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 UPS caves...   ryan   21-FEB-2025 00:05:28 
 says it all...rump's chief advisor...   ryan   20-FEB-2025 23:58:58 
 judge not buying rump's bullshit...   ryan   20-FEB-2025 23:53:01 
 Re: Patal approved   ryan   20-FEB-2025 23:48:01 
 Re: Patal approved   The Hierophant   20-FEB-2025 21:13:01 
 Re: Patal approved   ryan   20-FEB-2025 19:51:05 
 Patal approved   The Hierophant   20-FEB-2025 19:48:18 
 exactly!   the Hierophant   20-FEB-2025 18:52:22 
 As Musk/Trump Gut Govment, Their Ax-Cutting Agency Gets Cash Infusions   akira   20-FEB-2025 18:51:53 
 Re: how about posting evidence?   akira   20-FEB-2025 18:38:58 
 Musk 'helping in a big way' on timing of Air Force One planes!!!!!   The Hierophant   20-FEB-2025 17:07:37 
 Re: how about posting evidence?   shadow   20-FEB-2025 16:39:25 
 Re: omg! What next?Emboldened Republicans renew push to restrict...   Redhart   20-FEB-2025 16:22:05 
 Re: how about posting evidence?   pamela   20-FEB-2025 16:15:56 
 Re: how about posting evidence?   pamela   20-FEB-2025 16:12:26 
 Re: Of COURSE they did   Redhart   20-FEB-2025 15:57:12 
 Re: how about posting evidence?   LA Guy   20-FEB-2025 15:36:13 
 Re: how about posting evidence?   pamela   20-FEB-2025 15:04:42 
 Oliver Anthony delivers rallying cry to world leaders   pamela   20-FEB-2025 14:58:33 
 Re: GOPers appear to have 'blown a circuit' after Trump remarks: MSNBC   ryan   20-FEB-2025 14:42:45 

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