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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 Re: it just may be   Redhart   15-NOV-2024 09:51:13 
 Re: why is this endless stupidity taking place in the US   Redhart   15-NOV-2024 09:49:01 
 Re: And so it begins.. Scientific American Editor-in-chief resigns   shadow   15-NOV-2024 09:44:18 
 Re: nimrods we haven't heard about in the rump admin...yet...   Redhart   15-NOV-2024 09:38:18 
 Re: the blinding brilliance of rick scott...   Redhart   15-NOV-2024 09:35:23 
 And so it begins.. Scientific American Editor-in-chief resigns   ao   15-NOV-2024 09:26:45 
 Trump's 'Deep Down’ Desire   mitra   15-NOV-2024 09:16:31 
 Re: it just may be   ryan   14-NOV-2024 21:37:53 
 Re: Kennedy for health and human services   mitra   14-NOV-2024 21:10:21 
 Re: why is this endless stupidity taking place in the US   mitra   14-NOV-2024 20:56:39 
 Re: it just may be   chaskuchar@stcharlesmo   14-NOV-2024 19:27:33 
 there should be an age limit to the ones    marja   14-NOV-2024 18:23:27 
 Re: why is this endless stupidity taking place in the US   ryan   14-NOV-2024 17:43:28 
 why is this endless stupidity taking place in the US   marja   14-NOV-2024 17:35:49 
 Re: Kennedy for health and human services   ryan   14-NOV-2024 15:44:40 
 Kennedy for health and human services   The Hierophant   14-NOV-2024 15:05:09 
 Re: nimrods we haven't heard about in the rump admin...yet...   ryan   14-NOV-2024 14:37:38 
 nimrods we haven't heard about in the rump admin...yet...   ryan   14-NOV-2024 14:35:24 
 Re: Biden to Gazans, slowly starving to death, "f-ck you, drop...   ryan   14-NOV-2024 13:32:21 
 the blinding brilliance of rick scott...   ryan   14-NOV-2024 13:30:35 

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