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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 Re: at least Ukraine will not submit to trump.   the Hierophant   28-FEB-2025 12:05:27 
 at least Ukraine will not submit to trump.   chaskuchar@stcharlesmo   28-FEB-2025 11:57:03 
 Re: the funding cuts & mass layoffs at NOAA & NWS going down today...   Redhart   28-FEB-2025 09:48:29 
 Mike's roommate is evangelical pastor w/goal of influencing Congress   shadow   28-FEB-2025 09:42:20 
 1 Trick World Leaders Keep Using To 'Humiliate' Trump   The Hierophant   28-FEB-2025 08:17:58 
 This will have a direct impact on military readiness...   akira   27-FEB-2025 22:47:39 
 Trump’s Plan for Gaza Would Make Colonial Plunder Great Again   mitra   27-FEB-2025 21:50:27 
 New book on Biden by Jake Tapper and Alex Thompson reports a ‘cover-up   Patty   27-FEB-2025 21:41:10 
  Judge orders Trump officials must testify in union lawsuit against ad   ryan   27-FEB-2025 21:11:31 
 Re: From the Seattle Times   ryan   27-FEB-2025 21:08:58 
 From the Seattle Times   The Hierophant   27-FEB-2025 20:28:40 
 Re: Trump knew what he was talking about here   ryan   27-FEB-2025 17:33:33 
 Re: What Happened to the Anti-Establishment?   ryan   27-FEB-2025 17:31:18 
 Trump's stunning betrayal of his own mandate   akira   27-FEB-2025 16:46:36 
 Trump knew what he was talking about here   akira   27-FEB-2025 16:32:22 
 Re: What Happened to the Anti-Establishment?   akira   27-FEB-2025 16:28:55 
 the funding cuts & mass layoffs at NOAA & NWS going down today WILL...   akira   27-FEB-2025 16:27:46 
 What Happened to the Anti-Establishment?   pamela   27-FEB-2025 15:54:21 
 rump reaffirms he doesn't know what he's talking about...   ryan   27-FEB-2025 15:03:07 
 Re: Rape, support for rapists now key aspects of US fed government...   ryan   27-FEB-2025 11:49:48 

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