Leonardo   07-NOV-2023 23:17:09 
 Re: an AI algorithm that correctly predicted 70% of earthquakes a...   EQF   05-NOV-2023 14:10:03 
 Re: an AI algorithm that correctly predicted 70% of earthquakes a...   Skywise   05-NOV-2023 13:31:13 
 an AI algorithm that correctly predicted 70% of earthquakes a week bef   ryan   03-NOV-2023 09:10:10 

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    Last Updated: 30-Aug-2013 14:32:46, 80837 Bytes
    Author: Brian Steele