Just For Laffs

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 Subject   Posted By   Date
 Re: His father in heaven..   kay.so.or   18-AUG-2021 00:53:38 
 Re: Bird seed   kay.so.or   18-AUG-2021 00:50:54 
 flustercluck bohica be the madeup words of the day for me (NT)   georg   15-AUG-2021 12:03:32 
 Bird seed   snodrop   14-AUG-2021 17:29:10 
 His father in heaven..   snodrop   10-AUG-2021 08:25:23 
 A few giggles..   snodrop   04-AUG-2021 19:06:07 
 Re: Very tense moment at the Vatican   Daisy Lionheart   03-AUG-2021 00:27:14 
 Very tense moment at the Vatican   snodrop   02-AUG-2021 17:51:32 
 Re: LOL   Eve   28-JUL-2021 13:22:41 
 Re: LOL   Sunshine   28-JUL-2021 11:03:47 
 LOL   snodrop   28-JUL-2021 10:52:00 
 Re: Boyz Will Be Toyz!   Eve   25-JUL-2021 20:20:43 
 Boyz Will Be Toyz!   Daisy Lionheart   25-JUL-2021 15:17:50 
 Re: Bozo Bezos is NOT an astronaut !   shatterbrain   25-JUL-2021 13:17:22 
 Re: Bozo Bezos is NOT an astronaut !   ShakyD   25-JUL-2021 00:43:58 
 Bozo Bezos is NOT an astronaut !   shatterbrain   24-JUL-2021 09:30:27 
 Re: Pasha and Aliona SURPRISE The Judges With an Unexpected...   snodrop   21-JUL-2021 15:02:48 
 Pasha and Aliona SURPRISE The Judges With an Unexpected Performance   kay.so.or   21-JUL-2021 10:33:21 
 These STRONG women deliver a FABULOUS dance act!   kay.so.or   20-JUL-2021 23:10:46 
 Re: They do? Huh...ya learn something new every day.   Redhart   19-JUL-2021 20:44:10 

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