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 musk backs german neo-nazi party...   ryan   20-DEC-2024 20:51:37 
 and shit she is...   ryan   20-DEC-2024 20:49:08 
 Re: Meet Elon Musk, Our New Shadow President   pamela   20-DEC-2024 20:04:36 
 Meet Elon Musk, Our New Shadow President   akira   20-DEC-2024 11:29:28 
 How does the US military not know where its own troops are deployed??   akira   20-DEC-2024 11:27:45 
 a positive look forward: How Labor Can Fight Trump’s Authoritarianism   akira   20-DEC-2024 04:52:32 
 Your tax dollars at work   akira   20-DEC-2024 04:32:06 
 How the White House Functioned With a Diminished Biden in Charge   Roman   20-DEC-2024 01:45:54 
 Re: barbara lee speaks!   ryan   19-DEC-2024 23:13:25 
 Re: barbara lee speaks!   ao   19-DEC-2024 22:21:24 
 barbara lee speaks!   ryan   19-DEC-2024 19:56:07 
 two news stories caught my eye.   chaskuchar@stcharlesmo   19-DEC-2024 17:44:45 
 Re: lardass may be quite happy   akira   19-DEC-2024 16:59:35 
 This is terrorism!   akira   19-DEC-2024 16:47:59 
 Shooting a multimillionaire CEO in America now considered Terrorism (NT)   akira   19-DEC-2024 16:42:08 
 "We just do what the Israelis want us to do."   akira   19-DEC-2024 16:29:13 
 How the White House Functioned With a Diminished Biden in Charge   akira   19-DEC-2024 16:24:40 
 lardass may be quite happy   ryan   19-DEC-2024 16:08:10 
 another repug gets handed a robust economy to destroy...   ryan   19-DEC-2024 14:56:03 
 Bond Far More Dangerous a Nominee Than Gaetz   ryan   19-DEC-2024 11:58:28 

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