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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 Re: Write your congressional representatives..   ryan   19-FEB-2025 19:18:45 
 The root that tears apart your foundation begins as a seed of distrust   akira   19-FEB-2025 19:05:30 
 Re: Everyone needs to know about the psychopathic agenda ...   ryan   19-FEB-2025 19:04:43 
 Re: Long Live the King! YHGTBKM!!!   mitra   19-FEB-2025 19:02:05 
 Everyone needs to know about the psychopathic agenda ...   akira   19-FEB-2025 18:57:51 
 Re: Write your congressional representatives..   ryan   19-FEB-2025 18:55:50 
 A sad day for the planet and for humans   mitra   19-FEB-2025 18:42:37 
 you can call me ray, or you can call me ray ray...   ryan   19-FEB-2025 18:35:48 
 Re: i'm not crazy...really!   The Hierophant   19-FEB-2025 18:35:45 
 Re: lying ass-f*cker Trump Endorses Medicare Cuts   ryan   19-FEB-2025 18:32:12 
 Re: what a writer friend    ryan   19-FEB-2025 16:23:56 
 what a writer friend    The Hierophant   19-FEB-2025 16:20:46 
 Re: Long Live the King! YHGTBKM!!!   ao   19-FEB-2025 16:20:02 
 i'm not crazy...really!   ryan   19-FEB-2025 16:18:17 
 Long Live the King! YHGTBKM!!!   The Hierophant   19-FEB-2025 16:13:42 
 Write your congressional representatives..   ao   19-FEB-2025 13:26:57 
 Re: Devastated’: Kennedy Library suddenly closes ... and guess why?   mitra   19-FEB-2025 13:17:25 
 a psychotic sourpuss...   ryan   19-FEB-2025 13:02:57 
 Kendrick Lamar, Bob Dylan and the Imaginary Television   ryan   19-FEB-2025 11:56:20 
 Re: Leonard Peltier to be released from prison   ryan   19-FEB-2025 11:46:57 

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